Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5329 5324 Chapter ?? The Elder House is dispatched

One hit can destroy the congenital Need for the treasure.

If there is no ancient boat, he has already done it early.

"The speed is faster!"

A chase.

The distance between the two sides is not very far away, and Yao Guang attacks to the ancient boat. It is not enough to fall, but every attack has paused once, too waste time.

He is now afraid that the horror behind him is chasing.

The speed of the ancient boat is very fast, but the six-yang people can just bitten in the rear, the horror is really coming, I am afraid I can catch up with instant.

There are more and more fear of the bottom, and he now, the more I believe that the horror is rushing on him.

I know that the four secrets are so dangerous, he will not come.

It should be transferred to the Elder Palace, or directly back to the original star.

If it goes back, there will be so many things.

Although Golden sword is very important, it is far from the receipt of the goods in the town magic space.

The origin in the golden sword, let him show all the power, then extract some useful swords, enhance the current swords.

That's a small rope.

For this thing, he is fallen, and it is not willing to die.

At the same time, in the middle of the house.

The ten six-order emperor, and the top five-order episode of dense Ma Ma, ready to go.

"Now that the Northern Youth State is shocked, since the true spirit gave us to us, we have to solve it now."

"This is nature!"

After the six-order emperor is discussed, it is divided into five teams. Each team is two six-order emperor, and the strength is also comparable to it.

Although most of them have been shocked, they can be raised in accordance with the nature of the Polysman, there is no weaker strength.

Even if it is not as good as the top, the two are almost the same, those five-level emperor are all peak levels, and the ordinary six-order episodes of the four major secrets.

Such a big burst, the white tiger temple has to be sweaty.

"I will lead the first team and transfer to the North Tunzhou. Several other teams go to the nearby big states, be sure to suppress changes, and the sword is unparalleled."


Everyone answered in Qi!

Subsequently started to leave.

The Yuan Hou Palace has not yet set the position of the palace owner, but more than a dozen six-order emperor's appeal is still very powerful. It quickly called a large number of people in the Elder House, and went to Beijing.

Wu Zuo is a single gun, a person to the cold, go all out, from the transmission of the Chan, to the Shangqing Palace, also take a day.

There is no way, there is only one big city with a pass array.

However, its own strength is unneed, there is only one super-active in Chan, and there is only one big city.

After the Wu Zhizhi is coming, steadily sitting on the dark snake head, and the speed is several times faster than the ancient boat riding in the sword.

Hanzhou has just appeared a super power, only a few breathing, disappeared.

This makes the sixth-order emperor of the super Zongmen are amazed, and they will be busy with the white tiger temple.

Dominant changes, the fire was killed.

Bai Tiger Temple, I have long known this. This kind of thing is nothing more about in the past, usually don't worry people to investigate, and then chasing.

But this time, they didn't move.

The four secrets of the past day before the day of the day, said that the Northern Youth gave it to the loyal palace, they have not come to withdraw from all walks of life, and they happen.

Don't say that they have to support it, they are already enough to give the true spirits.

White is sitting in the upper side of the flag, the tiger has a cold color.

"Hey! A group of waste."

Although it is not awesome, he still sent a fidelity to the North.

The reason why the White Tiger Temple is very resistant to the creation of the old palace, but it is because of your self, they are created by the disagreement, and they are not selfish.

It is the four major secrets of management, which is the Tianzhu Temple. If the Elder Palace is established to make the four secrets more stable, he is more supported.

However, the four major secrets of the present, as simple as the true spirit, he recovered for a few days, and he will know the things that are difficult to fight.

Nowadays, I have just been stabilized, and I have established a veteran house, I also got four secret memories. Isn't this not addict?

Baihu Temple is very special in the four halls.

It is not like the Suzakian Temple, and several people can manage the original world. There are few treasures, and people are less competitive.

Qinglong Temple, it is more out of defense.

On a chassis of a continent, the top of the big cat kitten is two or three, and it is not used at all.

Their responsibility is to fight outside, but now this situation, where to fight!

The Xuanwu Temple is more free.

Sitting in the town of one hundred and eight.

It is equivalent to a hundred and eight high worlds, of which the space is unlimited, but the strong is very rare, and there is a lot of treasures.

It was originally a relatively common temple.

However, the temple of the Xuanwu Temple, I don't know any way, and I will recruit one of the five magic people.

The wind is in the five major magic owners, and the character is the most stable, and it is good at refining, and Xuanyi is inherited inherited the core forces in the Diva Temple, the three gods, 18 gods, one hundred and eight messenger Treasures and inheritance have left the hall, left to Xuanyi.

Let him be responsible for spreading out, do not want himself to conclude.

In the year, I didn't send these treasures in the year, all of them all.

With these treasures, it built ten old nests, and life in every old nest is a jealous.

If it is not because the arrival of the Deman trial, there is no living person, it is .

The strength of these is very strong, the weakest is the limit, which can be comparable to the emperor.

Some of the strongest, he has seen several, can play a six-order force.

Those who can merge tens of thousands of people together, and the power is endless.

Xuan Yi, which controls the whole ten worlds of the arms, such a huge power, in the Polyson Temple, the most comfortable thing, dare to fight with the true spirit.

In the four temples, the most wronged or their white tiger temple.

It is said that it is a four major secrets, but it is better to say that the four secrets have firmly grasp them.

When the Baihu Temple was established, only nine people!

In addition to him, there are eight messengers.

The rest of the law is not a person.

At the beginning, he left to help them look at the four secrets, and the result was a statue, very ancient foil, and it could not be changed.

Fortunately, he continued to wrap the four secrets of the four secrets, let them sett it in the White Tree, only today's situation.

The Elder Harbor is established. In the four secrets, he is inserted, he is nothing, he is afraid that there is some opinion in the man.

Controlling the four secrets or these people.

Without those temples of the palace, they control the ambitious secret.

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