Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5295 5290 ??? Breakthrough! ! ! ! !

Take the past, in the whole space, you have to soak one by one.

There is a refining flesh, which is simply in the torture.

His a whole day, the sword has no courage to jump into the second utensil.

What is determined by his determination, but he is hesitant to so long, but it is impossible to know how much he is suffering from it.


The sword is unbound, it is not resistant!

Daddy is not dizzy, it is just a feeling of a moment, fight!

However, after entering the second utensil, there is no feeling on the body, but there is another feeling that can't say it, let his flesh are very comfortable.

Almost soaked for a day, after going out.

His flesh has changed.

Those cyan scales are actually fading!

And his strength of his flesh is constantly making strong.

The biggest benefit is that there is no feeling of itching, which also gave him enough courage.

This time there is no breathing, I decided to enter the vessel again.

However, just jumped in, the feeling of itching again spread all over the whole body, and I made him dizzy.


Finally, it has brought this layer.

Next, it is the strongest refinement.


The ninth floor space.

A black robe has been waiting here, it is a mountain king.

The sword is not a double here, it is also a shock!

The chaotic is not open, the sky is a faint scarlet color.

Mountain monarch is sitting there, look at it, very close!

However, when moving the body, the sword was unparalleled, but he could not close to the mountains.


The sword is unparalleled, looking at the mountain, when I respect the mouth: "Senior?"


Next, a spatial crack leaked out a distressed throne, and there is a skeletal bone, and the decoration above and some ancient pendants.

This bone is estimated to have some years.

He also had a fragrant time here, but there is no prompt on the identity token.

This makes him somewhat passive, I don't know how it is good for a moment.

, ,.

The ancient note is surrounded, all of which is very weird.

The sword is unparalleled from a hint of notes, which is the magic sound on the Magical Mountain.

This ancient space, with the ancient throne.

What is this behind?

His mind has been continuously fulfilled.

"here is?"

"Cosmic source?"

The sword is unparalleled, and I suddenly thought about anything.

Isn't this the source of the cosmic copper furnace?

Although the source of the source is not the huge in the Magical Mountain, it can be not small, and like the origin on the Magical Shan, there are magical sounds.

"It turns out!"

The sword has no double heart!

This space, I am afraid it is not a trial tower!

So there is no prompt on the identity token.

It is probably the true core of the cosmic bin, represents the mountain monarch, and the note represents the source of the universe.

He was moved here, I am afraid it is because of the mountain.

It seems that it is not the blood of the emperor, but here!

No wonder the mountain will be so wasting, and become a flesh of the emperor's origin. It is because there is a better source, waiting for him to swallow.

A big fish with wings, wandering from chaotic sky, and the sound it exudes is the note.

Now there is only one idea in his heart, and it is also a fear.

This is the creation of the mountain monarch to him, but the creation itself is the treasure of the Polyson Temple. If he is so swallowed, I am afraid that the Buddha will not let go of the mountain.

Swords are unparalleled.

The mount of the mountain is there, there is a clear look at it, and there is hundreds of thousands of images in the eyes, which is constantly evolving.

The sword has seen a lot from it.

Although not expressed, it can be clear that since the mountain will put him in this place, I am afraid that it is for the source.

"In this case, this kind of love, my sword is unparalleled in the world, if there is a day, the world is only two."

The sword is unparalleled in the heart!

On that day, he had to have a way, and you will definitely remove the mountains in the town of the town.

Such a big kind of kindness, in addition to the teacher of Xuan Yi, no one is better than it.

Although I know the intention of the mountain.

Will him agree as the same kind, but these are outside the love.


This fish is very large, and the wings can cover the sky, the sound is like a beautiful Zen.

People are intoxicated.

Among them, one of them is more fascinated.

There is no double body shape with swords and disappears directly.

When you appear again, you have already reached your head.

The origin of its body is very gentle, this is the first time that the sword is unparalleled, so that he is not willing to swallow.

I have previously been in the big waste, and those who have dealive them are very violent. Even if they are the origin of the big fairy, he has absolute strength and cannot make it peace.

It can now be this universe source, but it is so gentle.

The sword is unparalleled, gently stroking the hard work, very smooth.

One hand, one hand, a powerful swallowing force, started to see the origin of this source, the sword is unparalleled, the body is trembled.

The power of the hospital is really amazing, and his native will continue to expand this moment.

The threshold of the source of the source is also trembling, shaking, and may break through.

The sentiment of the source of space is officially launched at this moment, thoroughly mastering the source of space, this is the source of the emperor to cultivate!

Now he is just a big Daman, actually, although only the first time, but his strength has changed.

He didn't expect that the first breakthrough is active!

Then it is a way!

The polar must have all the people in the universe.

The next thing is a sword, but unfortunately the swords in this source is too weak, and there is too much to improve his ultimate sword.

Instead, he saw a scene from it when he accepted these origins.

That scene is a pair of battlefields.

A woman wearing a light blue wide-sleeved fairy group stands on the battlefield, she is like a god, she is in the battlefield, and it is not dyed.

There is a long sword in her waist, with sheath.

Next, the woman's figure flashed, and the sword was unclear. In the end, she only saw a huge sword, from the sky, so that the entire battlefield was half a half.

This scene is too shocking, and the sword is unparalleled.

The woman described in the woman and Qiuhuang exists, very like!

At least the strength should be a level.

Just a short picture, the sword is unparalleled in mind.

The ultimate sword has also changed this moment.

In the huge sword, it is a huge cage.

The ultimate road!


This sword, he waited for too long.

The ultimate sword is the strongest killing means, and it has too much ancestors, the ultimate is more pure, and more complex him.

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