Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5365 5360 ?? Auction start

Two strategies, eventually selected the opinions of the one.

The national war is the second emperor of the national government. This is too radical and is not suitable. You don't need to ask the old ancestors. Xia Mang is vetoed.

As the Prince said, the national war is stissible, and the southern country is suddenly attacking.

Although the strength of the magic rival is strong, it is strong in the surface, the bottom is much poor, and it is the same as the national war.

It only needs four cities, steadily attack, and slowly eaten, it is enough to involve the magic country.

However, it is like this, the overhead of this battle is scary, and the sixth order emperor can't afford it, but it will have this forces.

Arms rectified, resource scheduling, these are required for several years, not a chartered, and can be completed.

The sword is unparalleled, the army is uncomfortable in the army of the North Army.

In the military camp for decades, constantly cooperating with these people, although there is no Ronalfa, but you have to prepare, or you don't have time to practice.

The seven fourth-order episodes of the new recruitment, known as Meishan seven strangers, although the strength is general, there is a lot of love.

One of the Snake, a young woman, very killing, and is natural and fascinating, it has been with many emperors in the military camp, so that the sword is unparalleled is very headache.

At the end of the third era, there is still ten years from the extent, and the auction will be held as scheduled, where the location is in Dongcheng.

This day, it can be said that it is Wanxian.

The five-level emperor who is usually uncomfortable is one after another, and the fourth-order emperor is not in a glance.

Xia Mang crown jade This kind of emperor is more unhappy.

"Fast, the emperor of the big summer!"

Many strong people are looking forward to the sound.

The big summer emperor "Xia Mang Meteor" wearing a black lobe and Xuanyuan Anhui.

In the tiabs, the five-order episode personally greeted it, and the emperor of the sixth order will be sent to the House.

A little paused, the sword is unparalleled, because there is an unligated ice corpse here, and it does not need to have an asset, and directly taken the VIP channel.

These days, the spending costs of him exceed more than 300 million gods, Tianstrooms, and the news is also a big special feature. I will not know how many gods in this nine emperor.

Eight billion god!

The sword is unparalleled with heavy treasures and entered the building.

This blunt building is actually it is a eternal tobao. It is a treasure of heaven, and it enters self-contained days.

The usual scatter can only sit in the throne, and VIP is a separate room.

The treasures of swords are unparalleled here are very scarce, and they are eligible to sit here.

I have to know that I can sit here, not the five-order episode is the fourth-order episode of the big opportunity, and each worth is more than 10 billion.

After walking into the room, it is a bit the same as the innerness of the Firem Palace. It is also a huge yarn window in front of you. You can clearly see everything in the outside world. The outside world is unclear.

Sitting on the throne of white jade carving, swords are unparalleled to look at the hall.

Today, there are millions of people.

The weakest also a few Daojun, should follow the family.

In the emperor, the weakest is the third-order peak.

Some people cover, can't see the face, some are missing, but dare to miss it, mostly are not true faces.

Soon the auction will begin.

A graceful figure, the best beautiful woman, embedded a auction house in the middle of the hall.

This seemingly styleful beauty is a special six-order episode.

The Emperor Morner has a few grades, even in the sixth order episodes, it is powerful than the old ancestors in Daxia.

It has already had the level of the supernatant.

"Dear, not far away, here I thank you for your representatives!" Said that the perfect woman squatted slightly.

This scene is surprised by many people in the hall!

Sixth Order!

Actually gave them these third-order emperors.

This is also the reason why Tianda can become the peak forces, not arrogant!

"Well, now the auction house is officially started, I forgot to introduce yourself, my name is Nalan!"

"Nalan!" Bai Jun Wang secretly.

The sword is unparalleled, and the probilization: "How, do you know?"

"I don't know this little girl, but I know the old ancestors of the Nalan family!" Bai Jun Wang is very peaceful.

Nalan family?

This is still the first time in the sword, I'm curious: "You are so confirmed, is she is your mouth in the Neanlan family?"

"Hey, long Sao! Nalan's woman is a look, how can I not recognize it, I am the old ancestors of Nalan ...." said here, Bai Jun Wang face There are some memories.

The sword is unparalleled and shakes his head, not in the counterparts, concentrate on the hall.

The first treasure appears.

"Tiannan alone, rhinoceros, its fragrance can dream! The price of five million God." Nalan shrewd the treasure, and glanced down.

The Sixth Order of the Emperor is terrible, and each call price can be clearly confirmed.

"Six million!"

"65 million!"

"Seven million!"


In the hall, a white-haired old man, the eyes leaked a taste, raised the token, whispered: "10 million!"

"Ten thousand million? No need to add it!"

Many people choose to give up.

This treasure is for the fourth-order emperor some chicken ribs, giving the third-order emperor too waste.

Can be tens of millions, it is a high price.

Soon the first treasure sold out, but short a few breaths.

This auction treasure, there is almost more than 1 million pieces, and it is not sold for every year.

The treasures of dozens of dozens of precedents are within 10 million, and the latter is gradually improved, and the base price exceeds 10 million.

"The fire field stone, you can mention the space of the fire, the bottom price is one thousand!"

Treasures for space origins!

When the sword is unparalleled, it is interested, this time he does not just need the treasure of the treasure to increase the treasure, and the space is also enhanced.

In order to pave the way later.

Space origin, but the strongest universe in today's strongest field, the stronger the space, the more strong the universe.

In a universe, he has repeatedly, with it is in which the opponent is suppressed and enhances its own strength.

Even after the force of swallowing, he found that the opponent's war was swallowed to himself, more powerful than ever.

This is the strongest base card, and the universe is out, his war is less than ten times.

It can be much stronger than the treasure.

"20 million!" There is no token in the VIP room, but there is a jade simple in the armrests of the throne. Just take a quote.

It took 5 million directly.

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