Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5345 5340? Little girl

Black A Shaozong is the main cold voice: "You will go first!"

The sacrifices have begun, and these red robe's deacons have not been used, stay here will expose the identity.

They are all strong people, this time the blood sacrifice is being dispatched, usually do not see.

In addition to him, no one knows the true identity of these people.

"Yes!" Number of red robe respectfully led.

A miniature crafted slit, these deacons entered it, instantly moved to hundreds of millions of miles, their breath also disappeared.

In today's valley, this lessor is left.

In the altar, now a wolf is borrowed, only some of the bones remain.

From the altar, it raised a weak source, and it could not be said to be the source, but a force that has never seen before, it has a worldwide.

Unfortunately, there are too few.

The power is also general, and it can only compare the ordinary emperor.

After reaching this source, he leaked a different color in the eye hole of the black A small.

Can't help but low: "The old guy, you are not the last time, how is it not enough."

A scene surprised scene appeared, a split ghost from the body of the black armor, floating in the air.

"This can not blame me. This time the sacrifice is too weak. If it is the fourth-order episode, one will be." The ghost said.

The black armor is a disgusted, and a weak native of his hand is thrown to the ghost.

"You really dare to say, the fourth-order Emperor is coming, we have finished it."

The ghost is missing, and I am busy shooting the horse ass: "How can I, I can't escape with your current strength?"

"Hey, it is simple!" The League of Black A Shaozong Losted, and then said: "Hurry and come in, some people are coming to come here, and the strength is not weak."

"Oh?" The ghost heard this sentence, leaking a deep expression.

The strength is not weak, then the representative can be a battle, even kill.

After seeing the other party's idea, the black armor is sigh: "It's not someone else, it is an acquaintance, let's go!"

After listening to this sentence, the ghost did not dare to say what to say, re-entered the body of the black armor.


A black dress, very fast, after leaving the Legend of the Black A, the moment, instant to this valley.

Looking at the bloody altar on the ground, the face of the head of the black robe leaked anger.

The generous sleeve is shaking, a 12-year-old girl, grabbing his thigh, and dare not look at the bloody altar.

When you look down on the girl, the monks leak a smile.

When he had a case, he also had this situation, and that person gave him a smile and made him peace of mind.

"Brother!" The ragged little girl, the eyes were clear, and when he looked at the bloody altar, the bottom is uneasy.

The surrounding breath torn heavens and the earth, the vanity cannot be long here.

The monk shook his head, and waved the bloody breath of this world, leaving only a bare altar, and there is also a solidified blood.

The two slowly landed, just fell, the little girl rushed to the stage.

She can feel that his brother seems to have been here.


I don't know what I have, the little girl holds her body, and it is difficult to stand, and look forward to the bump behind.

The first standing on the side, did not block, what he identity and strength he saw the little girl with the future.

Although it is poor, it is a light.

The future is turbid, even if he will pay this little girl, her future is difficult to speculate.

Microscopic eyes, countless double eyes are staring here.

The sacrifices here are destroying how many people, which can cause such a big cause, but he can't view who is here.

When you re-open your eyes, when you look at the little girl, you will pass pity in your eyes, and the little girl is just the epitome of the countless double eyes. At the same time, there are many people like the little girl.

It is obviously the magic monk.

I don't know when, the little girl's hand has a puppet, and there is a hidden impeller.

That is left before his brother is dead.

"Little girl, I am alive!"

This is what he is dying, and it is exhausted to stay. I don't know why I am not destroyed.

If the young owner knows, it will be surprised!

Maybe he is very surprised now.

On the cliffs of the valley, one in a void clip, eyes are cold and dead, stare at the puppet in the hands of the little girl.

"The old guy, what are you saying so serious?"

"You and I have a life, I will be , it seems that this is the consequences of sacrifices. I have already felt a unfortunate in my heart. It seems that this is the same, even the sacrifice can not be destroyed."

It is the master of the black armor to hide here.

"Forget it, as long as you reshape a source, you can completely get rid of it, I am disgusted in this day."

The voice of the old man in the body sounded again, low Shen said: "No matter what, kill this person, he is just a monarch, nothing is too afraid!"

"You are teaching me to do things!" The voice of the black armor is cold.

The body is a glimpse.

The generous of the usual cold blood is hesitant.

"No, I just suggest that there is a puppet, there is your causal, no stay!"

The black armor is ignorant, but his eyes have always stared at the head, and finally shook his head.


The little girl squinted on the ground, and the first step came, and the body took the body and took the shoulders of the little girl. He said: "Don't let up your brother's wish!"

"Well!" The little girl looked up and saw the monks, then said: "Why is my brother die!"

The shackles have a little bit, because he found that the future of the little girl changed again, it was still a turbid, and now it became dark.

It seems that there is a bad figure in this world.

Of course, it refers to the ancient capital of the big summer.

"Walk, I will take you to see!" Head took the hand of the little girl and spared.

Two people were instantly leaving.

Until completely disappearing, hidden in the black armor of the void clip is slowly appearing.

Watching the opposite party disappeared, his eyes have a wire direction.

"Huiqing, I haven't seen you for a long time!" His voice is very low, and there is no cold in the past.


Black A hidden into the body, replaced a black robes, slowly picking up the mask.

The black armor is the "sword" that has disappeared thousands of years.

Hair Fi has become white at this moment.

"You are crazy, not afraid of someone to see!" The sound in the body sounded again.

The sword is unfolded, and it is a sharp, angered: "You give me a mouth."

The man is not someone else, it is a white junan who took his white.

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