Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5342 5337??

He also said.

When two people arrived, they kicked him to one side and there was this possibility.

However, Lu Hua, but it is the best in his heart.

He has long said that he has said to the long wind. Once there is no support, the long wind fell to the green cattle.

And the green bull, he is half a master, but he is a complete veteran, in the future, the true spirit will hold them very high position, the temptation of the veteran palace is too big.

Lu Hua and Changfeng joined hands, he only had one way to win.

That is to pull Lu Hua.

As for the long wind, he can't pull it, and there is no way to draw.

"The green brother, everything is for the veteran palace, I still have no one!"

I heard this sentence, the green cattle capping.

Next, he was announced at the same time as the Changfeng, and the Elder Palace set up a three palace owners, regardless of the front.

Green Bull, Changfeng, Lu Huayi together with the veteran house.

The cheers in the palace have formed a distinct contrast with the outside world.

The emperors of the original universe have been still in an island since they arrived in the veteran house.

Now, in addition to stability, Wu Zuo personally arranges these people.

More than 10,000 emperors have been sent to the gods in addition to the third-order four-level emperor, others are all being dispersed to the strong people of the Elder House, and go to the Northern Anshun.

It was picked up the emperor, it was to go to the tomb of the Tomb of the Tomb.

These people are also worthy of cultivation.

Among them, there is really Wuyang and Tongtian Buddha, and there is a three-level emperor of the Buddha.

The leader of the big peak strength, naturally goes together.

Follow these people, there are also those final road.

When these people went to the tomb mountain, the trial of the original circles also ushered in the last ring.

Original circle.

A nine original star, North City.

Nowadays, there is only one Huqing.

Now the only complete wall is left, there will be Huqing and Wanxing.

Wanxing broke again, completely firmly stabilized the source of Wan Dao, and the strength was once again jumped.

Huqing has a transformation.

The rotation of the reincarnation, the main source rises once, and it will be rounded back.

Today's Huiqing is not as simple as the emperor.

The disappearance of the sword is no longer caused too many people, but the entire primitive circle and the sword are unparalleled, the most cooked Huqing, naturally put it on my heart.

I learned from Qiuhuang, the sword is unparalleled, it is likely to fall, and I will let him feel five flavors for a while.


Looking at the black mist outside the city wall, Hui Qing's breath is not moving, step out, facing the sky: "You can't finish the road, I will go to you!"


The voice just fell, the volley of the magic wreath suddenly broke out.

Silver long stick, cross battlefield, invincible.

The black fog endally condensed into a slap, and the eyebrows have nine stars.

This is the swallowing magic of the second-order episode.

Can Hui Qing out the strength, not weaker than the other side, the long stick is like a rain, his momentum is more reincarnation.

The other city wall has burst out a dazzling radiance. Wanxing's strength is still a little bit, although there is a return with the magic kill, but the breath is weak.

However, this original star has exceeded the budget of the Suzaki Temple.

To know, the trials on many original stars have begun to evacuate.

Because no one arrives at the last wave.

The first nine wave is screened.

Ten times later, it is a real temper, let the trials make a breakthrough.

Each wave can make trials have obvious improvement, and the top three waves have a half-step force.

The sixth wave can be comparable to the Emperor, the seventh wave must have the power of the Emperor.

The eighth wave is a battle three.

Strongly fight the magic king of the three emperors.

The last wave is a second-order episode of the sky, let a big Damai go to kill the second order.

And this second-order emperor is not general, much more than the four secrets of the Emperor of the four secrets, and it is already a second order of the top emperor.

In the original circle, one hundred and eighty original stars, half are migrated.

Every original star, only 100 people are really picked, each is a Daojun.

There are half of the trial, which is still more powerful in the original star trial.

One of them, the Jiufu Dao Jun, who has a little in the sword, is also trying to try, and he is almost the opportunity of Wanxing.

The strength has been rising.

He is still defeated, he is still insisting.

The main hall of Suzaku, rare appearance outside the original star, Zhu Yifa is personally guarded.

Many of the original stars have been migrated to the treasure house, don't look at a dead, inside can be a real value.

A original star is precious to Bao.

It can be seen that the things above can be seen, just on the original star, the feathers are the original star's trophy.

The owner of the feathers is a special life, and the body has reached the real limit, and the body expansion is so big.

In the end, it is still falling in the original star.

The original star, in fact, there are 3,600, a core of a big array.

Each is more precious than eternal to Bao, and there are more than 3,600 original stars.


Anyway, even the powerful special life is falling here.

"The Temple, the Wu Zaowei, there is news, saying that I took the emperor to go to the tomb mountain, don't wait for us, go together." Zhu Qi was carefully brought.

Mountain Jun is imprisoned, she also went to seek evidence, but this time is the command of the true spirit, Zhu Yi has no way, only slowly, then go back.

Now the mountain will just go in, she is very difficult because of Zhu Qi to go.

With the character of the true spirit, in fact, the mountain king is still good, Wu Zuo is not the same, the low head, everything is good, now the four major secrets are mixed.

Now let her go to seek love, the true spirit is not slaughtered.

I took a magic mountain last time, I also sent the Samus to the second prison. All this is probably the truth is behind, just waiting for her to seek love, then slaughter her once.

This is also why she is sending so many benefits to the venery, they are doing it.

Zhu Yuton felt a headache, put the saying: "Tell the umbra, I don't have to wait, let the Emperor go first!"

"Yes!" Zhu Qi received his answer and hidden.

Nowadays, there are thousands of people who have been sitting, each is a Taojun.

There is half of half, there is almost 20,000.

There are more than two hundred digits in the ultimate, almost one hundred people are only a practitioner in the ultimate way.

This is similar to the previous budget, and you can't only recruit the ultimate existence, which is too wasteful.

After these people were sent, the Xuanwu Temple will send up to hundreds of millions of practitioners.

The number of the Danafi is more than 100,000 times larger than the big dermnding.

After the Xuanwu Temple was screened, he helped them to break through, and then sent it to the Zhuqua Temple. The Sangkud Temple was screened and sent to the four secrets of the White Trill Palace.

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