Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5348 5343 ?? It is he!

"The other party is coming, it is a two-year old, and it is the only one in the country." After the Bai Jun king received the other party, the face also surprised.

"It's him?"

"Xuanyuan Dashang!"

This is not too happening, it is actually the outer public of the nine emperor.

The Xuanyuan Dashed in the next door has also been inquired, and the next door is a person.

Not a family does not enter a door.

He did not expect that there is still the same grandson, and there is still this matter, but there is a small label of Kui, there is a three-product token.


In a simple array, a mustard appeared, which is a treasure in the sword unparalleled.

Even if the father and son, the rules cannot be destroyed.

Xuanyuan Dasheng did all this to hold back, did not go to Xia Mang crown jade, and glanced at the fox girl below his eyes, leaking a greedy color.

After viewing the treasure in the mustard, there is a high color in the sword.

This millennium came, the biggest receipt was it.

In addition to these things, he has also got the brightening of the gods and the candlelon.

It is the extremely critical part of the beast, which is precisely because of this candle dragon. He chose to join the Quek.

The more the more it is.

The defensive power of this candle dragon armor is comparable to eternal tobao, which is the treasure that is second only to the eyes of candlelon.

Just the eyes of the candlelon, there is a field of beasts, and the only treasure with the beast native.


The sword is unparalleled, and a token is taken from the mustard.

This token is his most valued treasure than the Candlella.

It can't be said to be treasure, and the token is just a secret thing.

Is information about candlelong accessories.

The city's tissue has been searching for the accessories of the beast soldiers since the millennium. It is now finally searched.

"Magic Region, the big emperor Luoxsha is suspected of the arms of the beast, the strength of the arms, the strength of the fourth-order episode."

"Tianjie Nibei, one inheritor, confirmed the claws of candle dragons! Strength can kill first-order episode"

"God Tomb, a special life contains the heart of the beast! The strength is absolutely"

Seeing these three messages, the sword has no shocked color.

I didn't expect it to find it.

In addition to the ground, even the news of other secrets is sent, it seems to be the meaning of the god.

The Tiandi should be tearful, this is useless.

The place of the gods, the power of the gods, the body of the beast god, unless the other party gave it to slaughter.

He did not find the other person even if he walked up, even if he was leaning on the company, he couldn't fight the other party.

It is a great war, he is seen, and he also listened to the white monarch.

The peak of the white monarch is a powerful force, maybe wait for the Bai Jun Wang to restore the peak war, you can go to touch the special life.

The only thing that can now be grabbed is the one of the magic eror's emperor.

"The fourth-order emperor, it is a bit tricky, it seems that the layout is all, the big summer is not preparing for the soldiers to fight the magic rival, it is a chance!"

Bai Junwang floated, leaking the evil face, cold channel: "There is an acquaintance!"

"Well?" The sword is unparalleled, and it is natural to collect treasures. He turned to look at the direction of the door, although it can't see people, but still feel the people of the outside world, and it is very deep.


"Why is he here!"

When you get up directly.

It felt that the breath, I went to the sky, and I didn't pay too much about this.

The sword is unparalleled, and he thought that Huang found his identity, all the way to it.

Although the strength has now enhanced a lot, Hui Qing's strength is not weak, and he has found Hua Qing has arrived a successful level.

The ultimate way, the least is the eighth floor.

Nowadays, it is still in the outside world. It seems that it is ready to completely succeed, it is intended to break through.

This batch of inheritors went to the tomb of the Mountain, and she began to go to the mountain experience to accept some tasks.

He also encountered many acquaintances these years.

In the Tianbei mainland, I have encountered Wanxing, the other's strength progress is also very fast. At that time, he saw that he was together with the quarter, and he had the power of the Emperor.

There is also the cold frost track, and now I have broken into the emperor.

They have a lot of Daman, breaking through the emperor, as long as the break is the third-order peak emperor, all of them are the seedlings of the five-order emperor.

There is also Jiu Deman, and he is also emperor, as the oldest Daojun, he broke through the four-step road after breakthrough, and he took four steps.

When I met, I was still in a sect, I saw the other party's gods.

They all have a bright road to go.

And yourself is like a mouse, don't dare to see every day.

After resetting, the sword has no doubles, all of which have some grateful flowers that increase the body. These treasures are enough to make his body break through 8 thousand times.

In the year, he raised two thousand times, and now it is 7,000 times.

These treasures can then enhance him a thousand times of body.

It is faster than 10,000 times the base.

The beast god is up to 10,000, which has not been used by him, unless the old man is refining the beast native.

For the god, he is not very trusting. At the beginning, the other party also mentioned the source of the beast, and he refused.

In fact, his heart still has a hint, as long as it is separated from the White Jun Wang, you can go to the tomb mountain, where it is his home.

He doesn't want it in the Polyson Temple in a lifetime.

After breaking through the emperor at the tomb mountain, you can at least go to the outside world.

It's just a difference between the restoration of Baijun Wang Ben, and there is a body flesh, but also trouble.

The treasure of the body does not need him to find, but a gods of the body, still do not need to sacrifice many monks.

Ultimate blood color.

Not so easy to refine.

If it is a strong man, he is too difficult to say, it is too difficult.

The knee sits on the soft and throne, quietly breaking the body.

There is a room in the room.

"Hui Qing, it is really no longer long time!" Prince Xia Mang champion said.

He has met Huan Qing for hundreds of years.

When he met, he just broke through, Hui Qing was challenged with the realm of Taojun. At that time, he thought it was a bad body, ready to kill, but he didn't expect the other party to be the old man of the teacher. Give a face, ask each other.

However, everyone did not expect that he was defeated, and it was very thorough.

Lifted to a Daojun.

Fortunately, I didn't have a few people to watch, and I was strictly passing by it.

Otherwise, Huqing's name, I have long, the whole country.

This is the inheritor. He also learned from the ancestor's identity from the ancestor, and it is not entirely the background, but because Huqing's own strength is enough to pay anyone.

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