Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5308 ?? God Stone

"Leight, let's go to the city mainier, I am a friend with an emperor of the city owner. They will arrange people to send us to the Shang Qing Palace." Ge Lao took forward, the face pleats were trembling.

"Well, it's time to find a place to clean it!"

At the same time, there is a group of people, their destination is also the Shangqing Palace.

One line of thirteen, there is a little old.

The first is a green shirt, and it is also a third-order Emperor. Some strange is that he is still a broken sword.

This habit of the back sword, very many practitioners will have, let alone back the sword.

The remaining three people are Taojun, nine people are half ahead.

"One hundred gods!" In addition to the transmission, the cold voice came from a Daojun guard.

The green shirt is a full and unique one hundred gods. This can be the hard-selling of the four secrets. Each god contains the source of space. Although it is extremely rare, it can also be a lot!

If it is converted into the value of the outside world, almost a god stone is an ordinary temple.

"Nie Shushu, we didn't pay the gods in Yu Yu City, why have you given it a hundred!" The girl wearing a gazapk, the small face is round, very people.

Still not to answer the Nie Shushu to answer, the identity of the identity that has not left, but took the words.

"Little girl, this is a rule, the rule of the temple, ask your teacher uncle dares to touch, if you dare, you can go back to that hundred gods!"

"Is you? Wei Liang!" The older turned his head and recognized the opening of the opening.

They are all the strong people in Yu Yu, almost all understand.

It's just that they are not going to head.

Ge Lao saw the head of Nie surnamed the head and cold his face.


Just when the two gangs were confronted, they were divided into three layers of transmission to send a burst!

"Fast, it is the third layer of transmission array, cross-state delivery! The Zongmen Festival in the Qing Dynasty actually comes from other great powers!"

! !

The two people appear in the third layer of transmission!

Transmitted cross-state, generally the strong people of three-level emperor, and even the fourth-order episode.

However, as long as the other party is not a six-order Emperor, then this oil is given.

This time is the black emperor of the city owner, personally welcome.

"Cross State Transfer, One Thousand God!" Black Emperor's voice was gentle, although he was in a high position, but for those strong emperors, there is still necessary.

In the transfer array, one less old.

Their two are also the first time to come here. The transfer arrays are not yet, they will hear a thousand gods, and some are somewhat.


"That is something!"

The two are the sheep three mens and swords from Yuanyang Lake.

The black emperor, saw the expression of the two, some surprised.

God did not know how these two people entered the transfer array.

The power is moved, and the upper and lower.

The old strength is not seen, and the small look of this source is the emperor, but the breath is a monk.


These two people are very strange.

However, the black emperor, as a person of the city mainfate, but the Tiger Temple, he is naturally not afraid, and when the city is the city.

"This Taoist, I am not joking, I don't know how God, how do you sit on the transfer array!" The voice of the black emperor has been getting cold.

Many people who transmit the array have also leaked the surprised expression.

These two people have to be unlucky!

The transfer array is not a city owner, but the temple, no one dares to provoke the majestic temple.

The sixth order emperor can't.


The temper of the old man is quirky, see the other party is so disrespectful, when you have to do it.

He is the five-order peak emperor, but also good at refining the emperor of the treasure, the identity can be comparable to the sixth order Emperor, and even the people of the universe are very polite.

Now a small third-order epidermount, dare to be so disrespectful.

Black Emperor, obviously also felt the meaning of threats, when an angry, "bold!"

The voice is just falling, and people have not retired.

The old man is a claw, and the big palm directly pinches the black emperor.

Such violent atmosphere, instantly vibrate the entire transfer array, and even affect the array of transfer arrays.

"It's over!"

Many people have retired, they are on a distance.

They believe that these two must be finished, and they dare to do their hands on the mainfare of the city owner.

! ! !

Digital people's shadows, they dressed in silver robes, this is the emperor of the White Tiger Temple to be here, the first is the five-order episode, the rest of the weakest is the fourth-order peak, and the foot is nine people.

At the same time, the emperor of the city mainfate has also rushed over, so the movement is directly awaiting the city owner.

He took three fourth-order episodes, plus herself is four.

In an instant, the strongest number of emperors have gathered!

"Your good courage, dare to be here!" The first five-level emperor, wearing golden robe.

This is the power of the Hall of the White Trill, the fighting power of the five-order episode.

In addition to the palace, the White Tiger Temple also has countless outer temples.

The three halls of the heavens, the city of Shaoli is the land temple, sitting here is the five-level Golden Emperor.

The entire stream is only a Temple, not in Shaoli City, in the Tiangui, is the older, the strongest person in the sixth order, four secrets.

It is also the highest position.

The white Tiger Temple, has established a record throughout the North, just like a stream of Zhongzhou.

The golden clothes deacon is the five-order episode, with the old man of the Yangjiao, but the war is different.

Just like ordinary nine translators and swords are unparalleled.

There is too much difference.

"Oh, your white tiger temple is really a big official!" Yangjiao's old man is cold.

The entire North Room is now saved by the true spirit, and the white Tiger Temple should be renamed here.

After the sword is unparalleled, after the old man of the Yangjiao, the first time I saw the old man in the old man, the same shocking.

He is not worried about how these people dare.

The veteran palace is the same as the White Tiger Temple, which is the core forces of the Diva Temple. No one will be difficult for them.

"Provocation of the god hall, be!"

Jin Yidi Jun took a long knife and scored a knife.

The rest of the emperor also rushed together. So many emperors fight, even if the city of Sha Luo is sturdy, I am afraid that it has been damaged.

The city owner, his face is dignified.

How many years didn't encounter this kind of hero, how to prejet him.

Once the big array of Sha Luo City is damaged, it is not necessarily here again, and it is because of the top three in the stream in Yunzhou, it is because of this big array!

Boom! ! !

Countless groups have been clamped by the old clams, and they will take a point, and then remove a red gourd from the waist.

In the sky, only the broken space is left, but there is no damage to damage.

"The news is full of fire, and the city is coming, and it is suspected to meet the sixth order emperor!" Jin Yidi's face.

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