Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5333 5328 ??? Entering Beishan City

However, in the face of the anti-Tiangu Jun Jian, I wish you a big heart. After receiving the Dan medicine, I started to prepare and the next battle.

If there is no accident, the sword is unparalleled. This is the best, then the one will catch up soon, although I have not lived to catch the sword, but the road and guidance are also enough for him to get a lot of treasures.

If the sword has no double truth, dare to fall in this city, he must also leave it.

As for the rumors of Guangwei Tianzun, he also knows one two, but it should not be so unlucky.

The six-yang heart is calculated, the place behind it, it will arrive at a quarter, and the Beishan City is almost a quarter.

There is no ten breathing in the middle.

As long as he stops the sword unparalleled ten breathing, even if you finish the task.

In his own source, a gold token is engraved with "shadow" trembling.


The sword is unparalleled.

I will arrive at Beishan City immediately, and I have been a desperate moment.

The strength of the fisherman, he is unclear, but it is possible to block the six-yang people ten breathing, and it is also the first five-level emperor level.

The of this level, fight against ten breathing, still have great hope.

The rest will look at his own creation.

A group of peaks in the southern southern, the veteran palace in the middle of the Zhangzhou, the heart of the veteran, and the sword is unparalleled.

If the sword is unparalleled, it is cold, maybe it may meet, it seems that it is unlikely.

He can only pray silently, and Guangmu Tianzun can shoot.

The jadeboard that rubs the thumb is now only relying on it.

As long as you follow the peak power of the people, you should know this board, as long as you see this board, you should help.


I don't want him to think, a black Yao Guang is again hit, interrupted his thoughts, let the ancient boat pause again.

The sword is unparalleled, and the turn is looking to the rear, and the eyes become very fierce.


A five-order emperor, as long as the success is successful, the war may go straight to the fourth-order episode.

With the power of his space, how long can you use it for a long time, you can enter the fifth level.

After his own origin, after the five-order emperor, Liu Yang, this five-order episode, and can kill.

This time I will leave, I have to report this hatred.

As long as he can leave, he will tell this time, and this six-yang people can't escape.

Beishan City.

A ancient city in the mountain range, just a lot better than the city of Sharo.

Don't look at the city in the city, you can take the top in the oversight of the city, there are many Shaolo City. After all, it belongs to the wilderness, and the van is not, only some emands of the emperor, the Daojun is very few. here.

Since the strong people in the veteran palace leave, the strong people in Beishan City have heard that after the state of the people, they also escape.

But most of these people are the emperors of the temple, they don't dare to travel to other big states, and they can only flee in the depths of Zhangzhou.

The control of the temple is here, only one transmission array, the rest, this is also a face of Guangmu Tianzun.

I still dare to stay in the city or Daojun, most of them are dead pigs, not afraid of boiling water soup, holding luck.

Dominant, the people who escaped went to Hanzhou.

And the source of the stream, now I don't know what it is, just heard a horror, killing the fire.

Subsequently, there is a big Rio Scharon in Shaoli, destroy all the transfer arrays in the country.

This is obviously coming with the purpose, as long as you don't go to the state, do you dare to come to the north of Zhangzhou?

Although the Northern Matsuka is very wild, there is nothing decent, but the name of the Guangwei Tianzun, but in the Northern Boy, its strength is super strong in the Northern Beijing.

Even if the other party is crazy, it will not come to find a fun!

Now, it is different from these people.

In the turbid sky, a black ancient boat, shuttle.

The emperor in the city, just saw the ancient boat, did not respond yet, the next moment of the ancient boat arrived.

This speed exceeds the limits of the space, which has come to the presence of touch time.

The ancient boat has just entered Beishan City, and the six-yang people came back.

"I still stop here, it seems that this kid really has anything to rely!" Liuyang people's eyes were cold and glanced.

The city owner is just an ordinary five-level emperor, and it is not darent in front of him.

The emperor of the temple is stationed here, it is just a fourth order, even if he kills, you will also hide a few hundred era, take some treasures, and you can go to it.

When there is millions of miles from the transfer array, the sword is unparalleled. "" Just now, block him! "

After leaving this sentence, his body has a flash directly under the ancient boat, and the ten refining flesh completely broke out, and it turned into countless lacquer black lines.

Thousands of talents, this is a superior flesh.

In the case of the limit, his origin can be cut into countless.

Even if the emperor wants to kill him, it is not that simple.

His figure has just left the ancient boat, the fisherman's shape changed, and the long knife was drawn from behind.

In the face of the six-yang people, he is not afraid of death.

Speaking of ten breathing, then ten breaths.

The ancient boat is cast in ancient times, and the fisherman is from the wind there, the strength is comparable to the five-level emperor, and it is not afraid of death.

When the sheep got him, I was prepared to give the post generation as a guard. Later, it was difficult to put the fisherman on the ancient boat, completely became a fisherman.

Liu Yang people saw the fisherman who was in front of him and jumped from the hometown of the hometown.

"You can stop the sword is unparalleled, drag three breathing!"

His voice is very confident.

As long as three breathing, he will kill the .


The hometown of the hometown is missing, and it is broken.

The fisherman wanted to stop, but he was opened by the six-armed heavenly fist in the Taoist Taoist.

"Take me!"

Six-yang people's tremendous miles, a punch, a box, six arms, just in an instant, tens of thousands of boxes.

The fisherman's violent knife is difficult to resist, or a number of punches, the body of the body is broken.

Six-yang people smiled, three breathing said long, two breathing is enough.

A puppet that is never eternal to Bao, how is the power and weak, how can you block him.


Next, the six-handed tapered cone appeared in the hands, shining, and the rays were unlimited.

"It's Liuyang!"

Hiding in the city main house, the Beishan City owner who did not dare came out, saw the battle in the sky, leaking surprised.

The fighting power of Liuyang is terrible, although the same strength is much poor, he can't stop it, you can only let the people who come to the Temple.

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