Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5314, 5309?

The four secrets are in size, and the light is the naked eye, and the god tomb is much larger than the other three secrets.

The speed of the sixth order will be fast, there is no transmission, and it is not easy to find the tomb mountain.

Many of them are not found in the tomb mountain, and the middle is falling.

For the old man of the Yangjiao, the sword is also familiar with a lot. It is the old man of a knife mouth, the surface seems to kill Nie Yuan's heart. It is true that he gives the other party, let him re-chasing the goal.

The two are not in the sound, the sword is unparalleled with the nine swords, and it is also very happy.

"There is no pair of friends, if you can see it, you call me a good friend, and the old age is empty." The old man of the nine sword wasts, and a drink.

The sword is also a happy person, and now I also drink the glass of drinks, and the two worshiped.

"There is no double friend, look, the tide!" Nine swords put down the wine glass, and a lake.

Sure enough, a corrugation that contains the spirit of the heavens and the earth, gradually rising, with the sun and the moon.


The angle sounds, and the view is officially started.

The tide begins from the foot of the mountain, and it has been stretched to the mountain's waist.

The scene is very spectacular!

Seeing this scene of the sword is unparalleled, but the nine swords in the side are still thinking that the sword is unparalleled. I have never seen this scene. I was shocked. I also have proud of my heart. They are shocked, and they have to come back to the next level after the superior palace.

I used to be famous in the North Rival, and I will have four secrets of the earthquake in the future, becoming a superpanic.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is not because of the shock of this premium, but because of this rolling tide, it is related to the source of the source that is absorbed outside Qiuhuangcheng.

That source, according to Qiuhuang said, a woman's Jianxian left, a sword broke Qiuhuang City.

From the original source of the Jianxian, the sword was unparalleled to see the scene of the sword.

It is very similar to the tide at this time.

The sword rolled, swept the world!

That side scene he never forgotten.

"Is it, the Jianxian is also associated with the Shangqing Palace!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the woman's sword is concerned about the woman who covers Qiuhuang City.

"You are talking about Yun Jianxian! She belongs to the oldest strong, strong and terrible, can be said to be the first person under God, I have no intersection with her, knowing there." The old man is a little surprised, and the sword is unparalleled will ask him the cloud Jianxian.

Is this little guy who got the inheritance of Yunjian Xian?

There is also this possibility.

When he entered the Diva Temple, the whole discrimination of the disagreement was started to sing.

Create a four temple and build a district.

Yun Jianxian, once infinitely, can be said to be the strongest in the emperor, fight for a lifetime, never chase.

The only relationship is relatively close, but it is a puppet created by a disorder. It is the Lord of Zhu Yixian.

Before she fell, all the treasures of their lives were given to Zhu Yi.

The sword is unparalleled to get the inheritance of Yun Jianxian.

"Yun Jianxian!" The sword has deeply wrote this name.

Start the tide, the palace master is in the palace.

Many people got up respect.

The contemporary sword owner, although the strength is not the top, but the name is very high, and even more than the ancestral teacher.

It is also very good for those scattered, so the famous palace is very high in the scales.

Especially the sword repair, the Shang Qing Palace gives the opportunity to spread the tide of the tide, this is a giant.

"Dear, the watch is beginning, not for the bureau, please leave a seat!"

The palace owner, a cyan robe, the bundle is just a simple wooden branch, very simple tree.

In his criterion, there is only a teapot, no drinks.

Everyone left again and started watching the tide, from the middle to the sword.

The old man with the old man is, and the two have a chat with no one.

It should be not known.

Talking is also related to the fire, or the Little Palace.

The other party is the sixth order episode, and it is still the Lord, which is known as the sword owner of the world, although the old man is high, but it does not dare to neglect.

The tide is gradually climbed, and the swords containing, the more strong.

This lake, wash the sword all year round, I don't know how much the sword was washed, and the swords contained are very refused, and they can only experience one of them.

The sword is unparalleled, but it doesn't start with it, and it is finally just draw.

He cultivated the ultimate sword, pursuing pure, the swords in this lake are too bad, but not suitable, only one of them can be drawn.

The tide continued to have a time, and eventually climbed in the mountainside, the swords had reached the most strong moments, and many swords were repaired, they broke through.

Especially the Taojun Tianjiao, there have been many people to break through.

Many people come here, because of the bottleneck, I want to feel the swords in the water when I want to go through the tide, I will break through my own source.

Especially those scattered, they break through the number.

Sitting in the last row of blueo girl, the eyes flashed in light, she also broke through, breaking through the eighth floor of the source, into the ninth floor, has arrived in a full state, and the combat power has skyrocketed.

The little master called Wei Liang, at this time, the head is sweating, and Ge Lao has always been surrounded by him, and unfortunately there is still no breakthrough.

"The death, it is a little bit. Once I break the source of my life, I will be completely satisfactory." Wei Liang is a little unwilling. "

Dragings evaporate the sweat beads of the forehead, and the face is very ugly.

Ge Lao, I am afraid that he has changed his mood, and comforts: "Leight Lord, there is a sword tide behind, don't be killed!"

The swords contained in the tide are not much.

And it is too bad.

At the beginning, the Shangqing Palace was established. This lake is still a very small spring eye. The Shang Qing Zu teacher was washed this sword, and later the ancestral teacher has opened this place.

The Jian Xian in the Shangqing Palace also developed a habit, it is here to wash the sword.

I don't know how many erases have been in the past.

The sword was washed, can be filled with this lake.

Because of the washing sword, there was a view.

As for the sword tide, it is all the disciples of the Shangqing Palace, release the power of the source, the royal sword is broken, from the top of the mountain.

Even the ancestors of the Qing Dynasty will share a gold sword and follow the sword.

This is the most meaningful thing in the supernatant, and each era will be held once.

First, it is attractive to the Northern Tianjiao to watch the tide, and the other is to promote the power of the Qing Dynasty.

It is a means of revealing strength.

It is also because of this means, there will be countless swords in every year, squeezing your head wants to enter the superiors.

At midnight, the temperature of the entire Northland suddenly landed.

The moon is hung, a gold sword light, lit from the top of the mountain.


"It is Sword!" The sword was unparalleled.

The cold wind is fierce, the golden sword is bright, and the sun and the moon are surprising, the moment of Jian Ming, the whole mountain is bright.

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