Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5313 5308?? Reverse time and space

He is not interested in the mystery on the tomb mountain, but there is a legend that he has been trying.

That is a person who reverses time and space, resurrect already fallen.


Die-armed Nie Yuan, step by step, actually going to the sword unparalleled position.

The old man, when I feel threatened, the strange emperor suddenly rushed to the sword and unparalleled, immediately let him skyrocket, stopped.


Nie Yuan's breath is a bit messy and anxious, and there is no killing, so the Yangjiao old man does not kill, but it is slightly punished, directly suppressing it.

"The fourth-order emperor, actually disguised into threeth order!" Yangjiao's old man was separated, and the Nie Yuan was pressed directly.

The sword is unmarried, and it will slowly get up.

He also didn't understand, with this arm, it seems to not know it!

Only one side, why suddenly rushed toward him.

Is it because of the tomb mountain?

The ninety swords are standing aside, and the face is very embarrassed.

His reaction is not as good as the old man, although it is the peak emperor, but the gap is still some.

However, he didn't expect that there were still people who dared to be so bold and accused of the Qing Dynasty.

"Nie Yuan, you are very courageous! Stading the Visiting of the Qing Dynasty, I still don't hurry!" Although the old tone of the nine swords is cold, but the words can be resolved.

To put it, he is still the uncle of Nie Yuan. He is also the first person in the contemporary. Later, Nie Yuan, when he is, there is an excellent consecutive generation, and the Qing Dynasty will be more powerful in the future.

However, he didn't expect it that such a dazzling Tianjiao, but finally because of a demon woman, with the championship of the Qing Dynasty, it met the Bai Luomen, such as the six-order Emperor.

Not only let the Shang Qing Palace are ashamed, but also a lot of sword embryos.

"I!" Nie Yuan Eye is depressed, and the whole person is very lonely.

I used to be sword the world, why did you bow my head, but this moment he would rather bow, just for the woman in his heart.

The sword is unparalleled to know that the other party has no malicious, pressed the pressing, saying that "Yang predecessors, count, I see this Taoist, no malicious!"

"I still don't thank you for the double friends!" The ninety swords said.

"Thank you, I just got some shot."


Sword is unparalleled!

This is really not a big event, he is also shocked by the move of the old man.

In his view, there is really no such thing, so ruthening.

He didn't know, the true spirit, but he was clearly told that he had to be sent to the primitive circle, and Wu Zhi left him asked him to look at him. He went a little problem.

Although sheep three eyes is a letter to the old, the anger of Wu Zuo is able to bear, but in the true spirit, he can not have a half face.

"Hey, you can talk so much next time!"

The old man is holding the palm, and the momentum converges.

Nie Yuan wiped blood in the mouth, standing up!

"This Taoist, I don't know if I have a question!" Nie Yuan stood up, even asked a ridiculous problem.

This makes the rest of the people, there is no cold.

I just didn't kill him, it is estimated that it is also because of the Shangqing Palace, even if he is an Shangqing Palace, no matter how he is also the Shang Qing Palace, the first generation of the church, the public killed, or only because of the collision, it is indeed .

However, it is a bit exaggerated now, but I have to ask questions.

Doing free swords, unparalleled, the old man answers, the nine swords are angry, and the anger: "arrogant!"

The eyes of the old man, the eyes of the old man are also cold, and the sword is joined.

The sword standing in the middle is no different time. I don't know how it is good!

He also didn't know what Nie Yuan wants to ask, even if he asked, he may not know.

"There is no double friend, this is really sorry, but you can rest assured, I will personally drive out this person!" The nine sword is old, step by step, now I am going to work.

The sword is unparalleled, but she stops him, saying calm: "Don't!"

"This Taoist, what do you want to ask!"

Nie Yuan Wen said that he was busy asking for "the tomb mountain, you can really reverse the time and space, will you resurrect dead people?"


The sword has no answer yet, but the old man in the side said: "Yes! But you have to have strength!"

"Right!" The sword is unparalleled.

To be honest, he didn't know, but he opened his old man, he also said.

Reversal time and space!

It seems to be to resurrect.


The sword is unparalleled to understand the other's minds, and some admire.

Nie Yuan heard that he would like to answer, the whole person has changed, and the original decadent breath faded, a new momentum broke out from him.


At this time, others reacted.

Nie Yuan actually stepped into the fourth order, and it was directly exposed to the fall of the fourth-order peak.

"Nie Shrou!" Sitting in the final row of Qinglu girl, looked at the uncle that had been depressed, rebounded in the past, and was happy with him.

After resetting, the nine swords have always discussed the inquiry of the swords, and the sword is unparalleled.

Dust down, but in the old man with the old man.

"Seniors, is it true?"

"Why, do you have a Doior to resurrection?"

The sword is unparalleled, and then the emotes: "No, I am more curious about reversing time and space, according to I know, the space and space will be bound to two major origins, and the space of the Space is also common, it is the source of the emperor cultivation, then What about time? I have never seen the relevant records! "

"Your kid knows, there is a lot of space, the source is related to the realm of the emperor. Once it is successfully controlled, it will enter another realm, and the other realm is the time source! Your current strength, there is no need to know the time , Wait for you to go to the sixth order episode! "

The old man is slightly smile, in fact, he knows, and the space is not unknown, let alone time.

That is what God is working.

The sword is not dead, then asked: "Seniors, the tomb mountain can really reverse the time and space, why do you tell Nie Yuan?

He finished, his face also took a strange expression, turned to look at the old man.

"Hey, your kid guess what, I just absolutely he was very poor, gave him a thought, but he really had the strength of the tomb of the mountain, but also hopes to resurrect his aesthetics, but in my opinion, it is difficult, The sixth order episodes are just the threshold. "Yangjiao old man evaluated.

The sixth order emperor is the threshold!

I am not too surprised to this sword. After all, many six-order emperor entered the tomb, even where the tomb will be found.

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