Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5344 5339 ???? New Start

The Temple of Sukark is rotated, and these inheritors have quickly got another palace.

Their journey has just begun.

The original star is just the starting point, and their road is still very long, but it is close to the place where the dream begins.

The turn of the eye has passed for a long time.

Four major secrets.

The country.


Big summer ancient country!

A bloody sacrifice is held in a very wild mountain range.

The scarlet air flame is litter, and everything in the valley has become very surprising.

On the altar, several masked monks are being maintained in order.

Because in addition to them, there are also Tanjun and countless blind practitioners to gather here.

And they are the object being sacrificed.

"Shaozong Lord, everything is ready!" The red robe said respectfully.

One hidden in the mountains, the black armor who has no breathing, slowly came out from the void, just a look that the gods were scared.

Although these people are only the last millennium, they have begun to follow the Lord of the Lord, but it is extremely fear of this lesson.

Because of this lessor, there is no number of bloods in the millennium, and even the truth has never been letted, and there is a strong force.

I used to kill a second-order epidermount, let the other party have a chance to come.

"Start!" The voice of the black armor's masculine's voice is cold and cold.

The monk who was imprisoned underwards, and his anger looked at the upper red robe, especially when I saw the black armor, but I hated my marrow.

"You have a prisoner to ban this seat, I am the nine emperor of the big summer, you are looking for death!"

A young man who is burly, the appearance of the resolute, roaring, his strength is the strongest one of these people, has reached the level of half-step emperor.

However, here, the deacon of a red robe is the existence of the Emperor, and they cannot resist at all.

After standing on the top, the little master heard this sentence, his eyes moved, and it seems to think of a fun thing, the arm lifted slightly, his finger moved.

After the back of the red robe, I would like to take it in an instant. I took a palm of the black mist. I wrapped the young man who claimed to be the nine emperor of the big summer.

Black fog, wrapped the nine emperor, just in front of the little owner.

"Summer nine emperors, it means, I heard that you are going to be big and big, you can have this!" The voice of bruelong is very playful, and there is no way to take care of people. It is the same as a quarry.

Just starting this nine emperor is still very hard. After all, it is the nine emperor of the big summer, from a small place, habit of taking the people.

However, when he got to the black armor, I didn't know how it would be, and I still can't get rid of it, and I wandered the fear in my eyes. The heart was shrinking a group.

Or I didn't want to answer, but when I saw the cold scorpion, I still swallowed, "Yes, there is such a thing!"

"Down the magic? This is very conquering!" Black A Shaozong reached out of the claws, directly kneading the head of the big summer nine emperor, a moment countless picture into the mind.

After almost three breathing, this black armor will slowly let go.

It is just that the mouth has been turned into a body.

The source, the body, and even the memory and his cultivation of the Kung Fu all erased clean, there is a withered flesh.

"From now on, I am him, the big summer, the nine emperor: Xia Mang crown jade!"

The voice fell, the robe 's deacon officially opened the blood sacrifice.

Countless people were transferred to the altar.

All people's faces are deeply dead.

The land, too confusing, every day, there is a demon showing blood sacrifice, there is a constant battle between major ancient countries, and the monk's environment is very bad, even some of the passions of hundreds of millions of years, there is a possibility of falling overnight. .

Even the Temple of Shenling Station, will be attacked.

What's more, they are all living.

"Do I want to die?" A teenager self-calling.

His face is not dead, some is worried.

The robe deacon, loudly: "Fast, pour the blood in, there is a god crystal, don't stop at a moment!"

When these people are busy, the young owner is a hands, hanging in the air, and looked at all in the ground.

God blood is incorporated, and the heavens and earth have lost color.

Countless people swaying, teenagers erased the blood of their faces, he made great efforts to endure the weakness of the body, grabbing a puppet, and also engraved a name.

Looking at the name should be a girl.

That is his sister.

Two people have lived, he is just a criminal period, and if you want to survive in the ground, you have to rely on the mountain.

In order to raise your sister, he is in a rivotive door, and I think it is a mountain, and finally, the door is tired. Everyone goes to the host, and the disciples are all plundered here.

"I am dead, but my sister is still small!" The young eyes were red, and the tears were flowing out.

He is not afraid of death, he is afraid that he is dead, no one protects her sister.

The zone is destroyed. His sister is still waiting for him in Houshan, but he can't go back now, and you can't go back.

As the blood is boiling, the teenager gradually came into the altar.

Although his strength is weak, it is terrible, and it is actually able to follow the big multiplier monks.


When you fall, the blood tears is blurred, thinking of a child's scene.

In a small small courtyard, the father is a hunter, hunting, hunting, and moisturizing, and he is still a son.

In the childhood, my father brought back my sister on the mountain.

"Xiaofan, you have some sisters!"

"Xiaofan, you have to remember, you are a man, you have to protect your sister and mother, come, put the knife, continue!"

Later, the beast attacked the village, and the parents were in order to protect him with the sister into the beast.

"Xiaofan ......."

Two brothers and sisters, behind the hometown, begging for a birth.

Fortunately, he practiced Wu from Xiao, whether it is to do hardship or house slaves, have a good job.

But now I haven't he, what should I do now!

"Brother, go home!"

When a young girl is closed, the last scene is the sister standing at the entrance of the fence, and there is a bowl of water, waiting for him to go home.

Some people in the altar are falling.

Now, even the fairy is falling, then the Tianxian, and the Taoism in Tianxian.

The strength of the city is divided, or according to the number of the most old era.

The big Damai is a Tianxian in the country. The Damai is a land fairy, and the Maharae is ancestral.

The owner of the mortal, is also a majority of people.

The black armor, the eyes change, leaked a surprise, turned to the north.

This scene was shocked.

This lessor is the Lord who is not afraid of the sky, even he is scared, it is said that there is a powerful emperor.

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