Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5350 5345??

The sword in the next room is unparalleled, listening to the present, and understand what the two are chatting there.

Big summer god magic Region, he also knows a lot, not just because of the memory of the nine emperor, which also has a secret drive of Kui.

Magic Region, now it is a group of people, they also need to expand, but the ritutes are in the surrounding power, but will be unfavorable, the strength of leaking is too strong, but will be attacked by the group.

It is better to go to fish, let Daxia play him, when it comes to the elite in the big summer, and then fight against the big summer, it is not better.

This belongs to the highest secret. Only one product is always known, the only one of the swords is special, when in the magic Ronor country, the old age of the town was in the old age of him.

This time I sneaked into the big summer, and he also came with the mission, that is, more masters went to the Mono Guo.

"These idiots!" Bai Jun king smiled.

The sword is unparalleled, it has been collapsed. This method is to use the Sky of the White Jun King to eavesdrop, with his current strength, you can't do the end of the emperor.

"Okay, prepare to catch up! At the time, all the strong people are all, you can be yours!"

White Junwang, smiling "is also yours!"

The two open the door and hurried away.

When I went to the outside world, I watched the Prince "Xia Mang Champion" in the future.

I got a luxurious flying, surrounded by the 18th emperor guard, all the way to Wangfu.

There are also many guests of Xia Mang crown jade.

Although it is not more than the Prince and the second emperor, it is not too much.

There is dozens of emperors under the hand.

Weak small second-order emperor, only enough to guard.

The real third-order peak emperor is all being served.

Some of them were sinned, and they were refuge under his door, and some were the desperate dealers outside.

Outside the 18 guards are the dead sent by his grandfather, all second-order peaks, and the escort of the guards is the third-order peak emperor.

Once the danger is encountered, you can make a battle in an instant to fight against the fourth-order emperor.

There are countless, but the fourth-order emperor is still very rare.

Don't say that he is the emperor of the big summer, even if the big summer is the prince, there is no four-level emperor under the door.

The fourth-order emperor, no matter where it is there.

As for the fifth-order emperor, it will not take care of these little guys.

The five-level emperor will generally follow some of the six-order emperor, seek shelter and let the sixth order of the Junjun point.

They all come to strength.

Treasures are not too big to their use, unless some precious eternal tobao can make them move.

After returning to Wangfu, the sword is unparalleled to start counting now.

It is estimated that for a few years, it will officially mobilize the army to open to the magic, and he is the emperor, but there is no one's weapons, you can only bring people in front.

In the big summer, as long as it is a royal child, there is the right to raise the private soldier.

In addition to some gantry, Xia Mang crown jade, there is a private army.

The four secrets, in addition to the sky and the gods, there are many ancient countries, in the heavens or in the outside world, very few people have encountered a national truth.

As long as there is a country, there will be a big army.

This army in the sword is unhappy, and the number of people is very small, and he can't afford it.

The light is a set of innate to treasure, and there is a few thousand gods.

A thousand people's team is millions of overhead.

Even if it is the emperor, there is not so much money in his hand, or the mother has cultivated it, he will not have so much money at all.

"This thousand people are not enough at all!" The sword turns a double eye.

The battle of the magic, he wants the candlelon accessories.

The fourth-order episode, he also made the Bai Jun Wang listened.

If it is an internal member, I am afraid that the god will take away, and the beast will threaten him.

But since it is not moving, then it means that the status of the fourth-order emperor is not general, so young four-level emperor.

"Magic Region, big emperor!"

The sword is not muttered, and the status is not too high!

Not a prince.

Besides, now the emperor of the Mono State, but the five-order peak emperor.

With the superprint token of the White Jun, you can do a product, you can assassinate, anyway, a fourth-order episode does not affect the overall situation of the magic rival.

White Junwang, just sent a call, but was rejected by the gods.

It seems that there is another purpose, and the god must plan to plan in the Magic Region, or it will not value this.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is not imposed, but it is ready to prepare, since it can't rely on others, he will get one by himself.

In the fourth step, there is a bit of pressure, but it can also be completely unable to resist.

This time, he came to the big summer, it was prepared to break through the nine turn.

Today, his polar has reached the six-storey peak, the ultimate path is the peak of the seventh floor.

It is a little bit.

The Keath may not break through a time, but the road has been in the limit, and some assistance is needed to break through.

Once the pass is broken, he can thoroughly master the material, and the source of space, he is constantly breaking, now he has exceeded the native emperor, which can be comparable to those four steps.

It's just in hard strength, I'm going to make up for this shortcoming if you master the power of all things, and the fourth-order emperor is not a battle.

Now he, but there is a record of the third-order episode.

Since the space is small, his universe can integrate the power of swallowing, and appear to be a devour the universe.

The third-order emperor went in and was swallowed into virtual.

If it is the way to break through, the power, the force of swallowing, the force of all things, the combination of the three, his strength will also change.

Nine turn is full!

"White old ghost, do you determine which treasure will be auctioned in the country?"

"OK, there is a person in the auction!"

The sword nodded and didn't talk.

The identity of the nine emperor can be quaint, this emperor's background is very complicated, and the relationship is hard enough.

He has to take advantage of it.

"Come, go to the beasts!"

For less than a day, put the treasures inside and outside the Wangfu, all the brought it, and it is not necessary to wait here.

What he has to do now is a blockbuster, let the people of the outside world understand that Xia Mang crown jade got a big firmer.

"Tianguo? I am really interesting!"

Search Xia Mang crown jade memory, he went to the place where he was tried, and the ancient school got is a heaven.

It turns out that he has some fate with the Tianguo Gate.

Just because the Six-yang people, the Tiangou Gate has been flatted by Wu Zuo, and the blood of the sixth order is even more hung in the door of the veteran.

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