Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5351 5346 ?? Town Kill Dijun

To put it, the current Tianjie Shaozong is like a cross-street mouse in the Ningjing, and it is not darented.

Wu Zuo's strength is very strong, and the heart is hit, and the temple should manage the four major secrets, and so many people are only responsible for a nation. Who is dead.

Each tribener is to register with the hometown of the Elder Palace as long as the big Damai level is, and there is no clear identity.

And the outer palace is also opened, and the emperor is all enforced, not to go to the palace, you will die.

And Wu Zhuo will personally chasing those emperors.

Only thousands of years, the north of Tianjie is a thousand people, and there are thousands of people. Most of the running is more refractive. The strength of the veteran palace is too strong, and the resistance can't resist, I can only escape.

The eyes are hot, and now they are ready to automatically returne, let the Elder House management of the heavens.

Because of this, many emperors who have also become more exciting in the heavens, they have fled into the ground. They didn't want to control the heavens in the heavens, and they were chased around.

These escaped Tianjie Wanted Emperor, each sacking in the sky, then came to the ground.

In this auction, there are a lot of good treasures, ready to auction.

It's just that these treasures are too expensive, and the sword is unparalleled.

Although he did not have less murdered, he did not have less and smart, but it was so small that there were millions of gods.

In the country of the nine emperor, I also collected millions, including some treasures, need to sell.


Not good!

It was also a moisturizing in Qiuhuang City, earned tens of millions of treasures, comparable to tens of thousands of gods.

He has helped the Bai Junwang to restore its own source, but also make a lot of treasures, these will also be a good job, but the last purchase information is full of flowers.

It's already gone.

I am thinking of these, the outside world came.

"His Royal Highness, the Buildings is here!"

The sword is unparalleled to open the flying curtains, look up, a huge funeter reflects the eye.


It is a duel farm in the royal family.

As the name suggests, it is forbidden in the Huangcheng, if you want to live and die, you can come here.

Not arrived at the door, a naked strong man came out from it.

"Ninth Hall!" The people are rough but careful, and they are busy with respect.

The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are cold and free, and the rigid is straight to the beasts. The strong man naturally followed.

"I heard that there is a good show today?" The sword was unparalleled.

The rough and strong man, I quickly replied: "If you don't have any good play, there are two three-level emperor's life and death."

" , your tone is very big!" The sword is unparalleled with a cold gaze, staring at the rough and strong, low departure: "When, from the third-order episode of your mouth,". "

I heard this, I know that it is the nine emperor to fight, even if I don't dare, the little thing will never forget the great enviament under the Ninth Hall. When the year is not the Ninth Hall, I have already died in a chaotic domain. In the middle

In the same year, it was really that Xia Mang crown jade followed the outside world to save him a life, and then brought to the big summer emperor, giving him a match in the beasts.

, the third-order episode of the peak.

Instead of staying around him, some large materials are used, they are sent here, but they can't do less.

After the knock is finished, the sword is unparalleled, just put a hand.

He came to the beeter, not just for the third, the most important thing is to make money.

"How is this two in the mouth!" The sword asked without a pair.

has become more respectful, and they replied: "There is almost 4,000 gods!"

"But" has different color.

He knows that the sword is unparalleled, there is other purpose, he is afraid of this, let him be born for the nine emperor, and his brows will not be wrinkled.

It is necessary to be the rules of the bumper, that is, it is not as good as death, even if the emperor cannot be changed.

"Reassured, I understand!" The sword did not have a double pill for each other.

Here, there is a five-order emperor sitting in the town, giving him ten courage, and dare not destroy the rules.

Two third-order emperors have a lot of great names in Huangdu.

One is the Jianxian, the third-order peak, known as one of the seventy-nine swords of Jingcheng, ranking from seventy-nine.

"The sword is close!"

But with the sword unparalleled.

It's he, the sword has no double eyes and enters the beefield.

Just when he entered, a hair fell from his head and floating casually.

"White old ghost, I can't instantly kill the third-order emperor, and I will give it to the source of the loss, I am responsible for the loss of the loss!" The sword did not have a double dark passage.

He served as a nine emperor, the book has always been a hair, and now falls, followed by the nine emperor.

"Hey, rest assured!"

Today's Bai Jun Wang, Benyuan has recovered quickly, and the town is still able to do.

But the present source, too unstable, kill some third-order Emperor, will not let the source collapsed too much, but if you go to kill the fourth-order episode, I am afraid that there will be a lot of origins, and the Bai Jun Wang is not willing.

It can make him shot a third-order emperor, which is already the limit of the Bai Jun.

Nine emperor, Xia Mang crown jade followed the three to the ghouk, when I entered, suddenly said: "The seventy-nine sword, I am very interested, you take me to see, I may not know today. Fallen. "

Although I'm somewhat hard, I still take a group of people to the dark room.

"Go in and not report, even if I want to see him, prepare things when I am playing!" Said the three sounds.

After a black emperor in the dark room, I wrinkled a brow, but when I saw the nine emperor Xia Mang crown jade, she was still hard to enter the depths.

Everything is going to live and die, these crazy people, sometimes there is much tallest.

However, the sword is close, or it is still in front of the black Emperor, and come to the front of the three.

The silk unparalleled hair also took the opportunity to follow.

Several people will say a few words, Xia Mang crown jade is a speech encouragement, and they left.

After everyone left, the brow near the sword wrinkled. He always felt too much inexplicable, but he was going to play, he also lazy, returned to the secret room, peace of mind.

Just waiting for the moment that the door just closed, the sword is unparalleled.

The whole space is not much wide, all the mental power and the power of swallowing, so that the sword is closely oppressed, do not wait for him to make a rebellion, the vain of the white monarch floats, one palm is on the other side .

At the same time, in the VIP room of the beasts.

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