Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5301 Yuanyang Lake

Magic Mountain.

On the snow, countless emperors look up to the top of the mountain.

I just had the breath, let them dare to move, a shock of the world, and the power of the world will raise the whole magic sound.

"What is the power, how do I feel that the Magic Mountain is moving!"


Walking in the front, a few four-order peak emperor, can't help but shake!

One mountain road on the Magic Shan, is difficult, actually someone can move the magic sound mountain, this is how powerful.

Space change, fighting star shift!

The true spirit on the top of the mountain is very happy.

Moving the Magic Mountain is too simple to raise his hand.

A Bao Mountain was moved by him to the four major secrets and the core zone.

The core of the Past Temple.

Four major secrets, superimposing each other.

The most upstairs is the secret of the heavens, the vast number, except for the gods that are wide, the sky is still suspended with countless planets and land.

The civilization here is inherited from the legacy of the ancient times, and the major gates, the strength is very powerful.

Otherwise, the white tiger hall of the four temples will not be exhausted.

The following is the secret of the Tibetan Tibet.

The next mission below, more bloody than the sky, most of the people live in the tribal era, more ancient.

Even in some land, I can also see the ancient god of the run.

The secret of Tibet is not like a heaven, it is a whole.

The layout of the country is more like a universe and has fallen out of countless domain.

Looking away, the four secrets are divided into four layers, like a pavilion.

The people in the third floor is a magnificent universe, and there are still many galaxies and planets.

The most convenient is the secret of the gods, or the gods.

The cemetery of the disagreement.

In the past, several major secrets could not break the barrier to the god tomb. The power in the gods was too strong. The rules of the source were running, and there were some strong special life, some of whom special life, cultivated to the most peak, and actually broke the barrier. Escape into other secrets.

The strong people of other secrets, also vulnerable, sneak into the gods, looking for the legend of the "Disagreement of Disagree"

At that time, the White Tiger Temple and the Lingling people were all dispatched, they did not grab the special life.

In the end, Wanzang since the entrepreneur was found, and the White Tiger Union failed to suppress the existence, and even the sixth-order emperor, and eventually, the true spirit personally shot the opponent.

An indigenous people in the Polysman.

The true spirit is still kind, and there is no inevitable to suppress too much.

But the other party broke the barrier, so that the four secrets came to each other, which could not stay.

Nowadays, the four secrets can shuttle each other, and the gods will become the back garden of those indigenous emperors.

True Spirit personally, suppressed the other party, but also sent it to the second prison, when did it look down, when you come out, you will never be in the second prison.


Space shock!

Although Zhen Ling has already jumped out of space, it is necessary to force the four secrets, or it will cause a lot of vibration.

If it is the sixth order, I want to enter the four secrets, in addition to the transmission of the array, I can't come in.

On the power of true spirit, you can hard!

Just entering one of the four secret memories, the Baihu Temple stationed in the temple of the void, and immediately came.


The temple door opened.

The white armored tiger helmet war will take it.

His momentum is different from the people of other three temples.

A sauna, from his eyes.

After seeing the true spirit, it is not humble, just nodding.

In the four major temples, if you want to be the biggest force, it is not the Xuanwu of the Hall, but the core white tiger.

They took over the four secrets and didn't know how much powerful.

In the past few years, there have been a lot of sixth order.

When the discontinuation of the discovery of the people, he left a lot of protective God in the White Tiger Temple, and each of them was six top-level combat power.

And the white tiger temple is the master, and there is a treasure of the universe.

I used to kill together.

The war is extremely embarrassed.

I am afraid that I will have a war in the Qinglong Temple.

Zhu Yi and Xuan are not an opponent.

But the treasures and means, they are not the opponents of Zhu Yes and Xuan Yi.

The Xuanwu Temple has established a number of old nests, the solid gold soup being created inside, the Lord of the universe is not necessarily broken.

They are the first portal of the Polysman.

Overall, all the four main halls have done.

Each has its own strengths.

It is the veteran house, one is not a place, a group of defeated army.

At the beginning, the dog of the funeral is general, and I don't know why I will pay attention to this.

True Spirit saw that it is not good to say, and I want to say more words. In this case, it is better not to say.

I screamed, and the true spirit left this place with Zhu Yixian.

The secrets of the sky are extremely wide, even if the emperor cannot cross.

On the same way, I can shuttle at the same way.

The big camp of the veteran palace is arranged by the true spirit in the center of the Tianjie.

"Yuanyang Lake!"

Here is a good place, the ancient times moved from a cosmic core, and the Yuanyang Lake, which has been born.

Yuanyang's Lord.

Later, I was taken out by the wilderness of the wilderness, even his old nest moved into the Buddha.

After entering Yuanyang Lake, the real spirit reached the palm of the palm, floating out of the hill, and floating the snow.

The hill flew out from the true spirits, instantization of hundreds of millions of menstrual, and there was a unmanned island.

Although Yuanyang Lake is a lake, it is a real area, it is more than the big divert, and now a few people, there is a lot of empty places.

Month, the Magic Yushan has a lot of movement.

When I saw it, the middle-aged people took a breath and swallowed the throat, and I wanted to leave.

The coming is the disciple of discriminia, "Wu Zhi"

After a while in the White Tiger Temple, he saw the vast palace to start, and immediately turned into the veteran house.

The identity of the disciples of the disciple, not only has a lot of benefits, but also completely restores strength, although there is no bachelor, although there is no armor, others are extremely respectful to him, let it He has a feeling of returning to once.

Now I see the arrival of the arrival, I instantly willed.

The truth of this true spirit, he is seen, even the four major temples dare to move, don't say that he is a waste-name disciple.

By the way, the true spirit has been abolished by his name disciples.

"Xiaoxu Z. What are you running, see this seat, not to see!"

The true spirits stared at the left.

Their boy fell, the rest of the gods were accused, and even the emperors were falling into sleep.

The disciple of the disciples, except for each of the union of the union, in addition to falling, there is no ignorant of Wu Zuo.

He was left in the beginning, he still had a face, even more, but also wanted to take the opportunity to control the Buddha.

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