Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5364 5359 ?? National War?

Therefore, it is careful that this time is a magic country. Maybe in the end of thousands of years ago, someone is ready to be fully, now as long as it will say the plan is good.

The five-level emperor on the throne is lazy, and it is a representative of the fourth-order episode.

There is not much in the Summer Ms., there is nothing more than the eligibility, mainly some of the right people are talking about.

This agenda lasted for three days, and after screening, two programs were finalized.

One is a program proposed by the second emperor, which is made up by the national government.

The other is the first tenth, the strength is five-order peak, the door is countless, the power is in the wild.

The Prince is watching the cold light flashes.

A emperor, I have already reached the crowded battle, and this Prince is really no moment.

Fortunately, he is now advocating, otherwise the face can not hang.

The current situation is probably that the second emperor's strategy will be adopted, and an eunuch sitting on the Taishi Chair will send two strategies to the temple, waiting for the war of Xia Mang.

The temple has been calm for a while.

For all this, there is no interest in the sword, he knows that the Prince will definitely block.

The Emperor's family is actually like that, there is nothing to be built.

People sitting here are old foxes living in countless years, and they can also see if there is.

This battle, the main purpose is to weaken the power of the empire, if it is a win, the power will become more embarrassing, but the big summer will become stronger, and it is not sharp again. As long as the ancestors are in the summer, the big summer can't be chaotic, just Not good management.

If you lose, there is nothing, it will be paved with the Prince.

Don't look at the second emperor, if you really lose, he is falling a puppy, everyone shouts.

Instead, the prince has a benevolence, which will better control these power.

This is like a raising.

But everything is still a power, these disputes are not only power, but also resources, and resources will become more and more strong.

This is also the method of fairy Dynasty.

After a while, I will release it, and the people of the Xia Mang class left the family banquet, and the rest can be returned.

Those power is the same, but the bottom is in a dark.

This is the case.

Everything decides not to have any relationship with them.

There are a lot of strong people in Xia Mang, which is generally not in the army, all of which followed the old ancestors in the Zong Temple.

Nowadays, in the field, it is some young power.

There are four five-order emperor, and dozens of four-level emperor, in addition to the sword, almost all emperors.

Follow these people to enter the hall, a long table is already ready, and the monophoraic flowers are all valuable.

Everyone landed, the sword was unparalleled in the end, and it was close to the hometown of Xia Mang, and the five-level emperor who took the town beasts.

After a while, the Xia Mang fighteora was holding two jade, and the jade is still on the table, and the tone is scaled: "The second, see what you mean, is ready to take the bottom with the magic ? "

"The father of the father, this battle is the battle of the base, must be a national war, countless era is a battle!" The second emperor Xia Mang is standing up, the sound is bright.

The prince saw the opportunity to come, when you get your body, you are not seeing, the two brothers say the national war, we have a big summer? I need a payment, even a budget is not, how to fight! "

"Well, reason you think!" Xia Mang was sitting at the host, and he looked at the second emperor.

The second emperor knows that this battle is not easy. Now, it is now a decent reason to let him say, prove that the father gave him a fair competition.

At this time, he didn't dare to panic, thinking about it, sinking: "Budget? Ding Ding battle, it is a number of angles, my big summer is raised for hundreds of millions of years, how many years have it riser? It used to be a small Little demon, but these years have expanded too fast, if it is not eradicated now, I am afraid that there is no chance. "

"The second brother said that it is a small small. I have a lot of the ancestors, I will be afraid of a magic, the South China border, in the field, we are not the same town to keep hundreds of millions of years, if this time I set off the national war, chaos What should I do in the South China border? "The prince said the vibration of the vibration, obviously prepared.

The sword is unparalleled, sitting in the end, drinking while drinking, even looking at them.

I don't know when, Xia Mang's spur is noted that the little son Xia Mang crown jade, waving the sleeves, interrupted the debate between the prince and the second emperor, asked: "Guan Yu, for this time, what opinions do you have? ! "


Suddenly I heard this sentence, the sword was unparalleled and accidentally put the rice to the table, and quickly got up and said: "All the father will win!"

"Haha !!"

Xia Mang's star heard this answer, very happy, seems to be unexpected.


"I see that you have no differences with those people outside, I will only move the small factor, but I don't care about the overall situation."

"Corga, you should be very good to think about it!" Xia Mang suddenly saw the prince and the emperor, and the sound was a little cold.

Thousands of thousands, they will not think about what this emperor will think.

In fact, it is very simple, strength is respect, there is a ancestor, this big summer is.

Avenue to just!

Xia Mang is very simple, just like Xia Mang crown jade, all the father will win.

Civil war!

That is not the reason for the emperor and the Prince, it is to ask the meaning of the ancestors.

I am here, saying two sentences, say more, I am distinguished, so I have to weaken others, I have a fight.

"Several uncle, the emperor, the things of the exquisite have been decided, and will report the world later, the national teacher will give the date, all departments are ready, the first year of the new calendar, it is the day of the birth! "Xia Mang's star face is somewhat exhausted, leaving this sentence to leave.

There is only some prince who is somewhat, and the second emperor is a faint smile.

The rest of the Xia Mang's person is not polite, and the food is delicious, and the food is delicious.

It is not like this.

The Prince is standing there, I feel like being played.

Everyone doesn't care, he is too dead.

There is no outsider here, why do you say so?

Anyway, it is a person who has helped him, saying two sentences, not serious.

The sword is also smoked by the Prince. This person is a prince's material for a lifetime. When he is the emperor, it is estimated that the country is expected.

After sweeping, the sword is not bidding for the elders on the table.

The next day is windy, but this is nothing to do with him.

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