Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5355 5350? You are not him

In the brain, the Bai Jun Wang watched haha ​​laughed, saying: "The sword is unparalleled, this is the good person, you can't let go, you can't, old husband."

"You gave me!" The sword was unpaired.

However, at that moment, he is a little shake at that moment.

Of course, it is not a heart, but shakes the heart.

The arm is slowly taking her back, a while is a cool, straight, straight to his own source, not close to his own source, it is blocked in an instant.

The eyes of swords have changed this moment.

The other party seems to know his identity.

"Han Shadow?" The sword was unparalleled and gently shouting the name of the other party.

The cold shadow slowly broke away from the sword unparalleled arm, and then took a few steps.

In her eyes, I have a laigh mark!

Two people opposed the world, and the cold shadings said: "You are not him!"

The sword is unparalleled. It can't be hidden. When you turn around, you will miss the true face, and there is no need to hide anything in front of one of the people.

"When I found it!" The sword had no double eye strand.

He has perfectly perfectly, how can he find it!

The chill is leaking out a smile, smashing the head, leaking sharp tiger teeth, laughing: "I heard the moment you jump!"

Said, one palm hit in his own chest, the whole person retired a few steps, and the mouth also overflowed blood.

The sword is unparalleled, but only quietly releases the end of the small courtyard.

"Cough, you don't have to worry, I will die immediately!" Han Shadow said with a smile, then open: "Can you change me?"

"Is there this necessary?" The sword looked at each other without a double eyed.

What is he depressed, he will be at that, if he has just passed by the other party to sneak attack, she is a polar, who knows if there is anything behind.

"Does the emperor are so timid?"

"I am just a road!"

Some people who dare not believe in the sword unparalleled, leaking out the color of surprises.

However, the sword is unparalleled to become a sword, and the past is slow.

The cold shadow saw this leaking a sad color, lifting the hand, want to hug the sword, but the eye hole suddenly contracted, and finally did not hold the sword near, and the red fell in the sword.

In her hands, there is a light blue dagger, look at the strength of the ice, it is estimated that the power containing the volatile body.

Even if the sword is unparalleled, I don't dare to give people so much!

The Bai Jun Wang shook his head, sorry: "What kind of love is a pair of people, but unfortunately!"

"If you don't, you will accompany her?" The sword said unparalleled: "You can mix it today, eight achievements are because of this reason!"

Bai Jun Wang waved his little hand, even busy: "Forget it, there is someone with her, but no one will accompany me, and I can cultivate to six-order emperor, but there is a big machine, you don't look at me!"

"Hey, Chen Zhi Ma is rotted, there is a big big big?" The sword was unparalleled and said to the sky.

The mental movement, the body of the cold shadows directly.

This is the vain of the body!

"Unfortunately, it is not suitable for me!" Bai Jun Wang looked a little sorry.

The sword is unparalleled: "There is nothing unsuitable, just this kind of pain needed to invest too much, no polarity can be left, this is natural, you can sell a good price!"

"Do you want to devour the unpretched meaning of her body?" Bai Jun Wang looked at him.

The sword nodded, "I don't like picking fruit, I can't help me to condense the body faster, as long as I swallowing a silk, I can derive thousands of things, which naturally bear the meaning!"

Unlodyge, is one of the top ten special sectors of the ancient.

The Bai Jun Wang has been walking is a gentle genre, and is one of the top ten gods, otherwise it will not exaggerate more than 60 times.

At the beginning, he did not slaughter special life, and the body is a difficult road than the source.

The source can start slowly, and the body does not need to practice, and it is necessary to rely on treasures to accumulate.

The swallowing of the unpredictable, the sword is unparalleled.

This small courtyard is also very suitable for closure.

After receiving the corpse, he entered the house with the vain of the white monarch, and the furnishings were very simple, and the portrait of the sword was also hung up, a stare-away man, carrying a sly sword, two gray.

One waved, portrait spontaneous combustion.

The sword is not on the soft blanket, starting to fusion.

Already eight thousand dawners, I don't know if this time I can't get it completely.

It will enhance many villains.

Tens of times is a threshold, and the treasures that want to break through the need are too expensive.

At least a treasure of tens of millions of gods.

Now he wants to break through or the source, there is no so many gods to stabilize the body.

If the origin of the candlelong can be resumed, the beast god is probably able to help his body breakthrough, and it will be more powerful below.

Unfortunately, now I can't use it. After integrating the intentions, I will be 10,000 times, and I have to the limit, and I want to break through the more powerful treasures.

The top of the beast god is up to 10,000. Once the base of the infrastructure is 10,000, there is no use.

Such a good treasure, now I can only look at it.

On the armor of the beast god, the armor of the beast is some, the former can make him feel faster, the latter defense is not weak.

This is closed here, it is a few months.

outside world.

After a few months, Xia Mang crown jade is also obviously the change in the Imperial City.

That is the general of guessing him, the Mature Taojun is stronger.

On this day, the Xuanyuanfu was held a feast for "Xuanyuan Anhai".

The emperor of the big summer, but also the sister of Anhai Hou is also the mother of Xia Mang crown jade.

In addition to some major officers in the field, some fourth-order emperors have come.

Xia Mang crown jade four sorrows, all are the strong people in the fourth-order episode, plus the mother is also the fourth-order episode.

Xuanyuan family, the Anstructor's generation has gone five fourth-order emperors, and there are many people than the old man.

The first generation of Xuanyuan Dashi, but he made a five-order emperor, and a three brothers became the fourth-order episode, and the rest were not very entered, and some of them were not.

Remarkably, several old ancestors are the fourth-order episode.

I hope that I will start from Xuanyuan Dashang, let the family have achieved this big summer.

Especially the Xuanyuan Dashang, the five fourth-order episodes, all the potential is huge, the combined power is strong, plus Xuanyuan Anhui into the palace, is a high level.

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