Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5323, Parent

The sword is unparalleled. I feel that there is a seemingly meaningless eye. I have been staring at him, but I can't feel anyone.

"No matter, there should be any problems wrong with the old sheep."

The heart is moving, and some corrugated mood retransstores stable.

There are also eleven gold swords on the spot, and be sure to take all.

As for the one that I was taken away, he couldn't help it, you can get a few more!

It was not long after he returned to the seat, and the nine swords were sent to him in front of him.

Golden little sword, like fish, surrounding him without swing.


I grabbed the sword of the sword, and my income was in this source.

Slightly feeling, the sword is unparalleled by the road!

This is a colorful avenue, the mottled thing is the source, and then only one golden origin is a small, but it also benefits.

Sure enough, the avenue of the ancestors of the Shangqing ancestors is not general.

The space has been integrated with the swords, and the Sword of the Sword is also contained in the way.

This makes him very surprised.

I didn't expect a golden sword, not only will let his ultimate truth, but also let the poles follow the benefits.


It is more powerful than swallowing, once the road breaks through the seventh floor, master the power of everything, the big Damai, he is the true invincibility, the emperor can also kill, do not divide the outside world or indigenous, all cut.

Now that the passage is connected, the seventh floor is very close, but it is not so good.

Every three layers of a bottleneck, you want to cross it too difficult.

These three floors of the force of swallowing, they rely on swallowing, basically did not rely on cultivation, now I want to enter the seventh floor, I don't know where to start.

It can only be swallowed first, and the sixth floor is the most satisfactory.


Indigenous Dajun and those emperors are real delicious.

No wonder the temple, suppressing the magic owners, don't dare to come out, I really want to put it out, their threats can be too big, even how long it doesn't even use it, you can swallow the quarters of the four secrets. .

And these magic owners, the more they are swallowed, the stronger, and the anti-anti-anti-.

Once the snowball rolls up, I am afraid that the true spirit cannot be returned.

If you want to know these, the sword is unparalleled.

The mountain will have a gratitude to him, and there is evil idea in his body, but it can't be too much, the bottom line is still there.

Slightly enlightened, he left a mental force in its own path, and his thoughts will be released from it.

On the ring.

The sword is not the fastest way to fight, and there is a man, the strength is also very strong, but the challenge is the sword, the sword is defeated, it is really better than him.

The emperors of all major doors, the strength is not weak, and there is also a swim to kill, and the behind will fall, and it is not unfortunate.

There is a Daojun who insists on the end.


The sword has no double eyes change, and it is a little surprised to watch the naked baked man on the ring.

This person's strength, he saw this early.

Even now, that's, how can it stick to the present.

The mental strength is slightly condensed, explores the ring, once again observed, Brilli's breath actually although the time of fighting is constantly powerful.

The origin is in the battle with the battle.

"He is not a sword!" Someone was excited.

The sword is unparalleled, this is also said, others have not used the sword, and there is no sword in the source. How can I be a sword repair.

A scaff that does not repair the sword can enter the superiors, come to see the sword.

He turned his head to look back.

Sitting in a fourth row, holding a double punch, staring at the ring, his appearance is very similar to Brole.

"I am, be sure!"

"For the glory of the big cloth!"

He is the Jianjun!

The sword has never seen the identity of the emperor.

Subsequently, he turned to see a fourth-order epidermond, and asked: "Fan Daoyou, who is the man in the rear."

This Zhang Daoyou, the road "mixed Tianjun"

It is a strong fourth-order epidermus, background is very strong, from a super family, not more than the lifting of the palace, the sword is unparalleled, I have been talking to this mixed day.

"This person, I have heard that when I was divided into Zhizhou, the first one was the first known to him! The strength of the third-order episode, the family middle road collapsed, and it is not easy for the family. "

The mixed day, the eyebrows, a smirk: "How, there is no double friend to be interested in him?"

The sword is unparalleled and shakes his head and looks to Brole on the ring.

"I am more interested in his son!"

"Haha, since this, wait for the whole class, I can make this father and son to gather privately." The mixed Tianjun took the chest.

His background is very strong, and its strength is not weak. It is a friend with a lot of five-level emperor. It is assigned to Zhizhou by the family. When you look at the family's industry, you will have two friends, come to firmly in the family.

The sword is unparalleled. "This is not necessary, this time is not much, the golden sword will leave, but it is very curious about this Brole, he does not repair the sword. "

In the past, in fact, there was also happened, non-sword repairs, but won the gold sword, in order to be famous, two came to get the gold sword, or sell high prices.

Just this is very small, not the sword repair very little can come in, especially the power of the Taojun.

Just like these strong people in the House of Chara.

Jiucheng is a sword repair.

There is also some emperor, with a family or a sector, come to see the sword.

Brole, the opposite, he is not a sword repair, his father is a sword.

Followed by his father into the Qing Dynasty.

Is it difficult to win a gold sword?

I saw a few eyes around the sky, and he made all the friends and the eight-faced, how couldn't see the sword unparalleled.

"There is no double friend, the Bun Kun Emperor is a Jianjun, his son Brolen, a golden sword, a large extent, to help his father to win the golden sword, another reason is also known for the name!" Say quietly.

Sure enough, he guess him!

If this is the case, it is not very strange.

Balile's performance on the ring, even if the last lost, will also be famous in the future, will definitely be drawn by some big forces.

Winning nature better.

The emperor behind the latter rows have been pulling the Bun Kun Emperor.

This is your father!

The strength of Bun Kun Dijun is very weak, up to third-order top emperor, the emperor present, there are few more than him.

If you join some forces, you may be mixed up to a door deacon head.

After all, it is not the heart of the people, can only be regarded as the outside, there is no future, it is better to make a scaife.

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