Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5312 5307 ?? Tomb Mountain

It turned out that the monarchy man was also a sword repair in the Shang Qing Palace. At the beginning, the talent is unrequited, and it is a jerrope of the North.

It is the first person in the young generation of the Shangqing Palace. Later, there was a success of the third-order peak emperor, and the fourth-order emperor was just a step.

At the beginning, everyone considered him to be the people of the Qing Dynasty in the future, the five-order episode is only a time problem, and it is expected to ask 6th step.

And his own origin is very strong, and you can kill the emperor when you want.

The third-order peak can fight the fourth-order emperor.

The sword is more cultivated by the Wanjian, and the swordsman kills the same order, no one dares to fight.

Such a strong, eventually appeared in this way.

"Witch? Saint-Bai Luomen!" All seems to be related to the woman.

Nie Yuan!

The sword is unparalleled in Sha Luo City. I have seen it because I have a sword. It is very conspicuous for him a sword.

When I saw him, I just saw a look, just absolutely this person was very decadent, there is no silence to make a look, I don't care.

Unexpectedly, he actually had this experience.

It is unfortunately.


The sword is unparalleled, and the Yangjiao old is sitting on his right, he heard that the position of the Lord of the palace, and his left side has never been defeated.

A young man rolling today, steadily landing.

The people who come and sword are unparalleled, and they are receiving their nine swords.

The nine sword is old, is the youngest one in the contemporary nine sword in the Qing Dynasty, the potential is natural, and the top of the top of the five-order episode is also the peak.

Moreover, rumors that the ninety swords are old, and they are expected to become the world's sword, inherit the position of the palace.

If it is not a sword, there is a sudden visit, I am afraid this person is the position of the palace owner.

"The nine sword is old!" The sword is unparalleled to hold the box, thank you for just reception.

"There is no pair of friends, you don't have to be polite, you can come to the Qing Dynasty with Yang, is also our blessing!" The nine sword is very indifferent.

If others, even if the sword is not big, it is afraid that it will be polite.

The key sword is not a background. He is a general inheritor, but also luck, gets the mountain monarch, causing the corrosion of the creative, gaining the bonus of the true spirit board.

Then I got the appreciation of Wu Zuo, and I followed the five-order peak emperor with my sheep's old man. The strength is deeply unspeakable, and the treasure is also a lot of outrageous.

Despite this reason, he didn't feel that he can sit together with the five-order emperor, even the sixth-order emperor.

In the primitive universe, a fourth-order episode of Riwuyang is a day, let alone these people.

"I have no double friends, but also the sword repair, and the source is so strong, I don't know what to come from?" Jiujian asked.

In fact, he has always had a doubt that his sword is unparalleled. He can't see it, but the atmosphere of the leak tells him that there is absolutely the battle of the emperor, but the sword has only nine turn.

This is very strange.

And the palace master also told him that he must be careful to receive these two, this is not just because of the fire.

In the stream, although the fire is overbearing, it has not yet compressed them.

The Shang Qing Zu teacher, the strength is quite equal to the fire, and even strong, it is not reason to be careful because of the words of the fire!

He also took this opportunity, tested one, explored a sword unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled to hear the old inquiry of the nine sword. I don't know how to answer for a while. I can't say that I am from other universe!

Just when he was entangled, the old herbs were picked up, gave him a voice: "Tell him, you are the tomb mountain."

Tomb Mountain?

What is this again!

He didn't have to go and thought, he replied, "Headed from the Tomb of God, the Tomb of the Mountain!"

The sword is not too high, but everyone is not a person who is not a cat, all people heard three words of "Tomb".

"Tomb Mountain!"

The nine sword is old, and the shock of the face is strong.

Among the four secrets, it is said that it is headed by the heavens, but it is a secret of the tomb.

The four major secrets are all built because of the tomb mountains, there is a real god, the god of creation!

And the white tiger temple is the beloved guard.

There is also a legendary Lingling person, every place is strong, and you can kill the existence of sixth-order emperor.

These legends, many emperors know, especially for the tomb mountains, it is more powerful than the Temple.

At the beginning, there were countless people to go to the gods, and they were also explored in the Tomb.

Unfortunately, no one can go to the tomb mountain. Most of them are halfway, whether it is the five-order episode or sixth order, no survivors.

The sword is unparalleled to see the shocking expression, and turn around to see the old man.

"It turned out to be this!"

"You have entered the four major secrets in the future, will go to the tomb mountain, follow-up will then enter the Baihu Tuan Yuan Hao Palace, but the name is from the tomb mountain!" The old man explained.

The sword is unparalleled, "Seniors, the Tomb of the Tomb, is there? Is it true? Is it true?"

The old man is just silently, he really doesn't know.

Maybe only the four major temples will know the hidden love.

These people are the core of the Disagical Temple. Although the true spirit is a controller, he is just the follow-up, and the people have been given to the four temples. This is also the four main halls. The reason why the command, dare to call the truth.

It's just the right to the four temples, which has begun, and the true spirit is the only handover.

The nine sword is originally thought that the sword is unparalleled, maybe it is a high-rise post in the white tiger temple, and did not expect to actually come from the mysterious tomb mountain.

For a time, it is more harmful, and I don't dare to bring a slightest shelf.

Some emperors, when they look at him, they also have envied color.

No wonder is so powerful, which can make the Shang Qing Palace so good, actually people from the tomb mountain.

These people are still good, they will calm down for a while.

These years, the things of the tomb mountains also passed more, and they also got a lot of strong spirit from the Tomb, they also arrived in the secret of the heaven.

However, those people, the terribleity of each pop-up is a special life, and the strength is the top of the top of the sixth order.

For those from the mission of the Tomb, they all have a fear and worry, especially the tomb mountain.

When I was sitting in the last row, I also heard three words of the tomb mountain. When I changed my eyes, I stood directly.

Tomb Mountain!

He used to be a born in the ancient gates of the Shang Qing Palace, and naturally heard of the things of the tomb mountain.

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