Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5311 5306 ???

Guan Chaoge.

The sword tide, also watch the water, more view the world.

Inside the Tongchao, there are tens of thousands of farmways, with some young men, they are all the roads of all localities or emperors.

In the future, it will step into the emperor level.

In ancient times, there is a complete legal door, just enter the Taojun level, almost all be successful.

But for the ultimate channel, there is no information.

This may be related to the old man of the Yangjiao, and the day after tomorrow is the sky.

Not to mention, he is not only the ultimate way, and there is a more anticore.

It is a little very curious. Many of these Daojun, there are many half-step emperors, and even in the Qing Dynasty is also comparable to the existence of the emperor.

These people are not the ultimate way, how to fight so terrible!

There is not long after the two, and the discussion of the back row is also stopped.

Many emperors have just arrived from Sha Luo City. I know that the identity of the sword is unparalleled. After talking about the things in Shaolo, there is no one dare to say anything.

The temple, in the four secrets, is the existence of undeciable, and people who can relate to the temple must not be a simple person.

No wonder, you will be able to send nine swords, welcome, and so polite.

The comprehensive strength of the stream is also the top world of the upper number in the North, which will not set up a sky here, so that the fire is inactivated.

The light is five-order power in the stream, there is five.

Five-order strong, there is hundreds of hundreds.

Such a huge power is stronger than the entire primitive universe.

If all the forces in the Temple are concentrated together, in this time and space, there is a large power of a number of upper.

In the long river of time and space, countless universal coexistence.

The minority of the universe is the third-order Emperor, and there is a five-order, even the sixth order emperor.

But the outside world, most of the original origin, but there is a few weakened in the treasure.

The longevity of the Polyson Temple is inheriting and going to Baoguo, but weakness is also very obvious, and the indigenous people in the Polyson Temple are born in the birth of the buddy.

Although the origin of the discrimination is a lot more than the universe, it is not the origin of the strong, so the strong, in this area, it is a few in this regard.

This is also a lot of emperors, watching the sword unparalleled places.

Sword is unparalleled now, there is a lot of power than the average indigenous emperor, but the realm and inheritance is a lot.

Especially the aspect of the body.

Among the four major secrets, there are many people who walk the gentle genre. When they are in the jun, there are seven or eight thousand dawns.

Once the coordinates succeed, there is a dioximal body.

And there is also the secret law of the body, and you can practice in the emperor, you can also increase the body.

The swords of these people were unparalleled, and they found a lot of paint practitioners, and their breath has a significant difference from others.

Especially the road behind him, his body is nine thousand, and it is a strong person who has been the edge of the past.

After a little moving, the sword is unparalleled.

On the other side, there is a dawn of 10,000, and the strong in the conscious is like a mountain, but he is just a seedlings.

Although I don't know if the specific population is multiplied, the sword is unparalleled. The opponent has two thousand times.

Otherwise, there is no such pressure.

"The ancient temples are not in general, the strongest special life in the outside world is only 10,000 times, even if it goes to the emperor, I am afraid it is not so powerful." The sword didn't sway his head, people were more popular.

Ancients have his envy, but the indigenous people of the Disposal Temple, if you know how strong the top of the outside world, you will envy them.

The strong, pushing the cup, and the respective talges.

The sword is unparalleled with the old man, but it is idle.

According to the process, to the afternoon, you can watch the tide water. At midnight, you can watch the sword tide.

The sword is unparalleled, and then looks at the ancient books of the North Obid, while drinking, the Yangjiao's old man is the strong man of ancient times, not interested in these things, and I don't want to take care of others, I will be alone. Sitting there closing his eyes.

When he saw his appearance, he did not dare to go forward.

The first row, hundreds of positions, only half of the strong, it seems that there are still many big people.

The sword is unparalleled.

It is a few rows of rear, it is already full.

Among them, there is a small master "Wei Liang" acting.

His status is not general, but only sitting in the third row, sitting with the third-order episode called the old age.

Some unexpectedly, the monk of Nie surnamed the monk, sitting in the fifth row.

Guan Chaoge, a total of five rows.

The first row is a big person with his face. The second row is a good fortune, not the fourth-order episode, and some of the three-level emperors of the potential and some of the Taoists who are comparable to the emperor.

Most of the third row is like Wei Liang, a young master, and the third-order Emperor.

The fourth row is some of the scattered, the strength of the ordinary emperor, sitting with some Daojun.

As for the fifth row, even a emperor did not, many of them were some troops.

Shangqing Palace, known as the sword, will take care of those who are strong in the scattered swords every year, invite some powerful Taojun to see the sword tide, leave a good margin, have achieved emperor in the future, can also come to the Qing Dynasty A door deacon.

Of course, this is to look at strength.

If these scatters, a six-order emperor can have a six-order episode.

"Hey, there is still a face!" Sitting in the first row, a five-order big energy wearing a gold sword robes, and his eyes were angry, and the tone was extremely cold.

The sword is nearing, and listening to the ear, in fact, the strong man is deliberately released, and the people behind the behind are clear.

After many people heard it, he went to the first.

See this meaning, there should be many people know!

The sword is unparalleled. It is bored to come to nature, and the ears listen to the discussion of the side people.

"Hey, Nie Yuan still dares to come to the Qing Palace, is it saying that it is righteous with Shangqing Palace?"

"Oh, you don't know if you have the demon woman, Nie Yuan is not good in Bayonmen, and the strength is thousands of feet, Bai Luomen will not give him a good face."

"A on-site son-in-law, it hurts the sacred girl of Bai Luomen, can give him a good face!"

Sitting in the first row of a big energy, listening to the discussion, but shaking his head sigh.

"When you are also, you will also, how good a seedlings, unfortunately!"

The five-level emperor of the golden sword robes, there are also a pity in the eyes, but I think that Nie Yuan is ridiculous, or a cold.

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