Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5346 5341 ?? Treasure

After being taken away at the time, I thought that the other party would kill him directly, but I didn't expect this old guy to see him.

Just kidding, his way is a unique pole, even if the other party is a strong force, it is impossible to win the house, and the final toromear is integrated into one.

I have to swear helily, and I have a body for a while.

This is not a long way.

Bai Jun Wang wants to re-condense the origin that is not in the Past Temple, wants to re-cultivate the sixth order emperor.

Now the sword is unparalleled in the world, is to refine the source of the other party.

Nowadays, the last thing is now, as long as the Bai Jun Wang is refined, the other party can leave his body.

If it is contrary to the vows, the two will collapse the avenue.

Originally this kind of life, he is still a habit, but after seeing Huiqing, he also wants to follow the heritors to the tomb mountain.

There is a holy place in his practice and useful resources.

There is also the old man, but I promise him to refine the beasts, and it is estimated that each other is already fallen.

Bai Jun Wang turned, whispered: "The sword is unparalleled, you don't have it, you just have to follow the great god, to ensure that your cultivation is more than those inheritors."

This sentence is not an empty talk. Although he has been busy with blood sacrifices, it has not fallen.

In the ground, a mysterious organization "Kui" he is the young owner, the god has also promised him, as long as it breaks through the emperor, it will become the leader of the Kui organization and control the city.

This hidden power is very large.

The only one of the swords is unparalleled, there are two six-order emperor sitting in the town, one clear.

Ming is an ancient temple, but the darkness is agitating the world, and the weeks of the joint will be clear together.

The land, the temple is located in Hezhou, which is the core of the whole continent.

The rest of the sky, the north, the eastern region, the Western region is a mess, and the temple has to be taken away.

The identity of Shaozong Lord is very high in the tissue. It exceeds the ordinary emperor, and the identity of the fourth-order emperor is almost.

Confirm the identity, mainly see the token, now the token in the sword is unhappy, is a three-product token.

Generally, only the fourth-order episodes of the big work can get this token. The five-order emperor is the second product, and the sixth order emperor is a product.

There is also a legendary superior, and the Bai Jun King is the level.

With this three-piece token, the sword is unparalleled, and you can contact the local emperor and the Dao Jun strongman help him.

This time, the blood sacrifice is to launch the tissue of Dadona.

"A two-piece long call, your treasure is here!" Bai Jun said reminded.

The sword is unparalleled, and it turns into the death of the big summer.

At the same time, in the temple of the big summer, the emperor of the soul light is responsible for watching the soul light. Seeing the top ninth soul lamp once again lit up again, I grew up.

Some places can be blocked, he started to think that the nine emperors were fallen, and they went wrong, so there was a rule, the soul light was out of an hour and then reported.

Changes have become the sword of the nine emperors of the big summer, and the figure is like a phantom instant to disappear in the original place, and went to the ancient capital of the big summer.


In this continent in Tiannan, it is also a Super Dynasty. The first God of opening the country is a six-order emperor. After retreat, it is closed for a long time.

The emperor of today's big summer is a young five-level emperor. The potential of the war is also general, but it has a lot of heroes in operation.

In the big summer, there is no pair of him respect.

In the clan, in addition to this emperor, there is also the old ancestors and the number of elders, all five-level emperor.

If you can't serve the public, it is just a beggar.

Big summer.

This super-city is like a huge behemoth on the earth.

Sixteen cities are open, and people who have accessible every day are millions of meters.

So many strong people gathered, and the city is naturally bustling.

Especially the places where the supplier is fun.

Many crazy practitioners in the country, more lazy practitioners.

It is difficult to grow in the lifelines, especially in this tempting city.


The most prosperous place.

The sword is unparalleled with the nine emperor "Xia Mang crown jade" comes to the country, although it is very conspicuous, but it is really deep enough, this is the true greatness, hidden in the DPRK.

The benefits of superior flesh, in addition to strong, there are many ways to help him, such as changing.

At the beginning he was in the Qing Dynasty, the Brole of Brole was cultivating the cultivation, the other party became more and more stronger.

He is what is like what is like this, now the nine emperor, even if the King of the Kingdom is unable to notice, unless you look at his own source, you can see it.

The general five-level emperor will not say, this source is placed on the opponent's face, and it may not be able to see it.

Learn the way in Xia Mang crown jade memory, the big shot into the country, there is a bunch of Wangfu's eagle dog before, and the guard is around.

The memory of the other party was swallowed. Although the mother of the nine emperor was not a queen, the background is not in the general, the family, his grandfather is a strong five-level episode, a few of the four-level emperor, The ups and down in the field are very strong.

In addition, the mother's own strength is also the fourth-order peak, the strongest strength in the hometown.

Only he is such a son, so Xia Mang crown jade is flying from Xiaoyu, and the sky is not afraid.

Unfortunately, this time, hit his head.

Completed the trial of the clan in remote county, was given to the end by him, and it took directly.

The sword is unparalleled.

If necessary, only take a little time, and it is not a problem for the whole summer.

Just not necessarily, there is no time.

He will not be so boring.

"His Royal Highness, is we going to Fire House? Do you want me to let the fire fairy first arrange." The leader of the guards, and he asked him.

The trial of the clan is very cruel. Whether it is a high identity, it is necessary to accept trials. Trial will not pass the identity, and it will get a treasure, and support in the future treasure.

He has the support of his mother and grandfather, and the treasure is not enough. If you try to try it, it is estimated that it is too much.

It's just that these people are too unlucky, and the place where trial is actually near him, and I will give it a brush.

The leader of the guard knew the His Royal Highness, and every time trial, he will go to the fire fox palace to go.

The whole day is good, it's really enough to live and die, the pressure is very large, and every time you have passed.

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