Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5338 5333 ???

The two touch!

Just like a world, it is a flat world, but there is still the same material.


The Guangwei Tianzun is instantaneous, and the body has begun to fall at this moment, and it has fallen 30,000 times.

His gods have been transformed, and they have already reached 50,000 times, and they will break his body and seriously hurt him directly.

Too strong.

It has been able to compare the god of the year!

You must know that the god of the year can be said to be the invincible existence of the emperor. It is the strongest emperor in the long river of the time and space.

That is the ultimate emperor, the ultimate path has come to the level.

How can this white king will strengthen this, if he didn't remember the wrong, did these people did not want to vote from the disorders, they were taken from their own source, leaving only the gods thrown into the sandwich in the four secrets.

They can come out, this is not surprising, after all, for so many years, the four secrets runs through, these old guys are not surprising, but there are such a strong strength to be a little outrageous.

After the hit is effective, the Bai Jun Wang instantly turns into shape, chemically makes three thousand streamer, dispersed around, and even escape.

When he just scattered, the sky drifts snow.

A little snow floating!

"this is?"

This scene made him think of the Lord of extremely cold.

An universe of universe.

This is the famous field of the most cold master.

The place where you are in, all of them are frost!

Three thousand streamer just scattered, directly being fixed in the air, and he could not break freely.

The color is easily colorful, smirk: "You can't escape, in this extremely cold field, you are a frozen dead fish!"

The main means of the universe, the calculation of the emperor is stronger and can not break.

Dao Jun and Emperor are the words of the gap, the Lord of the Emperor and the Universe is the gap between the sky.

If you want to order, it is not willing.

The Tiandaojun, the heavens of the universe, but the emperor wants to fight against the sky, the reverse can be the heavens in the long river of time and space.

Not a level at all.

It is difficult for Million Million.

In ancient times, the whole history, it is also an emperor who can reverse the long river.

The emperor, the essence, the numerous people thought it was a star overall, and unfortunately, the final, condensed in the emperor.

She was a sword to break Qiuhuangcheng, and even see the "Decoction of the Emperor!"

The real emperor, in the emperor, no one is the enemy of his sword, and the 18th God will have to rely.

The only one, the emperor of the godbow in the Division.

The body of the emperor, comparable to the god.

This existence is the luck of an era, so that countless people have seen this dazzling person.

Like the role of Bai Jun Wang, in the hands of the existence, it can't move, let alone break the field.

"Guanggou brother, I have informing the things of this place, he will wait, we will wait here!" White smiled.

This treasure is absolutely not surpassing.

Wait Zhuo is here, you have to humiliate each other, even your people can see it.

There is also Zhu Yifang, she also has to owe myself in the future.

The tacit in the sword is good, and the emperor will be a person who hopes to set foot on the ranks. It can't be discarded.

Guangwu Tianzun heard the Wu Zhi to come, his face silen.

However, I didn't think that he didn't follow the spirit of the gods. He was eligible to ridicule Wu Zhi, thinking that the color here also slowed down, nodded, indicating it.

I have already arrived in Zhuang Zhi, all around, and even the breath of the white monarch can't find it. Don't mention where to find it, the Yuan Lao Qiang Qiang, who entered the stream, is also the same, there is no way.

"In Beishan City!" Wu Zuo received the news, his eyes were cold.

It is a white message to him.

The sword is unparalleled. It is the best. Once there is any accident, I really can't let him go.

He now, it can be found out of the temper, and it is good to say that the status treasure will not be lacked.

But anything is a bit, or if you don't make him satisfied, you will definitely wear a small shoe, and you can get tortured him.

After receiving the white news, he told other enemy palace, all of which flew towards the Beishan City in North.

On the road, the only sheep will be rescued from a big mountain.

When these people go to Beishan City, in the bottom of the heavens, the deep situation of the face, a dragon turned, and I went to Beishan City.

"The taste of this inheritor is very similar to that person. It is the principal of the original universe, but unfortunately it is not the predict."

The dragon has only one scorpion, and the opening turns a circle and then closed again.

His book does not go, can only leak a power, leaving here to go to Beishan City above.

This source of power and the origin of the Polysman, even different from the origins of the original universe, it doesn't seem to belong to the power here.

As the power is the same as the dragon, rushing from the ground, entering the extremely cold field, even the area cannot stop it, just an instant to enter the body of the white Junwang.

"Listening, this kind of power can only maintain a quarter, according to the plan to the depths of Zhangzhou, and then all the way to the north, cross the ancient city, go to the extreme cold, there will be someone in response to you!"

Bai Jun Wang heard this sentence, great!

Originally thought that today, I had to explain here, I didn't expect the gods to give him a good power.

When the voice just fell, he felt the power, and the moment poured into his body.

"Is this power?"

The three thousand stream lights, and the moment is re-condensed.

This scene made a shocking.

How can it be!

This is the extremely cold area, even if the magic Lord came, it is not necessarily so easy to escape.

"Retreat!" After the white reaction, he shouted at the Guangwei Tianzun.

The white jun king of re-condense, the breath rose, the stock does not belong to the origin of this world, so that the heavens began to tremble.

This breath has exceeded the emperor.

A quarter of an hour!

It's enough, I saw the two retired, and the Bai Jun Wang didn't have time to communicate with them, and I chose to break away.

This time, it is better to say that it is not as transient.

Transients in the Diva Temple.

It is not difficult to transient, and Dao Jun can do it, but that is in the outside world, in the original universe.

In the Temple of the Poly, I am afraid that in addition to the true spirits, no one can transient, like Zhu Yixi, because there is a treasure.

Bai Jun Wang is able to transient, and it can easily break the extremely cold field. This shows that his strength has a quality change, I am afraid that it has reached the extent of the owner of the universe.

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