In the end, I have a prison, and I have become a letter.

It is now settled in the old palace, the strength is completely recovered, and the wind is mixed.

The sixth order Emperor entered the second prison, just like the five-order episode entered the third prison, 90% of the landing rate.

It is ten dead nine students.

The inside is all ancient devil, or ancient murder beasts, every power is strong, has a six-order peak.

Although the mountain king is a magic master, he is suppressed to be suppressed for so long, just will throw it into the second prison, the days are not good, very big may fall.

The true spirit has long been looking at these devourd devils, and after it comes out.

The Lord of Wan Magic is even completely slavery, becoming a living target, turning hundreds of millions of division, giving big dean fairy and even the fairy as a foot stone.

As for the wind, I vote for the Xuanwu Temple. He is not inserted, but there are a few, he is ready to go, especially the heart, a wild, ambiguous guy, is not allowed.

There is ambition, power.

He is most afraid of the heart.

Although he is strong, it does not mean that the courage is big.

The true spirit blinks.

The Magic is the Lord of the Magic, and he can not be afraid.

Magic Mountain.

The sword is not aware of this side, because he devours the universe of the native, alarmed a big figure.

For him, the true spirit is indeed.

It is the day of the Temple, and even in the long-range long river in the original universe, it can be called a man.

Waving the existence of the universe, one inheriting the great character of the Polysman.

In the mystery, the time flow rate is very exaggerated.

The outside world may be just a time, but it has passed the millennium.


The sword is unmatched and completely digested the universe. His poorer is more full, and the power of everything will move.


Slowly holding a fist, a black Thunder surround.

This is not the force of the flesh, and he uses the power of the origination.

His current delay has begun to be relieved, and it has been turned into force, but it is only a little incomplete.

"I actually, I have mastered a little thing in advance."

After receiving the complete inheritance, Hui Qing, I got the power of the reincarnation. Now he did not cultivate with a painful school, but he mastered the unique power of all things in the universe.

He is still some understanding.

The power of Wan Dao, can master a little bit of the power in the most limit.

That way, his pole, it is very like the upgraded version of Wan Dao, which is more stable than the traffic, more powerful.

Since the masterpiece, from the beginning of the beginning of the power to swallow the power, there is now the power of all things, which also represents his guess is true.

Once his pass is broken to the seventh floor, his must truly master the force of swallowing, completely solve the thoughts of phagocytosis.

Moreover, the power of the seventh layer will be completely converted to the force of all things.

Now he is only mastering a little. Once you really master the power of everything, his strength at that time, I am afraid that it is strong than the general emperor.


He also listened to Qiu Huang, and when he introduced Wan Dao, there was no intention to say.

Unexpectedly, he did this ability.

"It's really interesting, now my strength, I am afraid that I can do invincible in the big Damai, this trial is not my interest."

Sword is unparalleled!

He didn't expect that this trip to the flesh was originally for super-flesh, and the result will make the source to break through, and his path has been grounded to the sixth floor.

The ultimate sword has joined the seventh floor.

This opportunity is seen in peace.

The current sword is unparalleled, and there have been some credits to the right. Although the Samper said, it is not difficult in the blessings of the people, but he can't do it.

The right way is the first step to become a strong.

Chemicals, all the way is a robbery, even if there is a top treasure, he doesn't dare.

When the last source of origins, the mysterious figure has also disappeared in the mysterious space after thoroughly fusion.

The knee is sitting in the central mountain, slowly getting up, and there is a star in the eyes.

First, I have a doubt about the sword, and then I have a pity to the skeleton on the throne.

"He, is not swallowing!"

The mountain monarch is somewhat embarrassed.

That kind of bones, he is deliberately released, I want to see the sword unparalleled reaction, and the sword is not a double response.

What is the power of sword in the sword?

In the mysterious space, only the mountain monarch is doubtful.

And the sword is unparalleled, has been transferred, the top of the trial tower.

Here, it represents the limit and success.

Once the nine refines, the flesh is completely satisfactory.

Although it is not congenital, it can be strong, and it is still uniform, perfect.

In the ancient times, that era focused on the flesh, but the era will have nine refining Tianjiao.

This day and age, or is this river of time and space tianjiao, do not pay attention to the flesh if successful, because no one would take the Godhead route.

too difficult!

Ancient times, several great beasts God's flesh and Godhead, to feed an era, what you may now have?

We can not go hunting to powerful special life itself it!

In the original universe, it is not obvious, if available in time and space the river, but very special life of unity, though not with the family, but it is similar.

Is unique and special life, they naturally hold together.

This is the Chishui emboldened, He has no roots, nor passive tie him down.

Original destroy the universe has nothing to do with him, big deal at running, go to the river of time and space, he can mix better.

Special hunting life, to go Godhead route, simply unrealistic.

In addition to this one, but the rest genius to treasure, these things are not major forces, who took it out.

If you want to get tens of thousands of pops, this resource is greatly broken.

So the moment, take the route of Godhead few can even say not many.

Also special life, will take this path.

Practitioner, they will not choose this path, have the courage, it is better to practice ten thousand schools, at least comparable to the ultimate way.

Godhead route, break times not necessarily be able to rival the ultimate Emperor.

Generally, it will increase the body to five thousand times, enough to withstand the source, more waste, 5 thousand times, the meat is not satisfactory, why bother to waste so many resources!

This is now practitioner concerns.

The sword is unparalleled. His original is very strong, and the body needs to be strong, and the strong flesh of the body is naturally satisfactory.

And it has to be extreme, so as to lay a solid foundation.

Ten million treasure point, what a lot of money.

Compared with after the road, this is something of what counted.

Enhance basis Godhead, that one is not a big expense.

This 4,000 times only, go down a thousand times, I'm afraid you have to treasure the point of need millions.

The more back, the more we need the accumulation of countless treasures.

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