Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5335 5330 ??? Killing Dijun

The talents, strengthen the body of the body and the body.

This is nothing in the outside world, enter the boy temple, and he has not got to learn, this is the first to learn.

Just don't have time to consider this now.

After the Hands of Biki Mask, you will look forward to the wars in the distance in the distance.

Now he has no place to escape.

The fisherman has already blocked three breathing, but he has broken itself.

The cramps of the dramatic cone, once in his body, hit the in the body, and this is so this is actually to maintain the peak force.

The romance shot, it is not general.

"The damn thing is destroyed!" Liuyang was crazy on one side, and he also paid to the conveyance array.

When I saw the sword unparalleled standing, he was completely relieved, but he still didn't dare to pay for safety.

Directly make the bodai, with the Thunder, tawned the fisherman.

Six arms, grabbed the limbs of the fisherman and heads, and the eyes looked at each other, yin, "I have to see, you have multiple matters!"


After a torn voice, the six-yang people roared, and the fisherman was completely tearing into a fragment.

Then, six-handed one, a dazzling radiant, there is no fisherman's figure in the sky, and finally makes ashes.

Leave only an ancient boat.

Five breathing!

It's almost the same as him, and it is halfway to expect to fisher.

This is the difference between and life.

The strength of the embarrassment is fixed, but there is unlimited possibilities in life.

In the face of Liuyang Taoist, the sword is unparalleled and is not ready to die.

Now anything is gone, you can only die.

Then, the horror exists, it is very close, and a few breathing can come, and today he must stay here.

If you really fade, you are not someone else, you are the emperors of those temples.

The forehead is booming, and the sword is unparalleled.

Liuyang people instantly, looking at the sword and unparalleled, laughing: "How, don't care? Be crazy!"

It's a ridiculous!

For safety, he did not take the lead in the sword unparalleled, but rushed to the transfer array, it was damaged.

The transfer array here is just the lowest level, the defense is general, and he can completely destroy several times.

For the six-yang people, the sword is unparalleled without any one, but it is not the ability to fight, but the black emperor who stops him, he has full of grasp.

"Just take you!"

The sword is unbold, such as the dead, has changed like a wax.

Black Emperor is facing the six-yang people, not resistance, can only be scattered, some kind of emperor, have been rushed toward the Temple.

There is a bigger bigger, and their duty is to guard the transmission, now the transmission array is destroyed, and there is no need to leave, just send this matter back to the headquarters.

In the black emperor who avoided all around, there is the one who has previously stopped him.


The sword is unparalleled in the space, and the next moment appeared in front of the black emperor.

"You, what do you want to do?" Black Emperor's anger.

Liuyang people go crazy, they are unable to block, only choose to leave, now the sword is unparalleled to stop him.

The sword is unfolded, it is like a devastos, and the cold voice said: "You said what I want!"


A slight movement, four-discrete, instantly burst into the next moment.

One of the universe!

I haven't made it for a long time.

In the end of the town magic space, he wronged for a long time. After coming, there is no similar opponent, and now the black emperor is a good grinding stone.

Pull a pad back, not more than one!


The Jianxun is accompanied by his mind, and today the first sleepy is also his strongest battle.

The sword is raised to the seventh floor, and after the sixth floor, the Sixth floor is used to use the strongest admiral, and can explode seven hundred and twenty swords.

Seven hundred and twenty of the strongest phantom sword, floating around.

"Give me it!"

The sword is unparalleled.

Black Emperor wants to resist, but it has not been able to hold it. It is surrounded by the sword array, and there is no chance.

"Do not!"

"You dare to kill me, I am the temple guard!"

Black Emperor is reluctant.

He didn't expect the sword to be so strong, and he could calm him.

A Daojun, how can it be strong in the city.

This scene also surprised Liu Yang Taoist, Dao Jun killed the emperor this anti-day thing happened to happened, but usually, some of the first-order emperors, or some injured emperors.

Nowadays, swords are unparalleled, but they have killed a second-order emperor, and the other strength is intact.

This is not too powerful!

It is no wonder that there is no high exposure identity, killing all the way.

The white one and Guangwei Tianzun hidden in the dark are too surprised.

White is a shackle, I am not interested in this.

Guangwei Tianzun, who lived in ancient times, and the anti-Tiandaojun, and even some emperors of the sky, more amazing than this.

Moreover, most of the four secrets in the four secrets, most of them are ancient behind, the strength is not unity, and there is too much than the real ancient monk.

When he took him, the same six-order peak emperor, he was much more powerful than the ancient descendants in the four secrets, and he could sweep.

But in the ancient times, those costumes have a lot of power than him.

Although the discriminant is strong, but it is not fully on behalf of ancient times.

In the emperor, the real invincible existence is still those who will.

The strength of a hundred and eight messenger can only be considered, and God will represent an invincible sign.

Under the universe, God will go out, there is no thing that can't be solved.

Everyone is the ultimate emperor, and the strength is against the sky.

Now the outside world, although there is no powerful inheritance, the ultimate existence is much more, he listens to it, and now there is thousands of ultimate Jun, there is also the original boundary, and there is also the original world. More than two hundred are the ultimate existence.

So many ultimate channels control, in ancient times, countless years, there are so many years.

I didn't expect the current outside world, and the power of gestation is so strong.

They don't know, now the external pressure is huge, the original universe has to give birth to some powerful existence to protect itself.

As for that more than a thousand ultimate jigues, almost cleans the hundreds of universe nearby, just collect such people.

The true spirit is like a baby, hiding on a small island of Yuanyang Lake, and also accepting some inheritance, directly from the previous trial.

The main one has some Deman, just mastered the ultimate way, it is not suitable to send it to the outer hall, and then stayed in the four secrets.

Guangwei Tianzun looked at the sword and no pairs, and no wonder will get the body of the people, and the strength is so striking, even if it is in ancient times, it will be treated as a mission.

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