Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5336 5331 ?? Amazing battle

The Black Emperor finally turned ash, and even a short breath did not leave.

Since the ultimate sword road joins the seventh floor, some structures in the absorbance are gradually not suitable for him, but now there is no almost improvement.

Now it seems that there is no chance after him.

The , .. .

I am afraid that Liuyang is crazy, and he will also give him a slaughter.


The flesh has been played to the ultimate sword. The fumes exudes the seven-color flare.

"Six Yang Taoist, I have no hatred with you, why don't you make such a step!" Although he guessing the status of six yang is not usually, it is likely to oppose the opposition power in the Division, but now there is no other way, expect expectations The other party will not directly killer, as long as dragging the time, there will always be a miracle.

Zhenling gave him the jadeboard of the disorder, it should be very important to him, as long as dragging for a while, maybe true spirit will appear.

Liu Yang people will smash some black emperor, overlooking the little sword, unparalleled, and leak a slice.

"The sword is unparalleled, don't play smart, today, even if you come to the Temple of the Temple, you can't save you!" The voice of Liuyang is very gloomy.

He is very loyal to Shadong, and has always been a great expectation for Shadow.

I hope that the shadow of the shadow defeated the temple and truly controls the four secrets.

From this point of view, the Six-yang people have a deep understanding of the Temple of the Pesticine.

The sword was unparalleled to hear the Hall of the Temple, immediately thought of the four temples whose Yang's old man said, he was the land of Zhu Ye in the primitive industry.

Here is the site of the White Tiger Temple.

"Six Yang Taoist, you don't have to be deceived, the four secrets are different from what you imagine, the temple of the temple is not the strong, which is not the strong, more than him."

He said yes, the four secrets is really not a white tiger hall, and the real controller is the true spirit.

Six-yang people are a member of Shaosong, and will be scared by this, laughter: "The arrogant boy, don't think that from the mission of God, I feel more than you know, I know more than you!"

Said, referring to the sky above.

The powerful shadow is the strong in Liuyang. It seems that the sword is unparalleled.

Seeing this scene, the sword is unparalleled, the other party is a fool, the sleepy beast in the cage is general, sitting on the sky.

Don't say strength, he knows more than six yang people.

He at least knows that this is the Polyson Temple.

The outside world is the sea and sky, here is a bird cage.


The horizon in the distance, a white-haired man speed is extremely fast, more fast than the ancient boat, the sword is not double just induced by each other, it has reached his eyes.

Looking at the man in front of him, he couldn't help but tremble, the breath is extremely horrible, and the mountain is almost the same, but the Samer's initial injury is suppressed and may not be a real strength.

White hair?

The sword is unobstructed in the bumper!

White hair is not critical, the key is the breath, actually with him very similar, is a full breath.

Is the other party also a super product?

"Inheritner!" The Junjun, who has just arrived, is a greedy.

Similar to the body, let him understand that inheritance in front of him is still a super-flesh, which is more perfect than him.

Bai Jun Wang Yang Yang Xianshun, did not hide his greed, laughed: "God is helping me!"

Super product, complete, once the hector is won, he will be strong than now.

Now he relys the external power, although the flesh is full, the source is also comparable to the ultimate, but it is limited, only three days.

After winning the inheritor, according to the gods, he will get everything of the inheritor, including the source and the body, and the meat.

After standing on the side, I saw the Bai Jun Wang, although I didn't know the other party, I also know that the predecessors of the shadow.

"In the following, the shadow of the 14th generation disciples Liuyang, I have seen the predecessors!" Liuyang people took off the sky, change the same, single knee, one hand, hold the chest, respect. "

Bai Jun Wang is not interested in him, just nodded, randomly took out a mustard, and threw it to each other.

There are a lot of treasures inside, but it is not possible to count in the sword.

This is also the rule of the god, and the treasure is nothing, it is important that the six talents of Liuyang.

This is the pattern!

If you don't have this rule, he can put the opponent, save a big treasure, and leave it to yourself in the future. Isn't it better?

The gap is here.

The sword is unparalleled to look at this, and it is desperate.

Look at the eyes of each other, he doesn't work hard.

"This place is not suitable for a long time, you will follow me!" Bai Jun king stopped two or three breathing. He didn't dare to delay.

The road has long planned, and now the evacuation is better, but there is no strong man in the temple along the way.

The sword is unparalleled and the slight closes, this time is dead!

At this moment, he relieved, did not hate other people, but hated himself not strong enough.

He had to admit that his luck is so good, although it is energetic, but it has also been achieved today.

If this is really falling, there is nothing!

Heart has arrived at the fifth level, and it is open to the emperor.

One life, Wanshi!

This is enough, if there is still a chance, he will do not hesitate.

Just when he desperate, a weak breath, instant, just in an instant, it was here.

"Bai Jun Wang, you are afraid to bring him today!"

White and Guangwei Tianzun are parallel, and there are five six-order episodes in all directions, have surrounded.


Five black robe emperors, instantly rose a big array, all of them all.

Guangwei Tianzun is an angry, the body has skyrocketed, a pair of big scorpions, shining the world.

White is a silver war armor, and there have been a long knife in his hand, and the breath above it is enough to die.

After being surrounded, Liuyang was panicked.

The Bai Jun Wang also leaked the surprised eyes. He did not find ambush of a white one, which is out of his expectation.

However, it was found that after the incarnation, he was put down.

"There is a fidelity in the district, you are as stupid as Wu Zhi."

The voice just fell, the war was opened.


A vast black robes flew out and instantly swept him with Liu Yang.

The outside world has happened a shock battle.

Bai Jun Wang, one person wars seven emperors.

The strongest people, the war of Guangmu Tianzun also arrived, but compared with the White Jun Wang, it was weak.

This source is a lot of differences and populations.

The origin of the White Jun Wang has been exhausted, and now the source of Wan Dao is not his own source, and it is less than one point.

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