Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5327 5322 ??

To leave a trace of fantasy, then break him.

"Atmospheric changes, I can't reuse it!" Yong Yong's heart is happy, and I am busy to swallow the drug to restore the loss of the body and the body.

His Taofeng is that Ji School is as long as the delay is constant, and too sword will not be broken.

Like last time, he raided again, killing swords.


The sword is unparalleled, and the sword array changes directly to the other side.



True is the way to fairy, and revive.

The big squad is rising, and the swords are so weak, and Yong Yong is weak, but it can not be rumored, which is trapped.

On the Pavilion, the old heart is sinking.

Father, like son!

They have seen the only state of swords and unparalleled, and even breath is strong than ever, but the breath of Yong En has weakened.

I don't want to turn it, not a hierarchy opponent.

However, the sword is unparalleled to the other party, so that Yong En has maintained the best mentality, go to hand, this kind of emperor also looked out, but the sword was unparalleled, and more mysterious Daojun Give a look.

Yong En in the sword array is like a headless flies.

The sword is unparalleled, and the sword is gave each time, I gave Yong En hopes, then break, and give hope.

Repeat, using En, I walked into a maze.

This is also a kind of temper!

It's just that the big old face is somewhat can't stand. This is simply playing Yong En, insulted them the contemporary swords of the Qing Dynasty.

But there is no strength, what can I do?

The background is more than, the strength is not good, can only swallow the whole bitter fruit.

The sword is unparalleled in front of the front, the hands chest, looked at the swords in the sword array, he is not playing each other, as long as Yong En can break the thirty-six sword, it is half the sword array, it is expected to break through .

This opportunity is also worthy of the gold sword in his hand.

They thirteen too swords, holding their respective platforms, and they have got the gold sword in their hands until they are challenged, and they will naturally go all out.

In the current ceremony, it is actually a reward for them, which can be said to be fame and fortune.

This time, not only the name of the name, Jin Jian fails to leave a one, all give it to outsiders.


Identity token, a shock, sword is unparalleled.

In addition to Qiuhuang, it is also possible to teach him through the identity token, this is a shock, and these three people are looking for him.

Before the mind, there is a mental difference before the token floating in this source.

Now in this source, there is a few of his blessed, and you will have the main source of the sword, the source of the past, and the native of the ancestor. It is even the Space of the Candle Wound.

His space is from the room, it has been in the room, although it has exceeded too much in the same order, but he will not fall down, but it is divided into a thought, it has been aware.

Once the swordsmanship and the road are successful, after he stepped into the emperor, the space of the space can be related to the realm. It is naturally impossible to fall. This is in the forehead. Now it is now, it will be difficult to catch up.

Looking at the identity token, the sword is unparalleled, gently waved, and a big string appeared above.

The whole body Qiuhuang came.


"Do you pay more attention, Wu Zuo Zhizhou may be related to you!"

"reply ASAP!"

"reply ASAP!"

"reply ASAP!"

"The stream is chaotic, the speed returns."

"Tell the three eyes of Yang, hurry back to me, this is not kidding, don't go to Sha Luo City, hurry out, find a big city transfer back."


The transfer array was destroyed?

Dawn chaos?

Swordless, there is no one who can't believe it, look up and look at the Tong Dynasty, still push the cup to change, there is no chaos!

Since Qiu Huang said this, in the case of the sad worries in his heart, you don't dare to drag it, directly accept the epicchron!

I can't play this time, I have to go.

The heart is in touch with it, it is getting clearer, he does not dare to drag down.





He is used by the hard body.

For a time, the sword of all things, I broke out in an instant, shaking the sky, let the whole space began to tremble.

This sword came out, the nine swords on the Chao Chao were old, and they directly entered the platform, and the Yong En blusted behind him.

Then leave.

At the moment he left, the sky was cut down, and it turned a huge cage for a long time.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is instantly passing the ring.

Thirteen is too a sword, all of them fall.

This is the first time.

The ninety swords are old, and they are prepared before.

This sword is unparalleled with these people. After two words, after two sentences, I quickly walked to the old man.

"Yang senior, speed!"

The face is colorless, but the bottom is very anxious, directly acch.

The old man is first glance, the sword is unparalleled to go early, but don't have to be so anxious!

The sword is unparalleled directly, informing the news of Sheep, I am afraid that he dragged.

I heard the transfer array was destroyed, and the Yangjiao's old man was violent.

The momentum is directly leaked, and the whole view will be treated.

The ninety swords are old, and the last gold sword will be given to the sword. After seeing the old man, the old man is so lost, just asked what happened.

The upper and clear palace owners sitting in the primary position also suddenly got up.

This scene made everyone a winter.

These two stockings are actually unhane.

Does these two people have to play?

Just because the sword is unparalleled, the Sword of the Whole Celebration is?

Nothing this is necessary!

The key is the momentum of the top of the palace master, actually with the five-order episodes of the Yangjiao's old man, is it too weak to the Shang Qing Palace or the old man?

The ninety swords are in the middle of the two, and I thought they had to do it, when I was a voice: "Uncle, there is no need, we ........"

His words have not been finished, he heard the voice of the palace owner.

This time is not a voice.

"The stream has changed, the speed is opened on the Qingfeng Building, and go to the north to avoid refuge!"

At the same time, on the back mountain of the Shangqing Palace, a middle-aged man in a white-haired white hair, a sword broke out.

It is the Shangqing ancestor!

He also just received the news, and he did not pay attention to the breath, and rushed to this.

A strong stronger!

He is eager to fight, but people can stay here throughout the door!

"With the disciples, you don't have to take me!"

Sound like a flood!

The palace master, the face is condensed into a group.

On the Guanchao, there is no shock in addition to the six-yang people.

Of course, Liu Yang is also shocked, but it is just that it is installed.

No matter these people, the Yangjiao old man will take out an ancient boat directly, and pull the sword without double.


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