Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5332 5327 ???? You think I am scared

This allows you to see the group of the city of the group of the city, the monarchy of the city, the temple, the temple, the emperor who took the town here, directly communicate headquarters, scared, did not dare to go out.

The sixth order episodes have two, and there are more than 100 strong people who are comparable to the sixth order.

This forces are enough to slap in the nearby big state.

White is hidden, the emperor of the Yuan Hai Palace did not find out, and when they were in a hurry, they did not have more time, and they got out of the city, and they went straight to the stream.

Among these people, there are a lot of people, and there are even a lot of people who have passed by him. Many of them are the failure of his hand.

Looking at these people left, white shook his head.

These people who have no brains, even if they go to the stream, they can't find the sword. Because they go out, the sword is unparalleled from southeast to this big city, obviously a map.

Going to Hanzhou is also close, but the city of Cangzhou is much more much better than this city.

And there is no strong in Cangzhou, the sword is unparalleled, and I am afraid it is also known to have the existence of Guangwei Tianzun.

White has quickly pushed the sword unparalleled ideas.

Unfortunately, I didn't think about this. He didn't think about the sword, and I couldn't find the three measures of the sheep. I can only take the stream, and I've been looking for.

At the same time, outside Sharo City.

Wu Zuo Fa is self-explosive, forming a huge barrier, and the white monarch is trapped for a whole time.

That barrier consumed at least three eternal to treasure.

After Bai Jun Wang, after the feelings of the shares, the body shape, turned into a streamer, and went toward the north-shi Zhangzhou.

The sword is unparalleled, it is already very close to Nortteen, if it is not behind the six-yang people, let the ancient boat pause, he is afraid that he is now going to Zhangzhou.

Now, according to the distance, he has to have half an hour before you can rush to Zhangzhou, and then fly to the first big city in Northern Guo, then there is a city of Beishan City! "Beishan City!"

"Six Yang Taoist, you are not afraid that I will inform the people of the Baihu Temple today. At that time, you will not fall in the four secrets. You will definitely fall!" The sword didn't look at the temple behind him, shouting loudly Tao.

If the other party is not sneak attack, he can still be a little faster.

Just just, he felt a huge threat, so like the beast broke through the cage, it was in his direction.

He is really afraid that he didn't go to Beishan City, it was chased by the horror.

The old man is late, it is not false, it is trapped by anything.

Now he can only rely on himself, keep the big flag, first put the Liuyang people to scare, or if he also even sends a magic.

But he is alone, no one protects.

How to face this five-order peak emperor.

Liuyang people stand outside the hall, a pair of deep scorpions, look at the sword is unparalleled, rampant: "The milk is undustful, do you think the old man is scared? Even if you let the people of the Temple chased me, you have to Say it first! "

Sheep three has been trapped by him, and now it is difficult to protect.

He just drags the sword and unparalleled, or seizes the sword and unparalleled, and give him to the white monarch, you can get countless treasures, and rushed to 6th order.

I will find a hidden point in the place, hiding hundreds of an era, I have to calm, he is also a six-order emperor, he really does not believe, the temple will chase him a six-order episode because of a Daojun.

This account should be clear.

And the sword is unparalleled now, even if he sansn it, no one knows that he is doing.

After a sufficient look, he didn't believe in the sword.

Seeing that the other party, the sword is unparalleled, and the only thing he can do now is to pray that the Yangjiao's old man is coming back, or there is a peak in Beishan City to take him.

Otherwise, once he stops, Liu Yang people can hit it in an instant, and catch him.

If you don't stop, go to the transfer array, he is sitting with ancient boat and has been flying, and I want to go back to the Zhongzhou Foreign Palace, estimate how millions of years.

Although the stream is very close to Zhongzhou, he is not a million years in the map.

This is no way, if you arrive in Beishan City, the Yangjiao's old man has not returned, he can only flee the scalp.

I just got this idea, the fisherman of the bow flashed, turned the head stiffly: "The owner has explained, if necessary, I will block all threats for you!"

I heard this sentence, the sword is unparalleled, he didn't expect this kind of fisherman, there is still this kind of money.

Revealing, the rear of the rear, but the five-order peak, when the opening is asked: "The people who have chased it later, the five-order peak emperor, do you block?"

"I can resist, ten breathing!" The fisherman rigid.

The sword is unparalleled, when the opening: "It's enough!"

Ten breathing, he took the shipment, escaped to Yuanyang Lake.

He swearing, after returning to Yuanyang Lake, the first thing is to let him go back to the original world.

Never stay more than one quarter in the sky.

This road is simply too scary, encountering that power, he can't resist, can only sit.

Escape may not escape.

This is a very desperate thing.

Speed ​​and time run, soon he arrived in Northern Guozhou.

I don't know how, after entering Northern Guangzhou, the potential fear of the top of his heart has become a lot.

"There is another quarter of an hour, it is here!"

The sword is unparalleled, keeping the strength in the peak, and the madness is in the army.

The beast god field also suddenly broke out next, a huge wings, open and closed.

He has already jumped into the transfer array at any time.

The six-yang people behind him are more urgent than him.

"What this kid is thinking, he will not think that I can't move him in Beishan City!"

Liu Yang Taoist's thoughts were turned down to remove a dark redanese medicine, turned to see the bifurcale: "If you have changed, you will take this Dan medicine, you can make you show Eight arm Tianmia, stopping the sword without double a moment. "

I heard the eight arm, I wish you all the best, you're done.

The six-arm Tianmie has been comparable to the thirteen too sword. The legendary eight arm is more powerful than too much.

In the history of the Tiangou Gate, you can apply the eight-arms of the sky.

One of him, can barely to show eight-armed sky, as long as you know one of them, you can benefit endless.

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