Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5340 5335????

He can take the temple, re-enter the time and space, and far from other time and space.

Going to some stable time and space, there is a stronger presence to sit in the town, he does not believe that the prophecy of the predecessor can really let the long-distance river dry.

It's really not, he launched the people of the people and investigated the cause of the seniors.

Although the seniors are very powerful.

But with Xuan Yi has a deep causal, putting Xuanyuan a blood sacrifice, looking for the position of the seniors, where he goes, the Buddha Temple will follow.

Look, who will die first.

This prediction has been pressed in his heart, the reason why the Polysman Temple is in the world, is the greatness, re-resemblance of the disagreement.

As a result, the predecessor, telling them that once reopening the people temple, it will be able to recruit a future great existence, then the silence is full of time and space, so that the existence of the peak.

Dressed entire time and space, it is over, and the discriminates are finished.

That one has a strong, what is the use.


The true spirit shook his head, "too far!"

Just fight!

Going back to the sea of ​​this source, in the heart of the Hall, there is still one person.

It is the only ultimate emperor of the original universe "business"

"Breakthrough?" The temperature of the true spirits and the eyes of the time, and it was gratified.

Too much against the sky, how can you?

At the beginning, the Emperor was also very against the sky, and later?

I haven't broken the broken, I have given myself.

Little is not available.

"Business" is steadily forward, and the ultimate emperor of very low-key is true.

Once the Lord to the universe is, it is the most powerful existence.

Daojun against the sky, the emperor against the sky, I really thought that I was able to reverse it?

The top of the emperor who killed the weakness.

Seeing the true spirit, the merchant is busy, and the face is also smiling, answering is very calm, just nodded.

There is no color of the joy that the ordinary person is broken.

"Your bottom is very deep, how long does it take for a long time, you will be a peak, and it is only a time to practice the space. Now you need to do the secret law, this is the only way out."

The business route is different from the discord, but the character's character is mostly like the discrimination.

Those of the road, he still can't see anything, but the business will not be ancient times as long as it will be unexpected.

The two re-seat.

Commercial breakthrough, achieving six-order emperor.

There is also a series of cultivation caves waiting for him, and the temper of the ultimate emperor is not comparable.

In the end, the true spirit will send it to the gods of the four major secrets.

The five heritage left by the initial discrimination, now opened the first.

There are also two ways, the true spirit of the true spirit can not occupy an accident, and the sword is unparalleled.

In the primitive industry, there are several candidates, and there is also hope to account for one.

He looked very high level, whether it is the ultimate emperor's "business" or Dajun's Huiqing, there is a clear identical point, that is, steady.

The bottom is thick, and once the big fir is encountered, it will get transformation.

The sword is unparalleled but the opposite.

The bottom is uneven!

The character is also a lot, unstable!

It is almost fallen a few times, this time is gave to the gang.

When the Tao hierarchy, there may be some air transport.

But after the emperor, the air transport is only means, the more strong the emperor is too thick.

The emperor is the beginning of the strong, and the crisis at that time can be more desperate.

The true spirit sigh.

He is true spirit, there is no fidelity, the true core of the Temple of the Temple is always in the sea.

"These little guys can no longer appear unexpectedly!" The true spirit flashed, in the void in the Diva Temple, see the four major secrets of the superimposed.

From the robes, raise your arms, one finger point, and the fingertips are light, and they rush into the four secrets.

The giant dragon in the four secrets of the four secrets is sent out.

This lesson is enough to make the other person honest for a while.

But this is not enough.

His claw teeth is also hidden in the four secrets.

He directly communicated the vision of the veteran, and went to the original world to find Zhu Yixian mainly to protect the law, suppress the heaven.

The original circle is nothing, although it is extracted of a magical sound mountain, but for the stability of the four secrets, it is reasonable.

On the Yuanyang Lake in the Tianjie Center, the four streamers fall from the sky, and the lake is getting off the lake.

In addition to these four streamer, the border of Yuanyang Lake at this time rose a gas wall.

The previous array is built in the strong people in the Elder Palace. Now this air wall is, Zhu Yizhan is sent to them.

If you are strong, you can't break the array. Thoroughly put a firm underground.

At this time, I returned to the veteran of the House, and I was shocked by this scene.

I thought it was to ask them sin, I didn't expect so much benefit.

Others don't have anything, I don't know the importance of swords.

There is a tightness in Zuo Xinli.

The more you can't humiliate him, the more you feel unhearthed, I always feel that the true spirit is waiting for a chance to find him after the autumn.

"Hey! I blame the two waste!" Wu Zuohe is dark.

Since I speaking the true spirit, they stopped, and they mute each other, and eventually even sitting the same transfer array, the old man returned to their respective chassis.

In the North Ayoko, in their hands, in addition to recalling the strong people of the Temple of the Temple, the Baiyi will be dismantled, and the Yuan Hao Palace does not have enough treasures to buy, they will destroy.

This makes the people of the Elder House.

In the end, it can only sign the contract, the income of the transfer array, will give a white tiger temple.

At this time, the interior of the old palace is very united, not only the pressure from the White Tiger Temple, but also the opportunity after this robbery.

"Here my generation is the highest, today's conference is hosted by me!" A green bull old road, wearing a Taiji figure, majestic.

Thousands of strong people in the temple, nodded.

There is no significance in I.

His identity is special, strength is strong, but he has not been incense to forget the original.

In the people's temple, I can't get can't walk, like a dog of a funeral, now I am not easy to find a foothold, it is a time, the previous life is naturally erased.

"Good! In this case, then go!"

This conference is for the northernity of melons.

Of course, as a strong person is to face, it can't be said obvious.

The election of the United States!

Dear one-third, the high level, read together the door regulations that have been done.

Then it is selected.

In addition to the font size, the veteran house has to have its own position.

After this, I was in an instant, I have been objected by the endow of the bricks, but I can't hold it, and finally, I will have a few talks, and I have finalized the final position.

The Elders of the Armhotomy have obtained high-level rights.

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