Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5326 5321 ?? Amazing!

Qiu Huang's heart moves, suddenly thought of just sword unparalleled and sheep three, just went to the stream, now Wu Zhi is also going, is there any problem there?

After sending it away, I quickly contacted the sword and unparalleled.


Wu Zuo is here!

The sky is rotated, and it is the city.

Just waiting for him to enter Shaoli City, the whole person is one of them, a powerful threat, let him brow.


The entire Sharo City is shaking, the emperor who delivers the array, and it has spacked, not going to see the transmission, but rushed toward the north.

Wu Zuo just in addition to the transfer array, the three transfer arrays behind him began to collapse.

People in the city have begun to escape, and the direction is northern.


The direction of the temple.

There is a fire to sit in the town.

Even the transmission of the sender dared to destroy, it seems that the other party is ready.


Wu Zuo is angry, and the sky is litter and looks at the black fog from the distance.

Here is the Polyson Temple, which is the chassis of his master, these indigenous actually dare to make a reflect.

When he is discussed, he can slaughter a lot of six-order emperor. Although it is just a fidelity, the general six-order Emperor is difficult to escape his palm.


In the black fog, it flew out and flew out.

It is "Bai Jun Wang!"

After he came to Yunzhou, he first went to slaughter the main hall of the Temple of the Temple.

The transfer of the entire stream is then destroyed along the way.

Shaolo City is the last one.

"Yes you!" After the man of the white Jun saw, the face became large, but after slightly sensing, it was found that it was just a way to laugh.

"God is helping me!"

"If you come, you can block me, there is a fidelity in the district, you can't stop me!"

Wu Zuo's eyes change, the other party said correct.

"How to fight the battle, how can you go into the homes!"

Bai Jun Wang Eye is cold, when he heard the dog's dog, the anger laughed, ridicpeted: "Don't you be a dog of a funeral? It's a disciple, you are willing to accompany him, I will help you!"

This sentence is extremely harmful to Wu Zhi, and there is no matter whether the strength is quite or whether the strength is directly.

"You are looking for death!"

At this moment, it is not only to say this sentence. The book also broke out, and the pale yellow robe dances with the wind.

The old palace is one.

"Let's notify the White Tiger Temple, there is a change!" After leaving this sentence, Wu Zhi's book broke away.

Yuanyang Lake is in China, it takes hundreds of years, even if he wants to fly, it takes hundreds of years.

But the transfer array is destroyed and can only be transferred to the vicinity of the stream.

It is not difficult to cross the entire stream, it is enough for a day.

This time rebellious, too strong, strong!

In addition to him, there is a three-duty old, but he is taking the Baihu Temple.

Not at the veteran house.

It can only let people notify the White Tiger Temple, and they can crack the white monarch.

It is no longer a general six-order emperor to compete.

How long does it take to the body?

Key he doesn't know what is the purpose of the White Junwang?


Today, the most comfortable is the superiors.

The identity token is extremely special, and some people are very small.

The people on the charter looked at the killing below, drinking drinks, tasted the unique fruits of the Shangqing Palace.

But I don't know that a horrible existence is soon coming soon.

The sword is unparalleled but has received the news from Qiuhuang.

It's just a short message, just says about whether there is a matter of Wu Zuo, ask if there is anything happening.

While dealing with the Jiankui, the sword is not double still transferring the message to Qiu Huang.

Yongn clearly felt that the sword was unparalleled, and there was no serious treatment, and once the momentum once again broke out.

"This is the temple, let you see it today, what is too awning!" Yong Yong stretched with his hands, two long-blade cold knives appeared in his hand, once again raided, the power is endless.

Even the sword is unparalleled, and after the moment, after Qiuhuang, he will concentrate on the battle.

The strength of Jiekui is not general.


Since he wants to respect, he gives it.

He wants to use the purest swords, defeat each other, this is respectful.

From the head to the end, he didn't even use the way.

The seventh floor of the ultimate sword, even if it is pure, there is no way to come, and the power of everything is not a joke, killing the emperor can do it.

Although there is only a part of all things in the body, it is also enough to kill those emperors that are weak.


The sky is ringing, and the heavens have picked up the power of the space, from the sky.

Yong En also felt that the breath, I have been late, I can only hard my scalp and swords.

He knows that the source of the sword is extremely powerful, and it is very hard to suffer in the sword road. If you doch you, he still has hope.

Have a long time, he also has a lot of things.

The sword is unparalleled with the purectic swords, and he uses it is a scholar, and the two are still so big, and he really protects.

But this time, he went to this sword anyway, whether it was for yourself, or for the purpose.

This sword is likely to be the strongest sword of the other party. If there is still a hope.

Indeed, this sword is indeed, the sword is unparalleled, the strongest sword is realized, the ultimate road seventh floor, even for this sword.

Talent, imprisonment!

One gas, there is no sword in your hand, and there is a sword, it is a big difference.


A heavy slam sound broke out.

Yong Yong's body, both hands were shaking, the sword was caught, and even if he had a happiness, it will give the sword without a double rouse.

"It's a bit mean!" The sword was unparalleled, and turned around.

The flavor, actually fails to give the other party, but he took a sword.

After seeing the other party trembling, he is a little fun.

The perfect super-flesh is not so easy to break, just the rebound of the flesh can make the other party's arms to deviate.

Attachment, he lost, and he did not win.

This makes the sword have great interest in this person.

The flavor is his strongest sword, but he has not said that this sword.

! ! ! !

Around the body, I suddenly rose a huge sword array.

Jane fairy!

The strongest sword of the seventy-two handles appeared directly in the body.

Although it is not too pure, it has used his mental power and swallowing the power, but it is not too bullying each other.

If you use a few times a few times, you can defeat Yong En, but if you do this, it's too boring. This is a test, there is no need to decide, let the other party don't have a desire to turn over.

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