Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5339 5334? Civil War

Beishan City.

Now Beverly City, it is better to say that it is a ruin.

And it is still the ruins of the frozen, some emperors who have not retired, Dao Jun even weak, and all is fixed here.

For powerful emperors, this is the ruins, but for those Daojun, this is an ancient remains in the future.

The breath of the above, is that gold, the underground buried treasure is more crazy.

Just these are later, and there is no Beishan City in the north-light Zhangzhou, and there is no wider eye.

After this battle, it was ready to enter the Baihu Temple, completely check the rebellion.

There are many sediments that have made many people have forgot his name. It is time to go out again. In 200 years, never crossed the step, maybe it's going to go out, you can break through.

Although there is no power in the temple, there is no too powerful inheritance for him to practice, but the mood changes still.

"Guangwei brother, the white tiger hall has your joining, must once again!" White leaks joy.

This time, the Bai Jun is running, although it is a little unwilling, but it is also a big receipt, it is not white.

If you don't use the treasure, it is better.

The glitcher leaking a slice, Shen Yun said: "White Hall, this time, I am disappointed, I can't win it, I still want to use his head as the first gift to the white tiger temple."

He started, it is indeed so thinking, but I didn't expect the current four secrets. It is simply hiding the dragon, some of the old things, running out, he is a strong strong, the first battle of returning, actually Unbearable, a little shame.

One also said that now the white tiger hall, the core layer is already the emperor of the next, and he is an old card, and it will not take the strength, and some are some of the people in front of the man.

Sweeping a few black robe, the face changed.

"You will go back first. This time does not pass!" White is slightly changed, and the sound is majestic.

Several black rones in the distance, immediately led his life.

The transfer array is destroyed and can only go to other states.

White looks in the glitcher, when you just want to open, you will find a spot in the horizon of the horizon, followed by a thunder.

The coming is the Zhuo Zhi.

After re-recovering the strength, his war does not lose the main hall.

Nowadays, I have been sitting in the town, and I have the style of the upper person, and I have never been respect for a while.


It is generally generally a gap in the public, but the relationship between Wu Zuo is general, and the status is not low in these disciples.

Seeing the attitude of the other party's debut from the guilty, when he snorted.

"Wu Zuo, pay attention to your words, this seat is in order to help the white brother, not for you!"

This is not a handsome pot, but it is true.

I can't say that he is a waste, let people run!

No matter what excuses, you can't say this.

Unless the other party is the owner of the universe!

Wu Zuo face muscle shake, and also knows that he is too arrogant. When it slowly eased, he said: "Guangwei brother, you can go to the mountain, it is a big fantastic thing. If there is anything else, I will never pursue, just This time, it is a command under the true spirit, to keep the sword unparalleled life. "

Although the polite changes, the threat of words is still there.

White is not eating this set, he is now the most disgusting thing is that others take the truth, when he is angry: "Hey, it is the command of the true spirit to you, not for us!"

Although people escape from two of them, they can't give them two pots!

Is there no problem with U.

Let a cast god that follow the sword unparalleled, what strength is he!

Don't talk about it, just say a six-order emperor, you can easily want the sword unparalleled life.

I am unfavorable, I still want to blame them.

His Tiandian Hall is falling.

A sword is nothing, what is the ultimate way, you can board the peak!

If so, simply put those ultimate road, as ancestors!

"White Hall, this, you said, although the true spirit gave the Northern Border to the veteran house, but you don't forget, who are you fight!" It's hard, and loudly said: "You are white! One of the monks can't stop!"

The two sides were anger.

Talking is that it will not be close, and the white is also seen. Wu Zuo is really gone, and the two sides can only fight again.


Wu Zuo is the present, the heart is sufficient, and today is big, it is a big battle, realistic.

Otherwise, he has no face to find true spirits.

In the past, the Guangwei was still inseparable, but I saw that Wu Zhi, I couldn't help, and he burst.

"Do you dare to do it?" Wu Zhi Zhiqi, a hand of adhesive directly under the moment.

In fact, I didn't have a simple momentum, but this time, I didn't say it.

This is not a small matter, but it has been premedited.

Guangwu Tianzun is a good way to persuade, it is impossible to do it, and the current is also involved in the war group.

Some emperors who haven't fled yet, I found a war again, but I was hunching again, and I didn't dare to look back.

In the void, there is a figure, and the true spirit has arrived.

Looking at the ruins, the time is back, I understand that after the matter, I don't see them.

Wu Zuo's combat power is more than the Bai Jun Wang, if it is a dead hand, the Bai Yichao is not an opponent at all.

Don't look at it, in fact, both sides will leave behind, this battle is to show true spirits.

The true spirit is lazy to see.

The pressure of the outside world, the internal turmoil.

His true spirit is really not easy, and now I have a touch of body shape, only leave a breath, let the white one understand, I have been, I will do it.

The sword is indeed very important. Since discovering the causes, it is particularly treated.

Even the personal belongings of the disagreement have given each other.

Today, this is fine.

Also, life is also.

Nothing to say, the timeline can not be viewed, and it is also a scourge, and the fall is falling. He is already good enough.

The existence in the starry sky should not be pursued.

And the sword is unparalleled, it is not necessarily related to the other party, and maybe it is much more.

However, after a loss of the ultimate road, he will never make this mistake.

Although the ultimate combination is difficult, but there are many people!

More than a thousand versions exist.

As long as there is a successful success, it is a hundred ultimate emperor.

As long as there is a peak of achieving the peak, entering the owner of the universe, you can solve the crisis of the original universe, and give that God, understand the cause of the original.

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