Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5349 Ginger

Huang is not alone.

I follow the little girl around.

Du Zi Niang often mixed this place, eight slices, the rest of the other people, go to the little girl, bending down the body: "Little girl, what is your name."

"My name is ginger!" The little girl is bright, and it does not stop.

The Prince Summer Mang Champion, the hand is handled in a piece of Baoyu in the waist, handed over.

"I didn't expect Huiqing Master and there is no gift in a hurry, and this is a long-awaited dragon soul jade to give you."

Huiqing knows the other personality, and has not pushed, so that Jiang Yan directly accepts it.

Seeing the love of Hui Qing's eyes, the Champion of Xia Mang is slightly moved.

Xiao Jiangzhen is just a crowd, and there is no Huqing's blood, why will this vulgar concerned?

Is it a kind of special?

Look at Hui Qing's look, not too like!

Hui Qing also saw the other party's doubts, and took the lead in explaining: "Forgot to introduce, Jiang Yu, my first disciple!"


Treatment method.

After hearing this sentence, the Chamons champion leaked the eyes of admire.

With Hui Qing's strength and potential, if you want to recruit disciples, I am afraid that Dao Jun has to rush to pay down under his door.

Unexpectedly, the first disciple, actually received a mortal, and it's very good to see that the qualifications in the body is very general, and how to see the materials that are monks.

The two landed, Du Zi Niang is to go to the floor-to-ceiling window with ginger to watch the beautiful dance of the fox.

Tianshi seven rooms.

The sword is unparalleled. It is a curious Huishi why will he come here, but now he is still unworthy, if the identity is likely to go to the tomb mountain.

At that time, I found that there was one person in his body, and it was the white monarch, and it was not well explained, and the vows were also sent, and now I can only go.

"If you are curious, we can teach, so as not to come for you!" Bai Jun Wang faintly said that the body was also floating, but his eyes were looking at the fox girl below.

The sword is unparalleled, disdain: "You are afraid of a Dao Jun? Here is the land, the blood sacrifice is very common, I am recognized and how can I!"

After a moment, the two stared at a miniature array in front of you, and he was eavesdropping the talk of the Tianzim No. 1 room.

"Huiqing Master, this time my father is insisted to fight the magic Ronor, my heart is tired, and now the big summer is not only the magic, and some super tribes are still moving."

Prince Xia Mang Champion, already have the attitude of the upper person, all things do not look around, only to see the pros and cons.

In his view, go to the magic rival, is the way to hurt the enemy, one thousand self-loss, is not as good as suppressing the domestic rebellion, at least, can also be crushed.

Hui Qing as a first-order first, according to his thoughts, or first deduct the magic country.

Of course, he is coming from the land, it is also a task, that is, take the ten heads of the Magic Dijun.

It is not divided into weak, as long as it is an emperor.

He came to the big summer this time because he was approaching with the magic, and he heard that there was a war.

And the country of the big summer is not someone else, but the quantity of the Buddha.

The two are inheritors, and there is no quantity of Buddha. After the mountain, I have been in the summer.

He is an emperor, the task accepted before going down the mountain, naturally more difficult than the king, maybe a few million years of planning can be successful.


Xia Mang Champion saw Hui Qing's face, and the heart understood the other party's intention.

"Is it the meaning of the national teacher?"

Hui Qing nodded, "The sword pointed to the Magic Luo, which has already gone through the Miao head in the big summer temple, I want to convince it, it is not easy, I can only fight!"

I heard the word of Zong Temple, and the Championship of Xia Mang was flashing in the eyes.

I also understand a lot for a while.

I can't say that the old ancestors said at the time, I was a time.

It is estimated that his father, this time the magic Luo is not just the turmoil of the calibration, but also makes the latency in the big summer.

It will be supported by all local Zongmen. This battle is Baili without harm.

It is not a strong force that is the power of fallen.

Also take the opportunity to weaken some of the strengths.

His father is the representation of the old ancestors, and now the big summer needs to expand strength. As for the inside, it is a kind person.

Now, he understands the intention of the ancestors.

No matter whether he is a benevolent person, it must be loaded into a benevolent person.

Otherwise, it is not his place.

Recalling that the brothers are nine people, who is the most kind, and the Chammian champion leaks cold.

"Old two!"

Eight princes, a prince.

Several of which have already died, the trials in the royal family are not legged with some ancient temples.

It is said that the Yuan Gu Zongmen recruits is a person who has been invested, but the royal family is not uniform.

It is possible to resist the current few princes, or the emperor is divided into the frontier.

Either you eat to the nine emperor "Xia Mang Crown Yu", it is a good background, which is so beautiful.

Nowadays, there are two emperors in Huangdu, and the forces are not general, and they have been full of fence.

Among them, the second emperor is a special case.

Achieve the emperor than he is more than a million years, now three-level peak, it may break through the fourth-order episode, have not been separated, staying in the country.

Because the surface is kind, it has been wrapped a lot of people, and the hands of the hands are like a cloud, and the fourth-order emperor has a lot.

The old two has always been his eyes, the flesh nail, now I feel a trace of uneasiness after the use of the old ancestors.

Although the Prince's position was determined early, but also said that he was unpaid to him, or he fell.

"Hui Qing master! Please give a two!" Xia Mang champion respects.

Hui Qing is a little difficult. He doesn't want to get into this secular dispute, but the attitude of the other party, he is not refused, can only speak some things you know.

First of all, he wants him to block.

The use of big summer ancestors is not a piece of Summer Mang champion, which is still some problems.

The magic magic magic, big summer is not necessarily win.

If you start, there is only one sound in the summer, but it will be light enemy. If you lose it, you will be sick, and there is no new cooker.

This requires an opposition, as long as the Prince is going against, it is a profit, and it will not lose.

Therefore, he is still going to oppose.

After listening to Huiqing's explanation, the Champion champion instantly and worshiped again.


In the patio, I don't know when a platform has appeared. At this time, it is staged in the battle of life and death.

Being thunder by this sound, the Chamons champion was very angry. "Two people in the mountains will be cut off."

Du Zip Niang quickly comforted.

Hui Qing shook his head and reminded the Prince to be low-key at this time.

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