Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5354 5349 Chapter? Cold York? Unprotive!

A complete special body, this is a good thing!

It can even be married to other practitioners.

Therefore, the sword gas is never exposed.

This exists in the memory of the swords, so the sword is unparalleled.

Originally thought that the sword gas was cheated, giving his wife some la cacto treasures.

Now look at the Huangpu Bear's expression, he is afraid you will be wrong.

It is too difficult to do a bureau in the fighting berth.

If he guess is good!

It should be that the sword has nearing the Huangpu Bear. I will take the initiative to give the other party, just that the Huangpu Bear will give the money to his wife, so that the wife's life can be extended.

At that time, they said these scenes, I am afraid it is a sense of heaven.

Then the Huangpu Bear is really trustworthy.

It seems that it is good.

In fact, the two guesses are not accurate.

The sword gas is close to do two hands. If you win, then it is better, if you lose, your wife can extend some life, he will go to the wife to guide his wife.

"Despicable!" Huangpu Bear Angered.

He had already worried that the sword was close to the joy, so he personally, he was a strong stronger than the sword, and the odds were naturally low.

But if you find a weakness than the sword, I am afraid that the sword will never repent.

Now he is hurt, and it is really difficult to say that the crazy swordscent.

The sword is unparalleled in the eyes, and the sword is placed in the eye, and the eyes are dead and stare at the Huangpu Bear.

At this time is the best time.

The sword is nearly school, and I am very excited.

No wonder did not have any treasures in his mustard, I'm afraid that there have been countless breaths, but I was too fast to kill the other side, he did not notice.

Now, he can help each other dream.

It will not only make the sword to win this life and death, but also take care of his wife.

"Wan Jian!"

On the ring, the sword is near the legs slightly bend, and the feet stably stand in place, but it is a floating Sword Ying.

This sword, represents the world of Wanxia, ​​which is a little novelty that makes the sword unparalleled.

I don't know, I really didn't know that this is really good.

At least the strength of the sword is touched to the peak level.

But it is a small look!

There is no double eyeliner, an instant outbreak.

In this breath, it is still doped with the power of all things. He is fighting with the third-order Emperor, or you need to rely on the power of all things to kill each other.

Wan Daojong, with the power of all things, playing a terrible force of far super prudiary unparalleled expectations.

The Huangpu Bear was also scared by this shot. Now, it directly makes it out, and the body is shaped, and if you want to rely on the body, you will break the breath.

However, there is a power of all things, don't say that he has a third-order emperor, even the fourth-order episode is very taboo.

boom! boom! boom!

Three air explosions, causing the sensation of billions of people.

The Huangpu Bear, who is high, is in the sword, and it is straightforward.

He didn't think of it, the sword will be so strong.

Overlooking the five-level emperor of the lower side, he didn't expect himself to look around, this sword is nearly so strong.

He didn't know, in fact, his expectation is correct, just that the sword is nearly prepared, and the strength will be so powerful.

However, it is the truly terrible reason because of the power of the sword unparalleled, it is true, as long as it is the world, he can get it.

Even special life is true, unless you are not born in heaven, it is not that this starry sky is melting.

The Huangpu Bear is falling, because it is a gentle school, it is good to leave a body.

At this time, the sky rushed in the sky, and the five-level emperor personally finally ended, floating in the ring, just instantly, the countless audience in the field was quiet.

After glance, the five-order emperor low Shen said: "The sword is very popular!"

After that, it disappeared in the field, and those who had a sword, the sound of the spokes of the entire venue was burst.

"The sword is close! The sword is close! The sword is close!"

"The sword is close! The sword is close! The sword is close!"

"The sword is close! The sword is close! The sword is close!"

At this moment, the sword is nearly the protagonist here!

The sword has no double waved in the hands of the god sword, and then slowly walked down the ring.

VIP room.

Again, call a person's name!

"Xia Mang crown jade!"

"Table brother, you have to give the Fire Cheung today, you have to slaughter you!"

Xia Mang crown jade passed the mustard from the three-year-sent, and waved his arm, and the sound of the road: "Go!"

A group of people, the farting of the sword, the sword is unparalleled.

In addition to these people.

There are still many people who have compressed swords, and many people have sent a small compositing, but these will not afford the fire fox, but the other low-end, I am afraid that today is full.

Looking at the people who met the gods, the swords were nearly bought from the bias.

Next to a remote street, there will be more than 3,000 god mustard, handed over to Sham Mang crown jade.

Then the two interchanged, Xia Mang crown jade became the present, and the sword was close to it.

That is a polar, even the white monarch is very hot, he naturally will not let go.

This Zun Xia Mangyu, with a group of people to the Firem Palace to relax, and the fareworns are close to the wife's hiding.

After all, it is an accepted body. If this physical quality is discovered, I am afraid I will be swallowed by some old guys.

Nancheng, fish dragon mixed.

Everyone has strong people, and even some people are wanted.

The sword is sitting nearly, and it is a green courtyard. The outside world has a layer of simple array, and the scene is not seen inside.

One finger point out, the array is rolling, then leaking out a door out, the sword is unparalleled to push the door, which is the same as the cryptogenesis.

Green vegetation, full of housing, green.

And there is a round of sun in the small courtyard, which exudes a strong high temperature, and ordinary people can't stand it.

Just entered the small courtyard, he saw the wife in the memory.

Slightly different from memory is the breath of the wife's wife.

Ice is cold, like a ice beauty!

This breath brings the breath that people look more charming, more attractive than those who are blessing.

Her figure is also blue, very beautiful.

"It's coming!" The sound ice is cold, but there is a charming in the voice.

No wonder the sword will be gambled for her.

This is also the case when he has.

I can't help but leak a gentle smile, went to the young woman, lifting the hand helping her, whispering: "Back!"

"Is it still going?"

"Don't go!"

After saying this, the beautiful people softly paste in the sword unparalleled chest, I don't know if she is still holding her or let go.

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