Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5353 5348 Chapter? Conspiracy?

The third-order Emperor will not work, go in and not enough to see, some into the general secret, but where is the most, millions of gods.

You can have some strengths and good people.

Usually these third-order emperors, one hundred thousand gods may be charged once.

Between millions, there are millions of people.

The strength of the sword is not a sword, no double looks at him, there is two million yes, there is a thousand two million.

It seems that this life and death is more simple than him, since his people will dare to bet, then explain to him with absolute confidence.

Not yet, I received the news of Xuanyuan Daries here.

"The sword is close, recently banquet many third-order episodes, which are uneven, did not find too private talks with other emperors!"

The sword is not a double brow, it seems to hide the eyes and ears.

I can't do so much, I can't do so much, wait for the next to exchange the gods and run away.

Since all three-order episode, the most is four orders, in the imperial city, the other party does not dare to act rashly.

In the fighting beasts, the four-party audience is full of people, at least hundreds of millions of practitioners.

And go in to watch, like this life and death battle, the ticket is ten gods.

This is calculated, and the beast is earned for 10 million this time.

And there is a rule of the beast, as long as it is willing to go to the platform, the Tao Jun will reward 100,000 to one million gods, the emperor is millions of grati.

But you have to win.

This one of this sword is unparalleled. If you win, you will have a thousands of appearances with the name of the sword.

Compared with these or more in the beast.

One billion, in addition to the venue and some labor costs, the royal family can earn eight million.

The five-level emperor who was sitting here was the elder of the temple. It is also the predecessors in the clan. It is the strong man of Xia Mang, and he has been stationed for a long time, and a part will be taken from each profound.

After all, it is a five-order emperor. If you go out, the gods you have got will be more.

However, there is no danger here, it is also a good thing.

Standing at the highest, the sword has no double one hand, and the heavy jump is the ring.

His appearance, let countless people cheering!

There are some of them to shout his name, obviously to press the family on him.

Among the emperors, there are still many gamblers.

In addition to voluntarily, there are some slaves or prisoners who have received from the battlefield to fight here.

Win a hundred games can be obtained, and you will fall.

These people have more bloody, but the strength is generally very weak.

Most of them can be arrested is Daojun or some fairy, like this super dynasty, the minimum threshold of the conscription is the fairy.

The real comprehension army, that is, it is skydient, not necessarily all the emperor, where is Tianxian Fairy.

These monks are cannon gray, not falling on the battlefield, which is caught by a large number.

After all, it is still the top-level force, the top collapse, and the next step is good.

Since this is why it still spends so many gods, and cultivate the army.

Let the two ancestors do not play a one!

The Bai Jun Wang said that said: "Not so simple, the bottom is the air transport, if the bottom is lost, then the top is under the same force, it may also lose, the emperor's space is the storage of gas. Most of the strong people must follow this rule. Of course, you don't have to follow this, and you still have the special road, I see the above not only there is no air transport, but there is an evil breath, the opposite strength is opposite to the air transport. "

When I heard these words, the sword did not leak the murder.

This white monarch, is the most familiar with him, his own path, now there is only a white Junwang to know, even the gods don't know.

At the beginning, there was a vow, although there is also a vow to go through the vows of the respective information, but he still don't worry, in case this old man is dead, take his business, it is not very good, only the dead can take his mouth.

I am afraid that the White Jun Wang is thinking.

Although the two is integrated, it is a ghost tire.

After he appeared, the Huangpu Bear held a blue stone long stick, and he jumped from above, and he looked at the sword.

Above a majesty voice sounded, "Start!" The people who speaking are the five-level emperor, according to the generation, Xia Mang crown jade has to call the other side uncle, even the current emperor is going to call each other. Uncle.

With a more enthusiastic cry, the Huangpu Bear will start.

Sure enough, like the sword, the other person just opened his hand, he saw it.

The two fight, the thunder is large, and the rain is small.

It is entirely to do it.

Just this, the sword is unparalleled, I am too laughing, but there is a five-level emperor who is watching!

Although this emperor will not take these, anyway, the tickets are earned, but if the two do not fight, affect the reputation of the beasts, and the two are difficult to escape.


"Heads of long live!"

This is the sigh of scholarship, the breath is like a rain, and the power is unlimited.

I don't know how to think about the Huangpu Bear. I will not think that I will fight!

This sword is sneak attack.

I didn't respond to the Huangpu Bear, and he was a sword to thorns and refer to the opponent's eyebrow.

This sword contains the ultimate meaning, exceeding the Huangpu Bear, which is directly injured directly.

After the Huangpu Bear, I touched my eyebrows in one hand. I was angry with my heart. I didn't dare to emotion.

This is not the same as him with the sword!

But now I change people, who will manage this.

For ten years ago, the Huangpu Bear and the sword began to plan this.

The sword is nearly a wife. It is a natural ice physique. It takes a long-term drinking frozen wine. It is not precious in the roleless wine.

However, in Millennium Millennium, the wife near the sword suddenly mutated, turned from the ice to one of the "noctus of the body!"

Whether it is ice or fire, once it becomes a polar body, it will accelerate the extreme change.

I used to be ice, now the cold shadow, the millennium has already enhanced the physical fitness.

His wife is a Popular Taojun, but it has been able to compare the Emperor.

According to this physique, it will cause some big doors. If you can recruit his wife, whoever thinks his wife's ice has condensed into a crystal, has destroyed her physique.

If you have developed, it will eventually become a cold body.

I really want to go to the big door, but also to others as a wedding dress.

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