Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5341 5336?????

The veteran of the other font size is not in the palace, which is divided into some wealthy states in the Northern.

Whoever is big and a lot of treasures?

They only have thousands of people, even if the strength is the weakest, the minimum of generations can be divided into the rich zone of Yuanzhou, become a strong strength.

The status of the veteran, but not lost to the temple. After they, they have a very high position in the local area, although most of them are five-order episodes, but power is powerful!

Almost rushing the same level, identity and respect, basically, it is rushing in the North Ride.

"The Lowlish Palace, the law enforcement is the main, and it is taken by Wu Zaixian!"

Congratulations! "

For a time, there is no two left winds, and it is high.

The highest level of the Yuan Hao Palace, the sixth hall, the law enforcement hall, can be patrolled to any one in the entire North, and it is also the best position in oil and water.

Wu Zhiqi put his hand, first, the forehead of the above-mentioned one, said respect, then looked at everyone's foreldroses, smiles, the open mouth: "The love of the seniors, I Wu Zuo Yushang law enforcement After that, we will do our best for the gang! "

After a piece, then boasted: "Beidian! That's just a starting point, in the future, our world is more than just an enemies, but the whole day, even the four secrets."

"Good!" The green bull above the top is very happy.

The veteran of the hall is also a happy.

He was originally thought that Wu Zuo has not forgotten the identity of the past. Now it seems that it is much more honest. It will not take the strength, this person will not be simple, so you have to draw.

After the scene is gradually calm, the green bull will open again: "Today, the whole veteran palace, there is still the last position."

I said that I finished my fingertips.

This is the highest place in the veteran, the throne behind him is also the highest position.

Take the peak!

The right to the Northern Right, the peak of the housekeeping house.

When you say this, everyone's face is quiet, they are not eligible to sit in this position, but there are several qualifications in the forestead of the above one.

In the six-order veteran, there are two qualifications in addition to green cattle.

Lu Huajun, Changfeng Sword God.

These two strengths are straightforward, and it is a bricks in the fourth person.

The old road with the green cattle is a little bit.

The green cattle is a three, and the two are four.

As for several, qualifications and strength is not enough.

Like cast gods, "sheep three" is A sixth, and I have been divided into Baotang, but I don't think about it.

This makes the three measures of the sheep is very unhappy. But the other party is the sixth order emperor, and the generation is also row him above, and the guard sword is unparalleled, he has no way.

Can you get a deputy owner, or because Wu Zhi is discussed.

Failure to protect the sword is unparalleled, Wu Zuo is also a big responsibility. He is halfway to let Yangjiao's old man go to Brole, and the result is not found, and the sword is not double.

The old man sitting above the old man, the heart is as gray.

At the beginning, there is no double year with the sword. It is necessary to help him refine the origin of the beast.

"Little guy, I hope you will live!" Yang's old man drunk a boring wine, his heart.

Above the competition, he is not qualified and is not interested.

Lu Huajun, Changfeng Sword, Green Bull.

The three most qualified candidates are placed in parallel.

The green bull is standing in the middle, and his face smile is calm, but the bottom is very confident.

"Dear, listen to me."

Lu Huadi took the lead in opening, breaking quiet.

He is very confident, and he is very tone.

Turned to the position after visiting, and then look at everyone, smir said: "This is okay!"

When you talk, you will have a yearning for the color, but he knows that the price of this position is too great.

Re-turned, Lu Huijun looked at everyone and said a word that made everyone shocked down the chin.

"Lu Moucai is blooming, I am not qualified here!"

Let everyone surprised this!

Wu Zuo also leaked the doubt.

He and Lu Huadi, in the ancient times, he lived in the brothers, and the vision of the existence. If Lu Hua is competed, he will inevitably help, and he has secretly started to come to everyone, preparing to support Lu Huajun.

It suddenly didn't fight now!

Many people feel unexpected.

The only thing is not surprising is the old green bull, all of which is his planning.

There are two people left now, the temper of the long wind sword is hot, he can not have Lu Ji Jun.

The green cattle also knows that the opponent's temper and made a posture.

The long wind sword god step, the momentum leakage, the face is low, the sound is low: "Supporting my Taoist friends, I will not list it, the green cattle starts directly!"

Elections, naturally vote.

Now Lu Hua quits, then there are two, directly vote.

Lu Hua's body behind, began to communicate Wu Zuo, "pose a long style!"

Wu Zuo, sitting in the middle position, soon understand this meaning.

There is a bottom gas in the green cattle, but I don't want to get things too embarrassed. When I vote, I made some promises to give two people. However, only Lu Hua has agreed.

Long Sword God is not eating this set.

"The green brother, the three positions may not be good, but they are beneficial!" Lu Huadi quietly sounded, but the other side was drumping the long sword, let him die.

Two people teamed up with green cattle, a red face.

They are not a location, but two locations.

Who stipulates that there is only one palace master in the Yuan House, and the four temples have four palays. Nowadays, they are all high, since they are all people, then they are together.

The green bull has been laughing, but the bottom is dark.

Lu Hua's exit is to join hands to play to play, but he can't help, the long wind is full of temper, and there is no way to talk.

Soon the voting end.

After the announcement, the number of votes in the two people.

It's so some people, the number of votes is very good.

The long wind sword god can't win, win Lu Hua defeated, green cattle can't win, winning the long wind and Lu Huadu to lose.

Only equal is to win.

It seems that two people are fighting, in fact, the players behind are Lu Huajun.


The green cattle is not changed, but the bottom is a sigh.

This time is lost from the face.

Lu Hua came into the most before, and he said: "I will come as a notary, since it is flat, it is better to do this!"

In this way, it's a deposit first, then supported.

If you are, you have no losing, you are a winner, don't worry about the failure, it will be martedly.

Lu Huijun turned his head smiling, looking at the green bull, and looked at the long sword.

Demonstrate this statement.

The green bull is a secret road: "Lu Hua, you are not afraid that I have sitting this position and kick you."

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