Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5369 5364???

Grass wood!

"The five lines, it is the ultimate for the wood road. In addition to the four major halls, you can also take out this to the treasure!"

There is no double point of the sword, and it is as good as the white monarch.

This treasure can appear in indigenous hands and is a waste.

Only forty billion gods.

I don't know if it is a good badge.

Good luck is, the other party picks up the treasure, unlucky is because the indigenous emperors want it to be useless.

Hui Qing, after getting the spirit of the grass, carefully introduced.

Found it.

No wonder, ginger can not see its essence.

The spirit of the grass is just a name. He really didn't think that the grass is really aware, with true spirit.

The condensed true spirit, placed in the fog in the spirit of the grass, and can block the observation of others.

I got it.

Hui Qing will have a calm person, and after so, it will miss the smile.

The value of this grass is too high. If you put it in the four temple, it is also the treasure of the day.

With true spirits, the level represents this crosswood can grow up.

Ginger is curious about the curiosity of the side, even unconsciously reaching out to touch the grass.

When she touched, she fell a finger in an instant.

Blood donation, sprinkled.

There are also many contaminated to the spirit of the grass.

Huiqing saw this, even quickly grabbed the ginger and smoldering jade hand, a power of infused, just instantly let the ginger's fingers recovered.

Jiang Wei took his own little hand, and his head is expected to: "Master I am fine!"

"It's okay!" I just scared Hui Qing.

When he once again looked at the spirit of the grass in his hand, it was found that it actually changed.

Originally just a piece of root must be changed, it has become a small grass.


In contrast, the true spirit is emitted, and Huqing is busy with his own power to seal the spirit of the whole grass.

Then a child of children appeared from the spirit of the grass, and stared at the outside.

I looked at Hui Qing and shook my head. When I went to ginger, my face leaked a surprised expression, and the eyes were rolled.

I thought it was a living in a lifetime and saw the eyes of the little girl.

Looking at the bottom of the heart.

"the host........"

Jiang Wei and Hui Qing have leaked a surprised expression!

At the same time, ten treasures were sold successively.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is directly stained.

I don't know, the spirit of the grass, will change everything.

The distant origin of the distant origin, some wretched true spirits, the leisurely fishing, the whole batch of the temple has been completely restored, and a batch of the inheritors have been sent to the tomb mountain.

After the countless Damai game, under the guidance of the Polyson Temple, there were many ultimate existence, and the trial of Da Di fairy was began in the original world.

Just like a reincarnation, a batch of big dean fans entered the four secrets.

In just a millennium, I have born 100,000 inheritors, and I have been stationed in the Tomb.

Now that the sixth batch of people have stationed.

Everything is developing in a good direction.

It has just been there, a very strange breath suddenly appeared in the four major secrets, so that true spirits were inadvertently.

After I can't help but sneeze, I looked at the sky and found that there was no change, still some unassured.

Finally induced the source.

"Or is it the land?"

Eyes are condensed!

Retrospective time.

"Wanzang Sen!"

"Hey!" Zhenling is anger.

At the backchainth time, he found a thief to go to Wanzhai.


A flap, far in the bloodthirsty continent, is drinking a few ordinary people in drinking, listening to the shouts of the true spirit, the wine is awake, and the figure has disappeared in a cave.

Several people's pig heads, cattle, and tiger's monsters thought it was more drinking, and found that the big brother who sat in the primary position suddenly disappeared.

After licking your eyes, I found it since I didn't see it.

The monsters in these mountains, still don't know, their big brothers, but the owner of the whole bloodthirsty continent.


After coming to the sea of ​​this source, the dragon wiped his mouth and went to the front of the spirit.

"Adult, what is going on under the summary!"

The true spirit is gone, and the dragon is shook his head.

"Where do you get it!"

The dragon smiled. Slowly open: "Adults, you don't say the four major secrets lack of people, anyway, now not to fight outside, I will still have four major secrets, let them play itself."

"You are very chic!" The true spirit was laughed by him.

The second-level emperor of the original universe, since after entering the tomb mountain, it broke through the millennium.

It is the five-order episode, which has reached this strength, and the four secrets can help them have rare, and the rest will be sent by themselves.

Let them go first with the dragon, familiar with the external battle.

As a result, the dragon put these people, throwing it in the four secrets, no matter.

These didn't have anything. He passed one of his eyes, but it can now have a change in the four secrets.

White has a big temper, and the four secrets are tied to call him.

I can only find a dragon.

First, I am screaming, and then I've rushed to the theme.

"You go to the four major secrets, go back to me, if they don't have a hand feet in the bloodthirsty continent, then take them to the long river to practice practice, if you don't want to go too far, then go In the city, I look at what is very pleasing, go to the chaos, kill a few people, especially there is a named Nalan, I am going to live! "

True Spirit said this name, itchy teeth.

A six-order emperor who lived countless years, the face didn't want, secretly sneak into the Sen of Wanzang, and steal things.

That place, this is the place where the old seal is once, who knows what the old guy stoles, and he feels uneasy.

"This?" Dragon will soon understand what is going to do.

Said that he recalled those emperors, this is not to hold this name, let him go to the four major secrets to kill people?

"Why, have you have opinion?" The true spirit is oblique to the dragon.

White is controlled around the four secrets, and countless era has never stopped.

Zhu Yi is now controlling the original boundary and continuously screening the inheritor.


This is not the truth, and he doesn't have a way in the Hall of the Hall.

No matter what to say, the other three parsives, all the things they have to do, and the dragon is the leisurely.

I gave a few emperors, let him bring, too lazy, he sometimes doubts that the dragon is not crabbed.

"No, I will go!" Long Yiri is busy, do not say anything, directly disappear, in the direction of the four secrets.

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