Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5309 5304? Fire

This time I didn't know that the other party was endless. Once he was definitely finished, he had encountered a six-order episode. The other party really did not accept the temple, and he kill him, and there was no place to say.

"If there is not much time, you have to teach you!" The old man snorted.

This time only two days, hurry to go to the vicinity of the ancient temples with swords, you have to go back.

"let's go!"

The old man took out the ancient boat, with the sword, there was no double, the ancient boat, just left, the space in Sharo City was shocked, and there was a failure.


Where you have, the flame is liter.

A illusive face appeared in the sky, staring at the old man and swords.

"Three eyes brother, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

The hot people in the sky, the sound is majestic, and there are four squares when opening.

If the majesty is lowered, I am afraid that the entire Sharon is destroyed.

The old man grinned, raising his hand to the sky, excited: "Fire, you are still alive!"

The sword is unparalleled, and there is a breath.

These four secret memories, really strong, they have just come to Sha Luo City, I have encountered one.

Of course, if they don't have their hands, I am afraid that I will see a six-order episode.

Jin Yidi is a little bit, listening to the old man of the Yangjiao, as if the other party knows the fire.


The face in the sky is a law of the fire, and people have come until the law has come, and they have been almost breathing, and the present is coming over.

Looking at the close, the fire is full of purple robes, full of red, and faces.

"Hahaha, you are still alive, how can I die!" The face of the fire is the same as the temper, it is extremely high.

"It is also, you have been in the sky, there is no station!" Yangjiao old sigh.

In the ancient times, they met, when they were all five-order episodes, now the fire is already there, and it is still the Lord of the Tiandian Temple of the White Tree.

And the old man is still fiveth order, named in the venery, the one-word element, the identity is the same.

For the fire, step on the ancient boat, he took the shoulders of the old man who took the old man, excited: "Go, let me go, we have a long time."

"Here?" Yang's old man, refers to those emperors.

The fire has turned to those emperors, cold channel: "Today's things, when you haven't happened, do you understand?"

"Yes!" Jin Yidijun, full of sweat, and quickly smashed.

Its emperor is even more atmosphere, this is the main hall of the Temple, the sixth order emperor, and the mouth can destroy them.

Who dares to resist the entire North?

"Fire, I am coming here, I have a task." Yang's old man also wants to be older with this old friend, but there is a sword with swords, he is a guarantee in front of the chest.

The sword is unparalleled and said: "Yang's predecessors, you can turn your own!"

He can come here, and a person has turned around in the city of Sharo. It is not necessary to let Yangjiao's old man accompany him.

When the fire, he listened to this, he looked at the sword.

As a six-order episode, what eye, I saw the difference between the sword unparalleled.

Nine Tong Dami, the source exceeds a lot of emperors.

And the atmosphere is different from the practitioners in the four secrets!

"Is this a inheritor?" The fire emperor jammed.

Inheritors' things, he is not good, can only pass the old man.

This is the directive issued by the Baihu Ma Shi, although he is a sixth order episode, but he can't disobey the Bai Tiger Temple.

"Yes! Not a general inheritor, Wu Zuo brothers makes me transferred him in the North Room, I have to send back to the original world for two days." Yangjiao's old man replied.

After listening to the name of the Wu Zhi, the fire is hit.

That existence, the identity is much higher than him, but is a name disciple of the disagreement, his ordinary decrement, can not dare to violate.

Delively of the fire, the sword is unparalleled with the old man, sitting in the ancient boat left Sha Luo City.

On onlookers, although I don't know what they said, I can understand that the identity of these two people is not general, and the strength is extremely powerful.

Looking at the direction of the goose's old man, the face of the fire is also cold, turning to look at the Jindi Jun.

"After doing things, I have a low-key, I will not talk so much next time!" After saying it, I left this place.

He is not a threat, but the whole heaven is changed in the future.

Baihu Temple is not a big one.

In the Yuan House, he knows, and there will be a large number of inheritors behind, those who are screened, will enter the heavenly memorial in the future.

This is so mad, and there will be punishment.

Things end!

Jin Yidi knew yoked with people left, the city of Sha Luo City, is the edge of the margin, and there is no one.

This is also a sad!

This dispute is a white tiger temple to solve it. It is not a white tiger temple. It is still difficult to say that there is no white tiger temple.

After separating, the crowded people began to spread.

The young master and eyes are called Wei Liang.

This is also planned to go to the city owner to meet the city owner, and now it seems that this is not necessary, or directly to the Shang Qing Palace!

Now that the mood of the city is afraid that it is not very good, they will meet and eat closed doors.

If it is usually, the city owner also likes to receive the leader of some of the young people.

After leaving people in a hurry, the Lord Wei Liang took the man who was carrying the sword.

Like them, there are several teams, they all walk towards one place.

"Nie Shushu, just the purple dress, who?" On a leaf chargon, the brother of the gods asked curious.

Many people are now discussing just something.

After all, the road is far away, there is no way to concentrate on the road, and I have been talking about just something.

Nie Yuan's eyes are deep, and it is likely to be related to his broken sword.

However, after hearing the curiosity of the girl, I still leaked a little smile, a light reply: "The existence is the strongest person in our street, the main hall, the fire is full!"

"It's more powerful than the Supreme of the Qing Dynasty?" The girl was surprised!

After Nie Yuan heard the words of the Shang Qing Palace, the eyes were like a variety of people, and the arms were trembled.

At this time, the wind is over, and it will be considered.

Nie Yuan is not light, and even the left arm is broken.

In the end, he just shaken his head, no more.

The sword is unparalleled, sitting with the old man in ancient boat in the old billet with the old man.

Watching all the way, there is no difference between the scenes and the outside world.

Zongmen Lin Li, just less people, or there is no mortal.

At this time, he in his hand, and a pan-yellow ancient book, which records all the secrets of the secret articles in the secret articles.

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