Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5337 5332 ?? Take me a punch

But the 68,000 times of the body can be a trim value.

If you are alone, he can get out, but there is a white body.

Don't look at the body, the war is actually just the top.

The body is so strong, it is actually getting better.

I can't tell him that the god is informing him that it is true that it is true, can escape, and I have not mentioned the war.

The remaining five major emperors, the formation of big cars can also be comparable to the strong.

Football three!

In the god tomb, those powerful special life, not all are all, some after sixth order, will have ordinary strength, but they have to be strong than those of these flesh and blood, but they will not be able to go.

The remaining five emperors are okay, but they are constituted, they can trap him, but they can't suppress him. If one-to-one, only three or five strokes can be broken.

The Bai Jun Wang flashed, and the figure suddenly turned.

Go straight to the battle of the five emperors.

"A group of idiots!"


Bai Jun Wang Yi looked out, directly shocked the battle, when I wanted to chase again, the Guangwei Tianzun and the white one and two people came in an instant, and they could only give up.

If you want to break, you can only solve the weakest.

He bites his teeth, hard to resist two, but also went to the battle.

The body has almost surpassed the White Jun King of the Emperor's limit, and the body has risen to hundreds of millions of miles, covering the sky.

The void is holding, and the sky is the same.


The word, it seems that the law is in the case, I have broken the battle, and the five emperors have vomited blood.

The purpose is reached, as long as it is defeated, now there is no time to hurry.

White eyes were cold, this time he was in, and he also looked at the veteran house. I thought I could pick a leak, or I received a tail, I didn't expect the other party to be strong, leading to him in trouble.

This is suppressed, can't stand the white monarch, and now he is in his position, and you may be small in the opponent.

"I know, I have come together in my two faders, but now you have to waste a lot of money to take him!" White one picker.

After listening to this, I will open the lottery, I am busy opening: "White brother, have a treasure to use it! This source is too strange, late generation!"

As he said, the stronger of the Baijun's native is stronger, and it can be less and less.

It's really going to drag, he is afraid that the two have to be alive here.

The opponent's war is in the mummy, and it can be ranked before, and they are not opponents.

If the Bai's respect, you can also win the other party, but now a fidelity, it is better than the husband of Wu Zuo, it is not too big, and the four secrets of the four secrets will be OK. It is not that simple guys who encounter these homes.

"Okay, please also ask the Guanggou brother to drag him, I need a little time." White low departure, his hands also a round ball.

Above the top of the cold cream.

This is the first door of the North Rival, and the best of the best is eternal to the treasure, but also a one-time treasure.

Once used, there is no.

At this moment, I haven't been distressed. This time I saved the sword. He must go to Zhu Yi to ask for a Bora to make up for yourself.

He doesn't want Zhu Yiguo.

In the face of hundreds of millions of Military Bai Jun Wang, the eyes of Guangwei Tianzun are , is not comparative to the opponent.

"Cross the thief, you have forgotten who he is the court, actually dare to build this!"

As the messenger of the discrimination, the Guangwei Tianzun Wei is strict. Although the strength is never the opponent, it is very fierce.

White Jun Wang did not eat this set, although it was a glimpse, it was a bit frightened, but I thought that my disagreement didn't know how long, smiled: "A scrap dog who is unwilling to funeral, what to put, Pack! "

"If your master is heart, you will here!"

"You are just the waste abandoned by the ancient times, and dare to the dog in front of the seat!"

"When I am in ancient times, you are not born!"

A series of squats, sentenced to the heart of the glimpse of Tianzun, and the fire is three feet, directly from the sky.

"You are dead!" Guangwei Tianzun angry.

Two people played, only between the moment, the powerful breath spread to the entire Zhangzhou, and the 100,000 mountain range was trembling.


In the heart of the heart, a strong source of origin is hurt, it is hurt!

"Haha, Guangwei, you dare to fight with the body!" Bai Jun king provocatively.

Just attacking, he is actually strong, and the source is now consumed by him, and the body is able to maintain it for three days. The source is now a moment.

Guangwei Tianzun is more dignified, cold channel: "Don't say a punch, you have to take it!"

"Hey, arrogant!"

Bai Jun Wang leaked a context, this Guangmu Tianzun is not afraid of flashing his tongue.

Sixty-eight thousand dawners, more than the special life of the gods, and his full-scale punch, the whatever you want to pick up it.

It's really desirable, he is really not impossible for him to kill the eyes for three days.

When I saw it, he knew that the two men still have a backhand. When it is not desperate, there is no sleep, and the white one is starting, and now is the only chance of him.

Who knows what is the next white hand?

I can't do it, he is stupid.

His voids, a powerful power condensed into a very pole, this punch is like a world's material, from a little outbreak.

Finally evolved into a world, born from the void, and the emptiness.

Space condense!

Strive to break, really true.

A punch of the body, actually broke the spatial source of the glimpse, so that his figure broke into the dark.


A punch, shuttle space, directly in front of the public.

In the face of this punch, the Guangwei Tianzun's eyebrows turned, this boxing is not open, he can only hard.

The sword involved in the sleeve is unparalleled, and through the sense of space, I realized the momentum, this power will make him feel tremble.

The fighting of the outside world has continued to have few breathing, but every time they handed, it can make the space shake and even have a signs of broken.

The six-yang people standing on the black corner are also surprised the fight against the outside world. He is more stronger than the sword, the more obvious feelings.

"Sixth Order Emperor?"

Is it so strong?

How to be somewhat different from what he saw, he has seen the scene of the Tianshen Mercente, the avatar of the eight arm, the six-order episode, that is, such a shocking, broken space, this is the emperor can do it Does it?

He didn't even cultivate it. Since the entry of the space, the realm is stagnant, it can only rely on treasures to accumulate, otherwise there is no six-order hope in this life.

Guangwei Tianzun as the messenger of the disagreement, can not have some stunt.

In the face of the punch, the green armor is condensed, gathered in the body, the strongest palm, directly, and the Bai Jun Wang hard.

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