Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5303 5298 Chapter ??

The sword is unparalleled to die, and as long as the flesh is completed, he will rely on the body to resist.

But now there is still some distances.

The distance is successful, and it takes a few more than ten years.

But he can't wait to wait, then go on this, he can have a danger of falling.

You can only give up.

I spent such a great effort, the last half of the treasures, I threw into the cosmic copper furnace, he is not willing!


There is a lot of cracks on the body.

"I can't do so much!"

He is ready to break the boat.

Broken body, broken flesh, the two don't know what will happen!

The sword is unparalleled for one, regardless of the injury of the two, directly integrated.

Perfect fit!

Also, this is his flesh, if it is not fit, it is blamed.

The two are broken, swallow each other, integrate!


The sword is unparalleled, and the body is finally not damaged, but the flesh has not been completed. He integrates the origin and its origin, but the order is wrong.

The reason why the flesh should be taken separately, that is, it is afraid that the will of the inheritor can not stand it.

The super-product flesh is not destroyed, but the will offend, people can not.

At this point, the sword is unparalleled. Just loose a sigh of relief, the flames of the hardened flesh will fall from the sky, and together with the origin of his originally fused.

The burning feeling is 10,000 times higher than the temperature in the copper furnace.

In an instant, let his body collapsed, and the source is also extinguished.

Death is only in an instant!

His willpower is still good, there is no collections, but the flame continues to quench, he is also difficult to stop.

"Do not!"

The sword is unparalleled, but the will not obey the whole body.


Both of them.

An ultra-off, once success is the existence of the universe.

Another thing is death!

The sword is unparalleled. Obviously death is super off.

The origin is exhausted, and the body is collapsed, and the rest is the use of the flesh.

Will slowly change.

In front of the scene, the scene is rotated.

"Is it dead?"

The sword is unparalleled, I don't dare to blink, I don't want to let every scene, that all have to guard.

Have a different mind, master, brother, and the world he wants to guard.

These things have been forgotten after he enters the Prank Temple, or the active giving up, because he wants to take the road of God.

Since ancient times, it should be removed from the past.

Before falling, he didn't expect that memories were not the road to the Emperor, but a valuable thing.

"Xuan Yi, Lao Zun, forever!"

The dead!

The will completely collapse.

The sword is unparalleled in the outside, with a longitudinal and horizontal.

The time of cultivation is time to accelerate, but it is more uncapable.

When the light is a starry sky, he practiced and didn't know how much hundreds of millions of years.

The moment of remembering, the moment, a truly fragments drifted into the native of the native of the universe.

The temple, the sea of ​​this source.

In the heart of the sea.

I have just returned, I found a false fallen of the sword.

A happy heart!

There is a power of swing in the sword, he has not understood that it is the inheritance of the body's left, is it obtained by this kid?

Still this kid yourself.

Whether it is that possible, he doesn't want to see the sword is unparalleled to continue.

Regardless of walking that, even if it becomes the Lord of the Universe, it will eventually fall.

Why should you waste so many opportunities!

Although I don't want to sword, I'm also regretful, the ultimate path, Wan Doubled, the super-product flesh is clear, not to go to nine refining, now the fall, and no wonder.

Such a day is arrogant, if it is not a power to swallow the power, he has already treated it, just like Hui Qing.

However, in his opinion, Huqing's potential is still weak in the sword.

Huqing's foundation is more solid, this is because of the cause of the past, and the ultimate cultivation is a Zen machine. In the future, it will be one of the most difficult emilings, one of the most difficult, and a ratio of heart practitioners.

Zen machine, good at deduction.

Hui Qing's body is weak, and the treasure of the people in the future is smashed, and the war is in the forefront. The emperor must be generous.

Even if you can't get on the top, you can also dominate the emperor in the future.

Just like the sword of Jianxian, an invincible emperor, the emperor strong is a sword in front of her.

Compared with these characters, the sword is unbound is a strong force that has no rise.

Falling, life!

In the heart of the sea, the true spirit waves, and time is still.

He wants to see when the sword is unparalleled.

A timeline is a sword where the sword is unparalleled.

There is no danger of jumping time, every life is a line.

The picture is flipped.

In the wild, the sword is unparalleled, and the emperor will be blocked.

On the white bone road, it is trapped into the corpse big army.

I also saw Huiqing at that time!

I even saw Hui Qing awakening, and I was a complete battle with nine.

Time is launched, until the sword is unpaid, the moment!


The true spirit looked at a large string timeline in the middle, no matter how to drag, the picture is still stationary.

However, there is a long time, there is a long time, when it is going to the end, the picture starts to move, and it is a few pieces of death.

"What happened in this middle?"

This time is shocked!

He can't see the middle process.

It is clear that there is a major timeline, and it can't view it for hundreds of millions of years.

Is the sword unparalleled time?

This is impossible, a big dermndating jumper time.

I can't believe it, I don't want to believe it.

I didn't get out of the timeline. I didn't fall out of time.

Also some to treasures can do small out of time, such as in the hearts of the Hall.

"No, this is still not falling!"

The true spirit immediately got up, and personally manipulated the Heaven Hall, put the sword unparalleled true spirit, income in the temple, and put it into a green vial.

Subsequently, the knee is sitting before the chess.

Mobilize the sea of ​​the entire universe and stimulate the power of the Heart Hall.

According to the sword unparalleled true spirit, he can find that the timeline of the paragraph and see what happened.

If the sword is unparalleled, he has to suspect that the sword is unparalleled is the reincarnation of a large person.

It is also possible to see strength.

Nine Tong Damai, actually compared to the emperor.

All-round powerful, 5 thousand times, and the column of this source must be strong.

If this is the case, he has to change the view of the sword unparalleled, and it can't be pressed, but it has to be supplied.

The existence of the jumping time line!

This kind of person has never seen a few people.

Big person!

The true spirit took a breath and turned out the timeline.

It is indeed a jumping time.

That is a starry sky, very beautiful!

People are intoxicated.

"Star Chart?"

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