Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5325 5320 ??? Variation

Anyway, he will go today, just let him say, no one knows that it is not afraid in the future.

He took so much thing, but Bun Kun has a little twisted, and he is not willing to accept.

The sword is not a double eyebrows, and the opening said: "How? Not enough!"

"No, enough enough." Bun Kun Cheng is fearful, so that the rear of Brole is deep, and the eyes are somewhat not good.

Subsequently, Bun Kun turned, and quickly received these treasures.

The sword is unparalleled to accept the golden sword.

He owes the causes of facts, and promises to be causing causality, and you can use treasures to solve things, try not to use causal.

It's not good to go.

After receiving the gold sword, the mixed Tianjun quickly congratulate.

Then quietly said the request of Bukun.

It turned out that the other party had something to ask, and will give the gold sword now let the mixed day will help him.

"There is no pair of friends, this Bukun can not generally, he wants to let the Yang's predecessor who come to you is gabilly, but also in the face of so many people."

The sword is unparalleled, the Yangjiao's old man is just a five-order episode, even if many of the same strength, these people should also see it!

In addition to the scene of the Qing Palace.

Brole's potential is huge, this time, there is a high-level condition, you want to worship a mountain gate.

I am afraid that the Qing Dynasty will be drawn.

The five-level emperor is not difficult, and if you are willing to I am afraid that the other five-level emperor that presents will receive Brole.

No need to worship the old man!

The sword is unparalleled.

The mixing day is laughing, and when I replied: "There is no double brother, when you come with the elders, is it the main hall of the Temple of the Temple in Zhizhou?"

"It turned out to be this!" Don't explain it, he understands.

Bukun is to hold the thigh!

Mixing Tianjun, mentioned that Bun Kun rushed to the family, a disciple of a five-order episode, nothing, and those big forces are not possible to make a step by this relationship.

But if you are a three-purpose relationship with Yang's three eyes and the main relationship with the temple, I am afraid that their status will rise high.

The sword is unparalleled, there is no much consideration.

The battle of the four secrets is much more cold than he imagined.

So humble, give him a gift.

Finally, it is not only for your own son, and it is for the family.

In this way, the impression of swords and unparalleled to him is slightly changed slightly.

However, he is no so much causal with Bun Kun, the source of the source, the world's unique, change the gold sword.

I want to worship the sheep three, I have to say I have.

He also doesn't feel that it is possible to give his old man to his face with the current identity.

After this small episode, the sword continued.

And he also continued to end.

Today's Shangqing Palace, it is scheduled to be scheduled.

If the palace is a message, he may give the face, but no one will mention it, he is welcome.

In the second game, I was arbitrarily selected, and I gave the opponent chance, and three rounds were relaxed.

This is the rolling of the origin. It may not be as good as the other party in the striking, but he is not afraid of who.

In just two hours, he swept away from other Tai'an swords outside the sword.

Thirteen Tai Ajian, the thirteenth, the seventh sword lost to the bifurcation and Brole, the remaining ten too swords were unparalleled.

There is still a sword.

This is the last block of the Shangqing Palace.

This has never appeared in the history of the Shangqing Palace.

If the sword is unparalleled is the anti-Tiandaojun in Zhongzhou, I am afraid that the Lord of the Qing Palace will stop for the face.

But he is not a person in the majority, he is from the Tomb of the Tomb.

Do not say background, just say strength.

Many emperors have witnessed, if the Shang Qing Palace is the main blocked, but it will not look at others.

It is better to calmly.

The anti-Tiandaojun on the tomb mountain, came to sweep the emperor of a zone and said it is not shameful.


The sword is unparalleled again into the ring.

Shangqing Palace, contemporary sword "Yongn!"

He is still the privacy of the priest, both of the brothers are both a thirteen too sword, and Yongn is still the Jiekui.

The emperors of their families are proud of this.

The front of the frontier, the same thing as the sword is that he is also three rounds to solve the opponent, and there is no drag of water.

It is nowhere to face the sword, and there is no panic.

The last battle!

It is also the most likely that the sword is unparalleled to make the opponent, and many people in the Guanchao are watching.

In addition to the Brolen, he didn't repair the sword, nor happy people, sitting there, drink alcohol alone.

Sheep three visits the strength of the sword, the strength, and didn't pay attention, but looked at Brole, then quietly passed through the identity token.

The sword is unparalleled, and the three eyes of Yang Bololi naturally looked out, but also these indigenous emperors, the origin is too weak, and the mental power is not good. Founded at all, I can't find this jade value.

The veteran.

Wu Zuo sat on the foreman, after receiving the news of the sheep three, the eyes were deep.

I got up directly, this fidelity personally went to Yuanzhou.

"Is it changed?" Wu Zuo Zi said, if it is a change, he can have a lot of effort this time.

This matter, don't let the people of the White Tiger.

If it is not a book, he will even let this respect.

But a fidelity is also enough.

He used to be a disciple disciple of the disagreement, the strength of the sky, even if there is a six-order force.

And since he returned to the Polyteen Temple, he also got a lot of benefits.

He is in the Polyson Temple, and there are still many good things, and some powerful sites, he knows where, there is no benefit when it is in the land.

Nowadays, I have a number of eternal to treasures.

And once the present is digested the treasure, his strength can skyrocket.

Traveling four major secrets?

He has never seen those indigenous emperors.

The journey of strong people is outside.

The strength is powerful, or after the hollow treasure of the Diva Temple, it is still going out.

The four major secrets, he can go, for him, the four secrets are like a back garden, nothing better.

The general emperor is okay, like his own strength, the treasure of the four secrets, the treasure of him is not too much to attract.

Eternal to treasure, he has a lot of, and there is a dish, which is the best eternal to Bao.

In addition to the treasure of the universe, other treasures, he can't see, because it is very low for him.

Qiu Huang, who was transported to the town, saw Wu Zhi, and quickly got up.

"Qiu Huang Taoist, trouble to transfer this seat to Yuanzhou!"

Wu Zuo's tone is very friendly, so that Qiu Huang is sinking, even if the guest is piped to send Wu Zhi to the transfer array, then implant the power, instantly inspire the entire squad.

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