Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5296 5291?? Prison

This sword!

Falling from the sky, turning into a spherical cage, shrouded throughout the world.

This sword name "Prison"

One sword is prisoned, and everything can be done.

This is the seventh level of the ultimate sword!

The sword is unparalleled, and it feels a feeling of transparent.

A full range of breakthroughs, let him have some time I can't believe it.

This is the power of the universe.

Although it is just a small, he still benefits him.

It can even be said to be endless.

In the path of the path, there is more colorful origins, which is constantly spreading, gradually compatible with the path of the path.

This breakthrough, the sword is just a second, it is because the side of the picture is complete.

It really made him benefit from the source of the path.

The path is the most, and now he seems to be slowly digested, and it is not a problem.

The sword is unparalleled in the knee sitting in the deep space, and it is concentrated.

The trial of the flesh has long been thrown behind.

It is now critical to digest the changing the ancestral chamber.

Nine-turn Dad Diffusion, master the source of the space, the ultimate channel.

The former is the source of the emperor to master, the latter just reached the standard.

He now, the strength is too uneven, strong aspect is too strong, and weak aspect is too weak.


The sea of ​​the universe.

At this time, the true spirit, the news that is gone, just showing it again, this is not what he wants.

But it is not going, the big robbery, I can't get up, what is he taken.


The true spirits of the green beans were pulled a few times, and then quickly flip the sky.

In many days, he saw the sword is unparalleled, his face is black.

In particular, I saw the colorful universe origin in the sword.

"Zhu Yi!"

The true spirits roar.

Although the primitive circle is a chassis of Zhu Yifang, the controller of the whole border temple is him, a universe of the source, what is the valuable, it is swallowed by a big Deman.

If you are other people, it is best to look at the little monk in his life to absorb this source, maybe he is not too care.

But now I am actually swallowed by a little guy who has a swallowed power. This is simply challenging his majesty.

A roar, let the whole sea of ​​this source tremble.

Compared with the origins here, the universe is like a bowl of water in the sea.


Zhu Yi tears the space, instantly arrived at the sea of ​​this source.

She is cold and cold, seeing the true spirits of the fierce, frowning.

"grown ups!"

Zhu Yichao is very straightforward, it is not humble, and the eyebrows are full of boom.

The true spirit of standing in that loft saw Zhu Yixian, just to get angry, change it, just weakened the right to four temples, this time, because the universe is in the case of the trouble, I am afraid Change.

The face was eased, the true spirit coughed, faint: "Zhu Yixian, I seem to have a change in the original circles, seems to have something little?"

The words of true spirits said very kind. If it is not the establishment of the veteran house, he does not smell Zhu Yifang.

Now that the Temple is migrated, everything has to act carefully.

At the heart of the Polysman, after all, it is still a four temple. Although he is a word, it is not a rib, it is really a way to stand up, he can only suppress, it can only be suppressed, and he is still him.

The Xuanwu Temple has gradually been separated from the Polyson Temple. The big capital is outside the temple. You can get it off at any time, so he does not dare to sin, these people have to slow down, can't worry.

"Less things?"

Zhu Yisheng is sinking, what is the thoughts such as the seven , I thought about it.

Just thinking about some access to the true spirit.

When you are so dark, you shouldn't let Zhu Qi go to the Magic Mountain.

It is a problem in the Magic Mountain.

Zhu Qi and Mountain Jun can still have a layer of relationship, has not been broken!

But now, she can't leak the flaws in front of the true spirit, only to force the calm.

"I don't know, please ask the adults!"

The true spirit is a chappage, and his own site has a problem, let him express it.

However, I thought of a magazine.

"But I negated, the original circles are trying, you may forget this busy person, it is a problem."

The true spirit sighed, then she then said: "This is also blame, the original world is too much, there is some sundries, it is necessary to move to the four secrets, just now being smashed, I will see the Magical Mountain Move it! "

"Move it?"

Zhu Yixiao, is this not a grab?

"Adults, I don't think this, the little magic sound mountain moves, and there are some things." Zhu Yixiang advised.

The true spirit is a swing, smiling "I have to move, and I don't move by some people as private."

I really want him to say, this time the mountain will give the origin of the cosmic copper furnace to sword. The next time I will dare to send the cosmic copper furnace.

This has to be.

Cosmic copper furnace, no matter how it is a treasure of the universe, a source of this source will be given, I really want to give the cosmic furnace. He has to come back, and it will be lost at that time.

The true spirit waves, and a bubble is wrapped in Zhu Yes, and the two shouldered it.

"Zhu Yi, I remember that year, you put the mountain monarch in the magic city!" The true spirit asked casually.

He did not wake up, but some things still know.

The mountain will be suppressed by the Zhu Xue Temple. Zhu Yili will thrown him in the magic sound mountain, and it is stubborn, and the actual mountain is still quite free at the top of the mountain.

It is possible to walk on the hill, even because Zhu Qi's reasons, the mountain monarch is also in charge of the backyard of the Magic Shan, the town magic space.

According to the normal process, there is no devil who is decentralized, will be thrown into the jail.

But the mountains did not return, only did the third jail stayed out for a long time.

At the beginning, the reason why the reason was leaving, said that it was afraid that the mountain will fall in the third prison, and then suppressed in the Magic Mountain.

This reason is not looking for.

A top six-order, afraid of falling in the third jail.

Is it not possible to put in the fourth prison!

Now grab the handle, the reason is not to send him into a prison.

Third, then go to the second prison.

Let him see what is called jail, what is called purgatory.

In the third prison, it is the sixth order emperor.

The second prison can be to let the sixth order emperor die.

And in the history of the second prison, there is no history of the sixth order.

Some war criminals, or the five-level emperor who made a mistake, usually sent to the fourth prison.

If you want to kill those five-order, you will send it to the third prison. I was arrested by people in the old man, and I almost gave a third prison, but also a mountain guide helped, it saved.

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