Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5343 5338 Chapter? End

After the trial of the emperor, after the screen, I will also send it to the Qinglong Temple.

It's just now the Qinglong Temple, not for the outside world, it is useless to send it, and it has got four secrets.

This is a closed loop.

It is also the rule of the discord of discriminates.

This can be continuously screening the strong, and the glory of the discriminant is re-condensed.

"Zhu San, you go to the Xuanwu Temple to pick up people, Zhu Si you go to the treasure house to pick a flying to the treasure, take them to the gods, and be sure to securely hand over the people of the Tiger Temple."

She also heard that her sword was unparalleled.

This is a loss of loss and a warning.

The four secrets are not the four secrets of the past, and now the internal rot, there is still a power to overthrow the Buddha.

The inheritor is the strong in the future of the Polysman, and it cannot be unexpected.

The last time is a sword, there is a sword, that is because there is no double inheritor to the sword to go to the four major secrets.

This time, 20,000 people.

For those people, even if there is no difference with one, it is indispensable.

Send these inheritors, naturally use some powerful tobao.

The best eternal tobao of the palace class is essential.

Just like Eternal Tower, the fourth-order emperor enters, and resist the attack of the five-order episode.

The best eternal to treasure is more able to prevent the attack of the peak.

As for what she sent personally, it is because she still has more important things.

She wants to make a screening place for the next group.

This time is the original star, then the next time it may be an ancient continent, or a dead exide.

It is possible.

In the main hall of this time, there is constant inheritors, and it can be inheritors.

There is no arrival, not false, that is, it has been assembled to other places, ready to transfer all.

The core of the original world.

On a floating continent, there are millions of trialists. Most of them are retired after the ninth wave. Although the strength is much or the ultimate large dermndants, they can be unqualified to become a heaters.

"Your trial is over, will transfer all the people in the temple later, where there is coming back!"

The cold voice is like poured a pot of cold water.

"I am not willing, my strength already has a half-step, and give me a chance!"

Some people are not willing to say.

Some of the rest can not help but open.

But the sound did not take care of them at all.

"I know, I should have been fighting down at the beginning."

"I am a little bit! The eleventh wave is too difficult."

Annoyed, there is a flat.

Some big Damadam, when you come in, the top of the top, now it turns into a limit of power, and also won a lot of forbao, even a congenital to the treasure, and redeemed the sheds, it will not be more than others. weak.

The most important thing is the blessing hall, giving them a joint experience, which is the same as those of the big dome.

Their strength is not weak, especially the strong people of the second product, as long as they succeed, the third order is not difficult, and the fourth order is also expected.

It is a stark contrast to the inheritors in the Hall of the Temple.

Nowadays, I have gathered together, and some of them have begun to tell their own circumstances, many people also know each other.

After all, it is not in the original star. They can now have no battle now, become very peaceful, some people have changed, strength, breath, and face from beginning to end.

The Jiufu Dao Jun has ended in the main hall, and the 19th wave failed, and there were so some luck, and finally lost.

After coming here, I swept a circle, and I didn't see the people in Tongtian Buddhism.

"Huiqing and unparalleled brothers?"

The strength of these two people is not weak, he has seen the ranking, Huqing's rankings are higher than him.

That list is now hanging above the Hall of the Temple.

The first one is a powerful existence called "light", master the ultimate path, the record is in the first.

It is the first pass through the 19th wave.

I only used a quarter.

The first is also a name, and he is very terrible, it is the channel.

It is a powerful origin that is comparable to the force of destruction.


Soon the list begins to change.

It has been in the past half a day, almost the critical moment of the winner.


The Jiufu Dao Jun's eye hole is a shrinkage and see Huang's ranking.

With straight lines, it finally fixed in the nineteenth, then the 20th is Wordian Emperor.

The two are almost clearance.

After the reward, they entered Qiuhuang City and sent it to the Shuque Temple.

Ji Chaoyang is all the way, but Hu Qing is not a joy.

Their original star is also special.

The three ultimate words are nine to the big Damai. He and the sword have just entered the original star, even the top-level Dagan is not, the strength is very weak, and now it has turned around for 30 years.

The strength has reached the level of the emperor, even the second-order emperor can kill.

Unfortunately, the sword is unparalleled.

Ji Chaoyang is a breakthrough, but also kills the second order, but unfortunately, it is too difficult to break through, not tempering.

Hui Qing still has no breakthrough.

Wanxing is a breakthrough, almost every wave has breakthrough.

Originally, he couldn't hold it. In the end, it will break through the past. The last wave is almost defeated. When it is critical, his breath is stronger, and there is a constant source, and it will be cleared. The magic king.

After entering the Hall of Zhud, Huiqing saw Jiufu Dao Jun, and the two began to talk.

Finally, all original stars are over.

More than 20,000 Daojun, gather here.

"Hui Qing, you have changed too much, when you were in the red water temple, you still six transfers, only three turns, didn't expect to turn around, you kill the second-order emperor." Jiu Di is also I am happy from my heart.

After all, there is a person who is really a person who is a person.

The entire universe countless world, many of the world has no inheritors, and the Tongtian Buddhism actually appears two, or a medium world, this is a difficult thing.

Hui Qing shook his head and sighed: "Unfortunately, there is no buddy."

"Yeah! If there is no brother is still there, we will go to the tomb mountain, and a generation of overlord!" Although the Chaoyang is still sorrow, but the voice is still optimistic.

Tear Trendo is standing at the corner, listening to Huqing's conversation, and the eyes are light.

The sword is unparalleled. For him, it is a good thing to be a big, he can't hate the wine in the mustard.

Without the pressure of swords, he broke through, and he went to the level of the emperor, and the future was unlimited.

It's just a pity that the beast is, I don't know if I can find it.

But all this is after.

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