Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5368 5363 War ??

It is worth it.

The sword is unparalleled, and he didn't expect so many people to compete, so in his gods.

After eight billion, the price is over, there is about 20 million, each increase is about 20 million.

"Ten billion!" The sword is unparalleled to give a quote.

complete in one step!

Sure enough, the voice of the battle was falling, and when I was prepared in Nalanti, the hall was out of the hall.

"$ 10 billion!"

The sword is not a double brow, I almost jealous.

Adopt price increase of 800 million, it is eight billion gods!

It is also the price of strong people within the hall, and the strongest four-level emperor in the hall is there. Is there so much money?

The sword is unparalleled and low. "" Come! "

After a while, an old man outside is the internal emperor of Tiand.

"I want to test the other party's offer!"

After hearing this sentence, he leaked a smile, faint: "This look, you can rest assured, since the other party can report the price, it can afford, or he will disappear!"

"Hey! If I increase the price, I don't have anything to do, I spent billion gods in white?" The sword is unparalleled. "

If he is not very needed, he really wants to see how the other party returned, but this array, he must take it.

Have to follow.

The old man also understood the meaning of the sword and the words, and immediately passed the words.

Didn't have a long time, the emperor of the quote, took out a treasure to handed a person who gave the heaven, just a person with a heaven, gave a clear information.

Quotation is sitting!

I heard this answer, the sword was unparalleled.

"One hundred billion!"

"No matter how much each other, I have a lot of money!" Since the bar is on, he has to see how much the other party is.

At the same time, he also let the Bai Jun king mobilize the people of the heavens and investigate the identity of the emperor in the hall.

Although there is no core figure in the heavens, it is not difficult to find an emperor who sits in the hall.

"No, the people in Quege are not at the core. All identity information is controlled at the core layer. I am afraid that the Nalanic knows the other party." Bai Jun king will play the appearance of the news.

The sword is unparalleled to increase the price.

He added one million, the other party added 500,000, so it has been reported!

Although there is less, there are many times the news!

I have come to 220 billion.

"3 billion!"

The sword is unparalleled, staring at the emperor of the hall.

In the hall, on a remote throne, the price of the price of the quoted emperor leaked a cold laugh, saying loudly: "I am so cool, I will give you!"

After saying this sentence, it pressed the press and said it was not quoted.

The sword is unparalleled in the feet of the gas in the VIP.

In the hall, it is the sound of the sound.

Although it is very curious, I don't know the identity of the other party, I will not say anything.

Some strong people, camouflage strengths are sitting in the hall, this is often what happens, this is not surprising.

But holding so many gods, playing others, is also uncomfortable.

Dozens of gods, the five-order emperor will not play so casually!

After getting the array, the sword is unparalleled. It feels that this is the law, 3 billion!

He didn't need it, and he didn't care.

Because it is a battle, the extension is very low.

After returning to calm, he wants more than a loss.

That is, the strength is not enough. If there is a strength of the white monarch, he will jump out and give that person.

The auction will be held in the first half, and the treasures taken are tens of thousands. This is because there are many treasures that are overlapping, or the speed will be so fast, otherwise I have been half a year.

After the end of the first half, there will be a special treasure auction.

The whole half, the sword has spent more than 50 billion gods.

The treasures required for the path of the path are almost the same.

I bought it while swallowing, and I will cultivate the norms and take the way. In the time, he is very appropriate, and it is not a waste of one.

"Well?" The Bai Jun Wang on the post of the source of the source is moved.

Looking at the hall of the auction.


It can make the Bailun king feel familiar, and the at least a treasure of ancient times.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is confused: "What?"

"It's a breath, a very familiar atmosphere, very similar to your sword!" Bai Jun Wang's eye hole stared at the ten special treasures within the hall.

"Jade Qilin?"

"Division God stick?"

"Tianyi Collection?"


"Is that stick!" Bai Jun Wang pointed to the derivatization god.

The sword is unparalleled, and a stick can be similar to his sword?

"You look at the ripples above!" Bai Jun king reminded.

The sword is unparalleled in the direction of him, and the eyes are condensed, and the derivatization gods seems to be in front of him, and the top of the above is clear.

"this is?"

It seems that it is not a ripple!

Bai Jun Wang also saw something contained in it, when leaking a fearful eyes.

"Sword, the swords of Qiuhuang City are similar, it should be the decline of the emperor!" The sword nodded, I recognized it.

He is some origin of the Democrats, and he has been able to have the opposite.

I saw the fear of the White Jun, the sword was unparalleled: "It is already a human, there is no need to be afraid!"

"You don't understand, the horror of the emperor, you don't understand, you are the inheritors of the Diva Temple, you are of course not afraid." Bai Jun king was sitting on the pillar of the source, fork his hands, very taboo.

Soon, someone quoted.

This ten treasures are very special and the reserve price is naturally high.

Soon soon soon to billions.

Even one of them, has exceeded the historical offer of the sword unparalleled previous creation.

Directly rushing to 5 billion.

Some five-order episode is fighting, and others can't insert.

Just in the VIP room next door, Huqing was standing with the ginger.

"Forty-billion, grass of grass!"

Huang slowly said the price.

Jiang Wei is now only a crowd with a moon, even the gods don't know anything, there is no concept of Huiqing's quotation.

"Master, what is the role of this grass, I can't see what special, other treasures are able to see a two!" Jiang Wei has some doubts.

Hui Qing smiled, gentle reply: "It's because you can't see it, I will buy him."

After he took the ginger, he found that the other person can actually see the essence of the treasures, which makes him very unexpected.

A , there is such a pair of eyes.

If you let outsiders know, I am afraid that the whole country will vibrate, and he found that the physical fitness of ginger is even different from the outside world, more like a special life.

Looking down, look at the eyes of ginger, it seems like to live in the sea.

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