Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5373 5368??? Is forced to sell

The fourth-order episode, collected a color bone, and rushed to the deepest place in the auction site. In a secret room, there were seven five-order emperor, and all the masters of Jianbao.

When the color bones appeared, they took a breath.

"Beyond the sixth order level?"

Another old man shakes his head, low Shen: "There is no, its owner is much better than sixth order, but there is no scope of the sixth order."

"Seniors, if there is no problem, then I will reply to the other party." The fourth-order epidermus came, after all, the price outside, one will be one.

The old man of Jianbao, re-handed the bones, "It's really no problem, just this bone is too new, unlike ancient times, it is like just from the body!"

If the Bai Jun king heard this sentence, it will definitely be complacent.

Since ancient times, I am afraid that I haven't false, and I can collect my own flesh and be careful.

The body of the flesh is only a thousand years, of course, very new, and good protection, it seems to be the same as it has just been taken from the body.

"It's strange, the recent episode, it seems that only Wanzang Si is a battle, is it?"

Several Jianbao Masters leaked a fear look.

Is it necessary to enter Wanzang?

Among them, there are people who entered Wanzang's Sen, just after the Wan Tiesen, there was a sacred temple.

But the old ancestors of the Nalan family have a space to treasure, can shuttle at will, with them to enter Wanzang, and take a lot of treasures.

Like the spirit of the grass, there is a big batch.

Among them, there is also a spirit of grass. It has reached a mature period, and this auctioned grass is coming from it.

They still don't know, the spirit of the mature grass has become the spirit of true grass, condensed the roots of the grass of the grass they auctions.

Now that they have been got by Huiqing. If they know that they are amazing, I am afraid I will leave Hui Qing, and I will give it back.

I don't know now, I have no chance in the future, and the robbery of the Tianda will come immediately.

A horrible strong force is coming, and the power of the power is faintly the first place in the Polyson Temple.

Of course, in addition to true spirit.

Even the ultimate emperor, when there is no small charter of the universe, it is not his opponent.

The fourth-order emperor, hurriedly took the color bones and reached the room where the sword was unparalleled, respectfully said: "There is no problem with the treasure, I don't know if I have to be mortgage, or will be sold?"

"Auction, finally sold today!"

"no problem!"

After the other party left, the sword was unparalleled, he was afraid that the other party was not enough.

After confirming the value, his quotation will go up.

It is just three billion gods, and now it is not high, and it is estimated that it is very suspended.

In the near room, several strong people in Xuanyuan family, the eyes are excited.

Xuanyuan Dashang as the old old age of Qi Shi, I have long been in the news of the beast god blood crystal, and I prepared a hundred billion gods, it is for the present.

His offer has been within the top ten, as long as it falls.

"Father, there is this treasure, the four brothers may not have to take long time, will be ......."

The speech is the boss, Xuanyuan Ancheng.

His strength and potential are general, but there is a talents of the leaders. These years, Xuanyuan Dashed, the family's fight, all the Xuanyuan An City is in the town family, teach the future generation, and play a very big role in the future Xuanyuan family .

The old four of the Xuanyuan family, that is, his four brothers, it has now reached the fourth-order limit under his teaching, and it will break through a little bit.

Once a breakthrough, Xuanyuan has two five-order emperor, and the family will naturally be great again.

Xuanyuan Dasheng was in the outside battle, and his heart has a great effort. After all, the family also has a five-order episode.

At least it will not be afraid.

Even if the family is falling, the family is supported.

So this beast god blood must take it, once there is a help of the beast gods, it is not a problem.

Old four Xuanyuan Anhai, the potential is very large, the power is even more invincible, and the body is more than two thousand more thousand, the space is very solid, if it breaks through the five-order emperor, the strength can be surpassing Xuanyuan Dashang.

After all, it is a dual repair of the body and the source.

"Anhai as long as it exceeds breaking, how many gods spend!" Xuanyuan Datong was stable, and one hundred billion gantry almost certainly took a beast god blood crystal.

"Daily 6 billion!"

The price is still climbing.

In this five-level emperor, it is rarely cultivated the origin of cultivation, but it does not hinder their bid, once it takes, I will sell it to those strong winds, thunder, electricity, and rain, it is stable. Earfare is not afraid.

The sword is unparalleled, it has already been added to 500 billion, but it still falls at the end.

The value of the bone, the heavens have given two billion reserve prices, and the amount of 500 billion, plus his principal, and he is up to 7.2 billion.

"According to the current trend, five billion unstable, directly press it!"

The sword is unparalleled, not thinking about saving money, plus it slowly, not as good as a whole, let some desperation, less competitors.

"720 billion!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the instant station is in the second.

The first is 1 billion.

The six-order Emperor will report hundreds of billions at the beginning, standing in the first position, no one can shake.

Beast god blood, even if you take out the most suitable person, you can sell one hundred billion.

This price is already very high, and it means a loss.

The ranking of the bid, after the sword is unparalleled, there is a few people, but some power is also crazy, it has exceeded 7 billion. "

It was more than 7 tent messages before, and the last ten has been changing. It quickly disappeared soon, it was more than 6 billion.

Ranking is also gradually stable, obviously many of the five-order emperor has also reached the land of oil.

Some people have also got internal news, still waiting for their backbone treasures.

It cannot be hanged on a tree.

After a while, it is completely calm.

The ranking of swords is the seventeenth.

The three bits are seven billion grati.





"Congratulations, the twenty friends above, got the blood crystal of the beast god!"

Nalanti waved, floating twenty beast blood crystals, floating twenty heaven guards, sent by them into the VIP.

The strong people in the hall, all the eyes of the eyes, which also have some hidden five-level emperor, but this time all the people are taken.

Compared with it, it is more curious who is so lucky, and I have got twenty blood crystals.

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