Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5304 5299 Chapter? One eye

The true spirit is rubbing down!

It seems like a wide starry sky, the sword is unparalleled, this star empty picture is more like the whole world.

When I saw the last, I couldn't help but suck a cold, the starry sky actually existed, the jumping time, the space was viewed in a piece of paper.

What a means of this is horrible!


The picture suddenly rotates, in the endless star air, the universe is a gravel, and the long-term long river is pulse, which is very small.

Just when the true spirit is still looking down, the endless star air, suddenly opens an eye, huge eyes stare at the green beans of the true spirit.

Directly scared the true spirit, even busy drawing, but I can't quit.


The true spirit scared directly on the ground.

what is that?

"Seniors ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

The true spirit is not all, and I'm busy.

A eye has made the whole sea of ​​universe shocked. If it is not the heart of the Hall, I am afraid that the universe has to collapse.

When I was again, when I raised my head, the eye was slowly closed.

The owner of the eyes is like a front void.

The strength of the true spirit, can't see its true body.

When he completely disappeared, he slowed a breath.

I don't know if I have a cold sweat behind it!

The sword is unparalleled, he does not dare to look down again, and quickly take the fragments in the bottle, re-send it back to the Magic Mountain.

After all, I'm re-arranged in the heart of the Hall, completely isolated everything, after the time, immediately joined Xuanyi.

Some of the unsatisfactory truth, even directly open the hearts of the sea, do not hesitate to consume the source of the universe, and directly moved the mysterious one.

It is still in the Xuanyi, who is also a jealous, and finds yourself to the Heart Hall, and suddenly feels nothing.

I saw a big event when I saw the true look.

Two people have a long talk, this time talking, extremely hidden, with the blessing of the Heart Hall, even if the existence of the jumping timeline is unable to view.

In this way, the true spirit also felt not safe. Since he saw the eyes, he felt behind him, and he felt that it was not safe in the Heart Hall.

Talk to Xuan Yi, is also extremely nervous, saying that the sword is unparalleled, more careful.

The owner of the eye is absolutely strong than the discord of the bay.


Site is still afraid.

"You don't have a small point, pay attention to the system!" The true spirit quickly waved to show the mysterious low.

The Xuan Yi, which can sit there is silence, caught in thinking.

At the beginning, the predecessor, when he found him, he did say that this world has a strong person to be born.

But the power, according to the information description, not the sword is unparalleled.

Do you say that there are two powerful people, or the seniors are short-lived, which is obviously unlikely, the predecessor is also the existence of the jumping timeline.

He predicted that there will be a world robbery in the future. At that time, it will be born, and it is necessary to accompany the triberator of the long-term long river to create the existence.

Xuanyi is a real turtle, his eyes are very similar to the true spirit, and the green bean eye has been rotating.

"Turtle snake, what do you think, the seniors say something!" The true spirit is urgent, some impatient.

Xuanyi suddenly woke up and took a look at the board.

"I seem to understand, the predecessor came to this world, I am afraid I predict that he uses my name, and every domain in this universe is left, it has cultivated a lot of strong, this You can see the timelines of the big Deman, the seniors are also arranged. "

The true spirits, the sound is low, "Xuan Yi ........."

A brother big Dairy appeared in front of him.

Finally, I shook my head and sonned: "Only in the sword is unparalleled, there is a little problem called Xuan Yi, the other is not very compliant, there is a big Damadam's little mystery, which is not likely. "

"But there is a little, I don't quite understand, this existence can jump off the timeline, cover your own, why can I see it!"

The true spirit said the doubts in my heart.

"Maybe, he also added it?"

The two talks are abundant!

If this is true, he will consider it. Do you want to throw out the sword, this is a scourge, and it will be a long-term burial.

However, the eyes in the stars have always made the true spirit hesitate.

He is now very regretted to turn over the sword unparalleled timeline. If you don't look at what is going, let the sword are unparalleled directly, and he will not worry in his heart.

"I see the relationship between the two, the existence you said, the seniors I have seen are very different, it should be not alone, the sword is not double, the best, the one we have to find, may not Entering the Temple, migrating things, it is best to implement it quickly, so on, pick a strong time and space! This also has a buffering room. "

Xuan Yi said, the true spirit also nodded, and finally he looked at Xuanyi.

After the mysterious walk, the true spirit was standing next to the pillars of the heart of the sea, the eyes were deep.

Obviously, in the aftertaste.

This time and space is easy to destroy?


This time and space is too weak. The Lord of the universe is the legend, and you can subverse it.

But if you go to, some powerful time and space, there is a long-term long river that is eternal forces sitting in the town.

Then I maybe it.

If it is true in the Polysman, he will see the scene.

No matter what to say, it is the strong people who come out, and the discriminates can be great again.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

"It should be not him!"

Although all traces are unparalleled, he has a hunch, it will not be a sword, but another person.

In a picture, he saw the big Dairy.

Although the hidden is very deep, countless practitioners will encounter some benefactors, or a strong master, or a mysterious master.

However, there is a big Dai Dynasty. He encountered several powerful masters. There is still someone behind these masters, and there is one of those people, there is no timeline, or some fake timeline.

That existence is the senior in the Xuan Yikou.

The sword is unparalleled!

As for the eye, he didn't dare to explore again, and the sword was very long.

At a glance, wear the original boundary, on a primary star, a nine transparency, the camouflage nine turn, the whole Damai, the whole house practice.

He is an original star, a recognized first power.

There is an emperor strength.

One person swept across the original star, the second stage trial, but also no pressure swept countless magic.

The true spirit deeply wrote this person, and the heart has intended.

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