Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5300, second prison

I haven't waited for Zhu Qi to open the mouth, Zhu Yixiang said first: "Zhu Qi is a small guy to enter the nine refining tower."

This thing is indeed her order. When Qiuhuang reported, she was also a little shocked. I didn't expect these big Damai, some people will come to the nine refining tower.

It is to know the threshold of the Jiuzhu Tower, it is a must.

Among these large-scale inheritors, only one of the babysis is a special life.

In the big dean of the big dean, there are several practitioners who have been plundered from other universe, and the five-order episodes have dispatched a number, but they have been brushed by her.

The special life of the body is not rare. Every universe will have a few unique special life. There is a special life of flesh and blood, plants or even liquid types.

These special lives are all the body.

This is not unpleasant. After they are born, it is 10,000 times, and the flesh is naturally powerful. It does not need to go to the nine refining tower at all.

She heard that the sword was unparalleled to enter the Jiuzhu Tower, and it was also shocked. Later, I wanted the sword where there was a beast. I was the ultimate way, I thought it was.

She is not the old ancient plate of Qiu Huang, and she has seen the sword unparalleled ambition, and she will send the sword without double. This magical sound mountain.

Now, things are in this, just don't know what the mountain is a problem, or the sword has no problem.

There is a little universe, this matter is big, saying that small is not small.

I really want to pursue it, Zhu Qi is afraid to suffer this time.

If you don't want to be punished, you have to hand in the Magic Mountain.

This time, it's hard to get two difficulties, and the magic sound hill wants to keep Zhu Qi to go in.

The true spirits smile more than, and turned to Zhu Yixi.

"Oh, I see!"

"In this case, the source of the universe of this magic sound mountain is done?"

The true spirit stared at Zhu Yixi, and he didn't look at the shackles of the mountain.

"Is she doing?" The true spirit pointed to Zhu Qi, the face is cold, and the momentum on the body is also rising.

Then point to the mountain monarch, cold channel: "Or this dirty crawler!"

Zhu Yisheng is cold, she has been sitting at the core of the original world, the layout of trial, know what happened here.

Faced with the rebuker of the true spirit, her face is not good.

The mountain monarch eyes scarlet, bite the : "Dead old man, I do it, what do you want to do!"

He didn't expect that the universe is given to the sword. There is no double will lead to such a big disaster. Even the true spirits come over.

But he can't say that the sword is unparalleled, because the spirit is not believed!

And the true spirit, , this time, it is for him, or for Zhu Yi.

Without the shelter of the Shuque Temple, his day can not be better.

The true spirit of the true spirit, keeping the mountain monarch, roaring: "Here I am not talking to you, shutting it up!"

A star light flashed, and the body of the mountain will be turned out in an instant, so that his breath suddenly decline.

Just means that his strength fell 30%.

If it is a true hand, I am afraid that I can kill him. Even if the Shan Jun also leaked the horror of horror, I really didn't dare to say a word again.

Zhu Qi in the side quickly squatted, and wanted to give the mountain monarch, but he was stopped by Zhu Yi.

Now, ask for death, can't have a handle to fall into the hands.

"Zhu Qi, there is nothing here!"

"What to do here, walk!"

Zhu Yixiang, his eyes are staring at the true spirit.

This time it seems to be fun, I really don't give it.

Now let Zhu Qi go, also protect her, no longer go, you can follow the mountains.

The true spirit is flashing, the spirit is turned, and the sound is low. "This time, even if it is, it is necessary to remember, the things of the Diva Temple are all left, not your own, understand Yet?"

Zhu Qi was sent to the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, the cold wind is linger.

Goose big snow suddenly came.

The reason why the Magic Mountain is black, in fact, because of the origin of the cosmic bronze furnace, now the origin is given by him, the fire is not.

The magic sound mountain recovered once.

The mountain will also prefer the current magic sound mountain, snow, just like he saw Zhu Ji.

Seeing Zhu Qixian Mountain, the mountain will also put down.

The rest of him, can't count, big deal to go to the third prison, anyway, there is no threat to him, as long as the strength is completely recovered, maybe there is still something comfortable than now.

The true spirits are spicy, and you will not know how the mountain will plan.

"Stealing from the origin of the Buddha, the sin of the mountain, you are sinful, and read the homology of the old man. "

The voice is just falling, don't say it is a mountain king, even Zhu Yi is shocked!

The second jail, 10,000 era, is this not going to die?

There is nothing difference with death.

What is the detention in the second prison, she will never forget.

Those things, she would rather die and do not want them.

Mountain monarch is the martial arts, compared with those existence, small dolls.

"You damn the old guy, there is a kind of kill me now, why is it so calculated!"

Mountain monarch knows the killing of the true spirit, nor is it afraid, and when you break the mouth.

The true spirit station is very enjoyable, and the eyes are very proud.

Turning to Zhu Yixi, then said: "Zhu Yixian, you have no objection!"

Zhu Yifu, I was stared at hair, and I didn't want to say more.

"Also, this magistan mountain, I will send it to the four major secrets, I will give it to the veteran house to take care, you have no opinion!"

Zhu bite his teeth and shook his head again. He suddenly thought of there was one person. She didn't want to give up hope. When I said: "Adults, there are people in the Magic Mountain, waiting for the little guy, I will pay for it. Magic Yushan sent four major secrets. "

It will be a meeting for a while, in case there is a change.

On the Magic Shan, in addition to the big clock, there is also a treasure of the universe, although the treasure is connected to the nine refining tower, no matter how it is also a complete universe, just send it to the veteran, she also Not willing.

"This doesn't have to worry, wait for him, I will send him back."

The true spirit is determined to recover the magical sound mountain.

Now the veteran hood is established, people hands are not lacking, but the lack of treasures!

Lack of the treasure of the cage.

And this magic sound mountain has this more than 10,000 emperors.

This moment, I thought of tens of thousands of emperors on the mountain. I will move to other long rivers, life is not familiar, and many people need to bring these emperors. Now it seems to be brought.

The so-called one stone, not only recovered the magic sound mountain, but also brought so many emperors to the veteran palace.

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