Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5322 5317 ?? White Junwang

The six-yang people's face, the eyes are extremely sharp.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is too unfair. The space on the ring is in his control.

"How is this possible, how can he be awarded a space?"

Many emperors.

Space origin!

Many words don't know anything, let alone master.

"People on the tomb mountain, really do not ordinary!"

Those who want to see the sword is unparalleled, now completely understand, what is the difference between heaven.

"Nine sword brothers, this time you have the thirteen too swords of the Qing Palace, I am afraid that I have to defeat this little friend."

Although I should laugh at the Qing Palace at this time, Liu Yang is not laughing.

At the bottom of my heart, a bloody token floating in this source is rotating, and the scene that has just been recorded and transmitted to a hall in the depths of the North.

"Suspected to find inheritors!"

Hidden in the ancient tems in the depths of the North Ride.

One is exhausted, I suddenly moved.

Under the shine of the sun, the owner of the arm, leaking a thin wax face, and his face is more horrible than the CLO.

Although the Lingling people have no life, at least it is still like a person.

The old man who is exhausted, even someone is like a dry firewood, the face is as gray, even the outline of his face is buried by dust.

"Little Saturi is communicated!"

Dirty old man, the arm is moving, turns a stubborn light.

There is a message above, with a picture.

After reading everything that happened above, the old eye hole leaked the light.



A powerful breath began to rise, thin, so that the old man, the old man, and the whole person became mentally shaking.

"Waiting for countless era, is the true God of the Temple to open?" The eyes of the old people are like everything.


The body of the thin old man began to change, and a flesh and blood is out of the abyss below.

The body is gradually breaking, 10,000 times, 30,000 times, 50,000 times.

Until the final six hundred thousand times.

After the body was completely recovered, the old flesh began to fall off, leaving only a pop-up phantom.

In the abyss, a fresh flesh is slowly raised.

"This is a flesh, you can save you for three days, even if you come, you can escape, cut the bottom line, the true spirit is recovered, once he started, I can't shoot you."

The sound in the abyss is very low, carefully reminds the old people.

Now the thin old people, the life is replaced, and the phantom phadlling into the flesh, directly uploaded, slightly, the power is full of body.

"I haven't had this feeling for a long time, and it is enough for three days."

"Be careful!"

"This grace I take the card, I will remember!"

At the same time, the Northern Border, and even the heavens, the four secrets appeared at the same time, and these people were like the old people.

"Hey! It is cheap to give the Bai Jun Wang, the inheritor actually appeared in the North City!"


Numerous people received the information, but unfortunately, only the Bai Jun king was in the Bojing.

Restoring the powerful white Junwang, starting with the sky, from the depths of the country to Yuanzhou, for him, only three times.

If you take a transmission array, it may be much faster, but there is a space source in the transmission array, where it is true spirit, he is afraid that you have just entered it will be discovered.

The strength of true spirit, he is clear.

That Sen, Wanzang, let them be more vigilant.

"I will take the card, I must once again, I can't stop us."

Bai Jun Wang!

A strong god in ancient times in the ancient times, the strength of the strength is superior, and has entered a hierarchy.

However, in the true sense of the temple, it is not possible to break through, the origin of the true God, and erodes him in a timely, he has to abandon the origin and the source, and I have gone to the body.

Nowadays, the body is more than 60 times, although it can only last for three days, but it is also enough.

After the Bai Jun Wang broke off, the abyss under the ancient temple began to collapse.

The abasity is underground, leaking a huge eye, then starting to dull.

"You can't expect this to help the idiots, and other plans should be launched. I really miss the time of the gods!"

The huge eyes finally disappeared.

In the Shang Qing Palace, the sword is unparalleled to the Guanchao Pavilion, I still don't know, there is a strong strong, and three times will come here, and come to him.

The strength of the sheep, I am afraid that a photo is falling.

Even if the Shang Qing ancestors shot, it can't stop a few rounds.

Before the horror came, there was a warning in the bottom of the sword, and it always felt that there was a wonderful thing, but it did not expect.

After returning to the charter, after a low-profile cold, he reached the seat.

"Yang predecessors, Jin Jian, will go back! It doesn't seem to have a special thing this place." The sword did not doublely sounded.

The feeling of uncomfortable feelings did not affect his decision.

Originally, it is ready to win the sword, go to the Shang Qing Palace, look at it, now there is no need, or go back early.

Sheep has naturally no problem, when the voice answer, there is no problem.

The sword nodded, did not say anything, looked at the magistrack giant six Yang Taoist people, with a smile on the opponent, and smiled with an emperor, but did not see anything.

But he always feels that this magic is always looking at him.

After you have a look, he re-looks back to the ring.

The Six-yang people have a small scene with the emperor, but the bottom is surprised.

He didn't know that the sword had no diagnosis, because of what.

Direct view of the emperor can be big, even if the sword is very high, it should be aware of this, generally not directly see the emperor.

If he just passed the news, the sword was unparalleled, and it was too horrible.

The way of passing the news is a Tianmei Dynasty, personally awarded, and once told him that this is the same, don't say that the sixth order emperor is, it is a master of the temple, will not be found.

So he will pass a bold transmission.

"No matter what, this sword is not born, the tomb mountain? Hey, a joke is awkward, but also these idiots will be as a meeting!" Liuyang people laughed.

He is aware of things, more than these people.

Inheritors, true temples, even true God, he knows a lot.

The most important thing is that he understands what you are?

I know where I have to go!

After aware of this, he has a farther goal.

For this goal, go to the dead.

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