Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5367 5362 ??

I heard this offer, not only the sword is unparalleled, and many strong people in the hall are more eye-catching. How long does it haven't started, the price soared to this point, and there is another chance to shoot?

Many fourth-order peak emperor, that is, the price, with those paramen, family unable to compare.

"300 million?"

The sword is unparalleled, and these people are crazy, and they can't bid for a time.

Bai Jun Wang said at this time: "Add a billion, those that can be more than the scatter!"

"200 million!"

"Who do you listen?"

"I am, but the ancestors of the white family!"

I heard this sentence, the sword is unparalleled, and it is more than qualifications.

Cantonese thinking about it, Bai Jun said right.

Family, Zongmen is not alone, they are a group, they can not increase the price.

Sure enough, he bid for 400 million, no one increased again.

Just let the sword have never been thought of, this Sky magic is just a brief.

No wonder is so low.

Dragon Snake is useful in exceptional use of 20,000 times, or the main lifting material after 20,000 times.

The body is approximately nine floors and is the same as the source.

Every layer is 10,000 babes.

Now he has not broken through the first floor.

The treasures required in the first layer are the simplest.

The total price will not cost more than 100 million.

But the second floor is twice, the third layer is the peak of the early stage, and it is also the peak of many practitioners for a lifetime.

It can be considered, which is costly to billions.

No wonder the geodatabase, saying that there is no threshold, but it is the biggest threshold.

If it is the child of the big family, there is also a family support.

But the scatter is going to be with yourself.

A lot of third-order emperors, the body is seven or eight thousand, or I am playing around for a lifetime.

It is also like Xia Mang crown jade, in order to arrive at eight thousand times during the road.

His opportunity is not bad, but it can be used now.

After getting the talents, he differentiated in his body, and the plate knee on the home column and started research.

There is a Bai Jun Wang, the body of the body, can be helpless on the side, and it is half-powered, and he will take the most.

Nothing, you can get a short, that is, one year, he can reach the level of Liuyang people, show six-armed heavens.

It is necessary to know that Xia Mang crown jade is just a four-arm Tianmian, can only be considered a small charter.

Even the small charter is also allowed to increase the body to 10,000 times, it is counted on the basis of two thousand times.

Waiting for his basic gods to break through a breakthrough, then crazy, to show the six-armed sky, I am afraid that the body can go straight to 20,000 times.

The next auction is to the treasure, the sword is unparalleled to this, but it is just a distant change.

Most of them are some synthetic to treasures.

For example, a necklace, a hundred and eight columns, is made by the stars, each is the best to treasure, under the joint, the outbreak of power, is powerful than some prevention of eternal tobao.

This is a good idea for the fourth-order emperor, but the bottom price is also high, and the price of 80 million will persuade a lot of fourth-order episodes.

Some of the rest are some deep generations.

The final transaction price is set to over 40 million.

It is worth it!

"Well, now open the second phase, this stage of treasures, the average price is about 100 million, you have to be ready!"

"The first, the feathers of Daming, you should still remember the Daming King, who used to be in the sky, this feathered is found in the forest of Hidden, the price of 100 million God!"

"Daming Wang!" Everyone was shocked!

Several six-order emperor who sat in the VIP room leaked the incredible eyes.

Wanzang Sen, who used to be a treasure, but it is not too famous.

However, since Wanzang's comment has a big event, there is a penalty area in the country.

What happened inside, there are not many known, but inside, there is a solid falling over ten six-order emperor.

Among them, the Peacock Daming King.

Nowadays, people can make treasures from that place, this value is too precious.

The whole country is such a peacock, I don't know how many people are in the treasures of the Daming King.

Now there is a feather, is it not explained that the strong people in Tianstrings have been the corpse of the Daming?

"I have 5 billion!"

"800 billion!"

"Two billion!"

The price will soon be exceeded the limit of the fourth-order city. Now the price is the five-order episode, even the six-order emperor.

The sword is more dumbfounded, isn't it a feat?

Use this?

He has seen a feathers compared to the world, that is the real treasure.

Originally he thought of bought this roof feather in the five elements, it seems that he did not hope.

In the end, this feather was sent into a VIP room, and it was estimated that a five-order emperor had a hand.

"Forget it, Wanzang Sen, but I can wait for me to peek, even if I get the feathers, I can't make anything!"

The sixth-order episodes can get piled up, and it is indeed that they dare to peep.

The next treasure price is stable, there are many more than the previous round, but there is no first to exaggerate, everyone is still acceptable.

The sword has taken a part, and spent billion gods.

Today he has consumed almost billion.

On the side of auction, while cultivating.

Finally, the treasure of the array is, and the Luo Wei in the middle of him is here.

It is just that the bottom price has changed.

"According to the big array furnished by the ancient gods, this method is renovated according to the old man of the Tianstrian Arratron, and now it has become a simplified version, only the fourth-order episode can be arranged!"

"Simplified version? It is a bit unfortunately!" Summer Emperor Xia Mangjun stood in front of huge landing windows, looked at the battle in the hall, and a shining shining in his eyes will then disappear.

If it is the strongest Luo Yu battle, a six-order emperor is arranged, and the war can soared several times.

He is a six-order force, if there is a real Luo Wei battle, the magic of the magic, and their fortune may be larger.

If it is the strongest version of Luo Yu battle, I am afraid I need to pay hundreds of billion gods, but these gods are not what is nothing to do.

"The base price, two billion yuan!"

It is less than 50 million cheaper than the sword.

"300 million!"

"450 million!"

Many for a little bit of power begins to call the price.

This array, once arranged, the fourth-order emperor will fight the five-order episode, especially suitable for them.

Not all families have five-level emperor, some small families have only two or three four-level emperor, and if they get this array, they will allow family strength to rise again.

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