Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5310 ?? Shangqing Palace

"Kid, this time we have to go, the Shangqing Palace, this is the superior palace, this afroem door is very famous in the four secrets. Since the opening of the open, there have been two six-order emperor, including the Qing Dao people. It is also the existence of the six-order peak. The current owner is also a six-order existence. Although the strength is not as good as the ancestor, the potential is the upper number of the Northern Board, and there is a large upper body space. "

I heard a big string of Yang's old man, the sword is unparalleled to see the relevant records of the Shangqing Palace.

Shangqing people, from the end of the tiny, create a Qing Dynasty, the top and down the sword, is the Sword Supreme!

After the god tomb, I was sent to the third jail to hold a hundredth of the year. After the release, after the mid millions of years of the criminals, returning to the Shangqing Palace, has not been out.

Yu Qingzun!

At the hands of the palace master, the swordsman, but the sixth generation of the Qing Palace, the rise of 100,000 yuan.

Remarks the deeds of the Qing Dynasty, only less than halfpage.

But use the sword up and down, but it has evoke his interest.

On the record, the Shangqing Palace, each era will open the mountain, invites the Northern Bojing and the entire heavenly Daman to the Shang Qing Palace, and the sword tide.

Every sword tide will attract a lot of strong, and even some five-order emperor will go.

This time, the sword is not a double luck, just in the sword of this era.

He is going to see, how is this sword?

I am also the ultimate way, in this regard in the sword, I have been pursuing, the big company is very small than him, in the original star, I have not encountered a sword.

This time, you can watch it, ancient swords, how strong.


The ancient boat is fully accelerated, and it takes only a quarter to reach the Shang Qing Palace.

It was originally established in Sharon City, which was also because of the cause of the supernatant.

On this way, swords are unparalleled. They also encountered a lot of peers, they are the team to go to the Qing Dynasty.

Most of them are some third-order episodes with a group of people.

I rarely encountered the fourth-order Emperor, as for the five-order Emperor, it was no longer encountered.

The speed of the ancient boat, let everyone look like it, after all, is eternal to Bao, although this is one of the four secrets.

Evergrand to the treasure is equally rare, under the five-order emperor, there are still few people with eternal tobao.

The people who saw the sword were unparalleled, they all made the road.

It must be a big person by riding the people of eternal to treasure.

Among the entire Northern Boy.


A variation in the face of the eye.

The sword is unparalleled, come to the ancient boat, with the fisherman side by side.

The outline of the Qing Dynasty is already able to see probably.

A majestic mountain range, stretching hundreds of millions, can't see the end.

On the main mountain, a huge waterfall can see a clear from the distance.

Getting closer, the more clear the appearance of the supernatant.


The ancient boat suddenly stopped, and the front showed a junction.

In this case, there are many people.

The disciples of the Shangqing Palace are old, and they will receive the power of other sectors.

When I saw an ancient boat, an old man in the Qing Dynasty, the face changed, and when I quickly sounded.

After a while, a middle-aged man in a light yellow robes passed from the juncture.

"Fast, it is the nine sword of the Shang Qing Palace!"

There are many people who come in a place.

The nine swords, nine old age.

Everyone is the five-order emperor, the strong people of the Shangqing Palace, nor is it supported by the sixth order, the most famous of the Qing Palace is also the nine sword in the emperor, and the thirteen too swords in Daojun.

They are almost invincible in the same order.

Especially the thirteen of the swords in Dajun, each is comparable to the Jun Junqiang, and it is also the source of the sword. Their combat power is extremely strong, and there is a great enemy in the same order.

The reason why attracting so many Daojun, that is, in order to challenge the Thirteen Temacea's sword Tianjiao.

The nine sword is moving, and it is coming to the ancient boat, and I'm going to see the road. "But the Yang's predecessor is coming!"

"Oh! Do you know me?"

The old man of the Yangjiao is a little surprised. Although he heard of the Shang Qing Palace, don't know them!

"It is the fire of the fire, my family, the late generation!"

The nine sword is very respectful.

After all, there is a big relationship with the fire.

The whole stream is the strongest person, but it is absolutely high-spirited.

The rest is the ancestor.

A person who is up and down with the ancestors, how do they dare to neglect, although only passing, but they still follow the highest specifications.

The old man with the sword has not doubled the ancient boat, and nodded.

This is different from the temperament of the fire. The previous fire can not be so careless.

It seems that many people have changed these years.

All of this, the three glasses of the sheep are blamed on the white tiger temple.

If it is before, he will also have a fear of the white tiger temple, but now you can't say it, say it is a group of , is not good to listen to the Emunification.

The strength of the truth, the Baihu Temple even the sixth order episodes, there are not a few, and they are all .

That is, the name of the disagreement is to attract so many people.

"Seniors, here!" The nine swords took them two people and passed through the comic.

The scene in front of you is more realistic, this mountain is just a world of swords.

Birds and flowers, like a fairyland.

This is different from the point of this book.

On the book, there are more shortness of the Northern Aye, and now it seems very good!

If this is a very wild, what is the original universe of the outside world?

There are many borders who have encountered on the road, there are many things that are worse than Yuanyang Lake, and the difference is that the cultivation is not as good as Yuanyang Lake.

"Yang predecessors, no pair of friends, the front is watching the Chaoge, the location has been arranged, please enter the whole!" The Jiujian is old.

The sword is unpaired, the whole viewing palace is extremely vast, and now many people have already left.

"Well, thank you!"

The old man of the Yangjiao, the sword is unparalleled, but it is so proud, and I am busy.

The seat is in the first row, tightly in the position of the palace master.

It is the five-order episode, and those who are not eligible to enter the first row, even if they are the second row.

The sword is unparalleled, but the first row is only one big Dairy.

After landing, many people looked over!

"Who is this person?"

"I actually let the nine swords live in personally, and a Daojun actually landed the first row."

Many fourth-order episodes are sitting in the second row, sitting in the first row is not a five-order episode, is some famous Mandi.

The weakest is the fourth-order emperor, and now I am sitting in parallel with a Daojun.

And the location of the Daojun landed, is like the palace of the palace.

One time, a lot of turmoil.

Although there is a question, no one dares to go to the face, after all, is the arrangement of the Shangqing Palace, they are just guests.

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