Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5330 5325 ??? Guangmu Tianzun

The heavens are still good, like the mirror of the mirror, it is unbearable, and the blood is smashed, and there is less and less can't be suppressed.

In the ground, the Temple of the land they set up, even the people are recruited, or they can't take effectively, and they are fighting in the battle every day.

Heaven, there are extra strong people, will be sent to the ground, and you will have opinions for these people. They are not a puppet.

Relieve him to put it.

The strongest of the land is not less than the heavens, the power of the land is very big, and the false chance is very large, and there is not much person dare to go.

In the country, it is difficult to recruit enough strong people.

He even enjoys a lot of special life in the gods, sent to the ground, although these special life is very fierce, but at least you can listen to him, help him to suppress those miles.

Among the boundaries, hidden secrets, his book is in the same world, and there are only two fidelity in the heavens.

The rest of the war was put into the ground and the gods.

It is really a stable, or the secret of all the circles.

There is no need to suppress it, only some of the strong people, set up a white tiger hall, and it is enough.

White is a pass through the transfer array, directly arrived in Northern Tuzhou.

He came this time, it won't be easy to show, if he arrived, he will come, if the old palace can be high, then it is good.

It is just that the Northern China, the light is a transfer array, and the treasure is a treasure, it can be said to be an astronomical figure.

This piece of fat, he wants to let go, and those who will not be easily evacuated.

There is also a huge expenditure of the country, it requires the treasures of the heavens, and the cost of recruiting strong people is too high.

And the indigenous emperor, it is difficult to show the emperor of the anti-day, and the strength is ordinary and the town can not hung.

The strength of the fire is, it is actually good, it is a number of people in the stream, but it can be killed in an instant, which can see the gap.

Now he is going to invite a strength to be born, can't leave the veteran palace.

This time he specializes in the north to Tuzhou, it is for this matter.


In the ancient people called Tianzun, this is the real top emperor.

Can be listed as a hundred and eight gods, representing the people of the disagreement.

In the sixth order, it is all extremely reversible.

Northern Guozhou.

When they were moved into the Diva Temple, Zeng Huang was a huge mountain range, which was full of 100,000 mountains. It was endless. There was a turbid airflow in the mountains. Vanus entered it soon lost the direction.

Only the strong people who become immortals can live in it.

Therefore, there is very little strong in Zhangzhou life, and the Zongmen is only two or three big cats, and even a strong incent is not out.

All this is actually because of the existence of Guangwei Tianzun, his chaotic gas flow threshold in Zhangzhou is too high, and the van is not, the strong life living here, most of them are a strong, come here.

As for the survival here, it is not possible at all.

And where he lives is, it is in the depths of the airflow.

On the depths of Zhangzhou, a hills of hills have an ancient temple.

Here is the vast road of Guangmu Tianzun.

Here, the airflow is very thin, and the hall is clearly visible, there is no cloud of turbidity.

White drifting, this is not the main battle, the ordinary white robe wears, just a tall body is not so clear, but it is very strong.

"Guanggou brother, don't you welcome me?" White leaks a smile and looked back closed the hall.


The main hall slowly opened, from which the burly man running out of a dark runt, he was deeply trapped, the nose was high, the lower jaw is generous.


After the two people, they all leaked their strong momentum.

Guangwei Tianzun is slightly surprised, saying: "You will not think, you can defeat me with a fidelity!"

"Haha, the Guangwei brother is too seen, and I am not coming to find you." White smiled.

He is really not a glimpse of the opponent. After all, the other party is the existence of one hundred and eight gods.

I really want to be so unbearable, take out, is not the face of the owner.

When the gods fell, they had a few people, and they were treated under the old people who did not fall. They must be kind, they can't suppress it, and they must not force it. If you leave them, you will go.

At the beginning, some people were really afraid of death, escaped, such as Wu Zhi!

The Guangwei Tianzun is different. When he was injured in Zhangzhou, he didn't participate, and the disagreement was fallen.

He is not willing to go, and he is not willing to hear the arrangement of the four temples, it has been hidden in this hall.

I have passed that I didn't know how many years.

"Come in!" Guangwei reached out and made a posture.

After all, it is a place to stay, he will not be too much, although there is still a proud bone.

The two entered the main hall and landed on a seat.

White is directly opened to see the mountain and tells the pattern today.

The true spirit is recovered, the highest trial is opened, and the veteran is established.

As for the throne of the stream, it is a small thing, and it is not worth mentioning.

Guangwei Tianzun heard the true spirit and recovery, inherited a lot of memories of the disorder, and the eyes were somewhat wet.

As a messenger of the discriminant, the decagination did not live around his old man. He has been alive in his embarrassment, so that you can't come out.

I am afraid that I have encountered an acquaintance and I am smiling.

It is to know that the three gods of the past, the three gods are all faded, and the 18th God will have no ridiculous, falling, and it is heavy, it is not recovered.

In the midst of God, he is also very spared, and the gods fell, and the gods were unhappy, all of them were in the gods of the gods.

Look at him again, it is good to live, I don't want to die.

The white eyes saw the key, and the request of the mountain is proposed.

"Guanggou brother, the highest trial is to find a heir for the owner. This is the rule of the owner. Try now, it is necessary to settle in the four secrets, but the secret is turbulent, but it is not suitable for try. Refining! "

Don't look at it is very impulsive, and the seven-bad heart in the body is not fake.

The wisdom of Xuan is also the same.

I heard the legacy of the disagree, and the Guangmu Tianzun really moved.

Guangwei first surprised: "The four major secrets are moving?"

"Yes!" White saw a play, and then said: "If there is no time today, there is no time, it is in the state, there is a giant change, the passage of the palace, the palace, represents the facade of the disagreement, is being On the spot, there is a murder, there is a turmoil in the forefront. Almost ruined the whole city, or let the true spirit personally fractured, but this is still not long, the Tianjie has a problem. "

Said, white one actually can't help but bow, starting to have a good job, and the owner has not made it.

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