Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5331 # 5326 ??

Finished the expectations of the disagreement.

Said here, the white one began to talk about, the last year of the year, let him take care of the predecessors who are still alive, and now I have to trouble and have a lot of money, it is simply disrespectful to the disappointment.

Even if it is iron, I heard it, I can't help but fall into tears.

In ancient times, the discriminates are really a day.

He has been in a weak hour, and his hometown is destroyed. One person will fall into the outsider, and the first forces joined are the Zongmen under the disorders.

Later, I became a host, and I finally entered my disagreement.

He has been proud that the true core of the disagreement is true.

It can be in the temple in the temple, which is so uneasy, how can he sit?

When you get up directly.

"White brother, these years, bitter!" The eyes of the vast eyes are very sincere.

White is not known that it is really touched, or the heart is very grunged, and it has also sob.

Two peaks, the peak strong in the Diva Temple, two big men actually like a little girl, crying.

The two feelings have gradually risen for a while, and the knee is talking to a long time.

"I didn't expect that Zunzhou actually happened this kind of thing, chasing the inheritor, it seems that this forces are very deep in the four secrets!" Guangwei's eyes change, replace it with a sharp purpose.

White has followed the opening: "Hey, I blame I have no four secrets in these years, there are so many chaos, the power is like shadow, how can I get it."

That power, white in the investigation, set up a secret article of Tianzim 1, but every time I have to see the truth, it suddenly disappeared in this world, no matter how many strong people he launched, it is not fruit.

The shadow of the city, the god of the heavens, and the primary gods of the people.

They can't completely eradicate, they are like a plaster.

In the meant, these people may be some high-level high-level, but the land is a member of each organization.

It has been traced for so long. He has two-level emperor, and it has been found two, but no matter how to ask, even searching their memory, you can't find behind the host.

Their memories have been turned off behind people.

Can't find any clues at all.

Guangwei Tianzun shakes his head, comfortable: "This is not blame you, I have heard of a rumor, when building four secrets, in the underground suppression, many of them, where there is a strong, maybe these alien Make a chaos behind. "

The construction of the dismsical temple, almost dismantled the small half of the long river, the universe ruined a lot.

Of course, the destroyed universe is some of the universe.

White is a little in favor: "I also thought of it, just in accordance with the list left by the owner, there was no abnormalities in the depression. They should not run out! Do you say that someone breaks through?"

Thinking of this, the two pairs look at it, and the bottom is a chill.

If this is true, this thing is not a small thing.

"This chasing the inheritor, we can take this opportunity to explore." There is an idea in your heart.

The purpose of the previous people is to make the four secrets intercom with each other and then spread the tomb.

Now that it is for the inheritor, it is likely that the two dials are different.

Perhaps this time is a great opportunity.

In order to break the boundary wall, they never be so crazy, now for a Daojun inheritor, it is crazy.

It is easy to kill six-order emperor, which is at least the strength.

Wu Zuo's fidelity was killed, this strength is not a general strong, it is soaked.

It is such a powerful person.

Maybe they will quickly find the truth behind it.


Both people directly out of the hall.

Bai Yixin is dark, I didn't expect to come out of the mountain.

Only a city in Zhangzhou is the establishment of the outside people, established in Zhangzhou near the stream.

Baiyi passed through the breath of the sword, and the news is sent to the Heavenly Headquarters of the Tianjie, so soon, it quickly locked the sword unparalleled position.

Nowadays, I am running wildly in Zhangzhou.

It's just that the elder palace's sheep is not in the sword. Now there is no double one person in the sword, and it is being chased.

"The people of the Tianguo Gate!" White looks at the news on the identity token, and recorded this super.

For ordinary people, the Tianguo Gate is a super zone, but for him, a para-active that can be destroyed by a manner is in ancient times.

After this time, we have to go to the sky.

"Guanggou brother, we have hidden here, I have already touched the identity of the stream, is a old color color, according to their speed, we are waiting in this city, absolutely failed." White Self-confident.

At the same time, he also dispatched a strong in the Bai Tiger Temple. This group of people are strong in him.

In the past few years, he also cultivated a lot of strong people, and there were still many profile in the four secrets.

Too much treasure, he is not much, but there is still a lot of treasures to cultivate emperors.

Controlling the four secrets, except for Zhu, he is the richest.

And Zhu Yizhan is not a Zhu Yibei.

I really want to be private treasures, he is the richest.

Every day, he is the god of the emblem, it is an astronomical figure.

Not to mention how many years have been accumulated, there are hidden secret treasures around the world, and he is not finished.

If you often have riots around, his treasures are not finished.

The five six-order emperor who directly dispatched one time, all of them are strong, five people can be comparable to the powerful.

This is a very secret force, they have their own paramenities, usually do not contact him, but once there is a major change, these people will disguise the identity, and they will arrive at him at any time.

! ! ! ! !

Soon, there is no need for an hour, this inconspicuous city has a five-top stronger in one time.

The six-order episode of the first disappeared in Chang Shenlong, actually piled up.

However, these people did not find these six-order emperor. In this big city, the strongest person is just a five-level emperor.

These six-order peaks, all covered a wide black robe, from the head to the end, the breath has changed a lot.

After seeing the white one in the city, nodded, then left in a teahouse opposite the attic.

The five peak emperors, plus their own fidelity, and there is also a wide range of people to sit in the town.

The other party will have to leave today.

Now, the bait is coming with that heavy rain.


They just left, transferred in the lattice, and came to a terrorist atmosphere.

Two big six-order emperor, plus more than one hundred five-level emperor, rushing out.

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