Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5374 5369 Opening Breakthrough

These blood crystals are added together, tens of billions of gods, more than 100 billions of party, can gradually a small continent.

If it is a sixth order, I am afraid it will not sell, they have their own channels, they can sell the strong people who know, I am afraid the price will be higher.

I can choose to put on the auction, I will choose the auction, I am afraid it is a five-level emperor. As for the fourth-order emperor, even if the luck is bursting, I don't want to get so much blood crystal.

The treasure of the beast god, generally appear in some powerful situations, where even the sixth order monarch may fall.

The five-order Emperor will take the big luck, it is also very common.

There was a five-level emperor of the atmosphere, and I explored a fourth-order emperor's house, I got an amazing Bao.

From the ordinary five-level emperor, it has become a five-order peak, created a super family, recruiting a number of five-level emperor, and it is impossible to know how much is he gained.

More than 100 million, this transaction price, I am afraid it is the peak of this auction.

It's hard to exceed this price as if you have ten treasures of the pressure axis.

After all, the sixth order emperor came.

From the five-order episode of trillions, I am afraid I have a leader of the big forces.

For example, the emperor of the big summer, he can still mobilize hundreds of billion gods. After all, there is a whole so large.

In the room.

The sword is unparalleled with a single hand, and the bloodline is suddenly roaring when he suddenly sounds.

"This feeling, it's wonderful!"

All things are resonating with him.

Just a moment, his heart moved slightly, and the power of everything litered.

The seventh floor of the polar road began to loosen.

Nowadays, all things that have explumed are all zero, once it breaks through the seventh floor, that is, there is a source, it can be endless.


On the post of the origin, the sword is unparalleled and drunk, and the power of all things in the body will break out.

His whole person rose, and scared, helping the sword unparalleled, the heavens, the Bai Junwang, who took the school, retreat, while leaking out envious colors.

His origin, even if it is successful, it is the ultimate in the ultimate.

But now the source of the sword is unparalleled, has exceeded the ultimate way.

The ultimate sword on the side is already the seventh floor, but I encountered the sixth layer or Sussey shiver.

Looking at all the Bai Jun Wang, the bottom of the heart is mixed.

He doesn't even envy the strength of the sword, but also envious of the sorrowful identity, although it is some sad reminder, but it can restore the body of the inheritor at any time, and will continue to cultivate the Polyson Temple.

But he!

After restoring the peak, the strength reaches the peak of the peak, will the reasonsites will pay attention to him?

If there is no god to help him hide, I am afraid that I will be grabbed, not directly killing, just thrown into the second jail.

He said that the sword is unparalleled, and the mountains and other characters are thrown into the second jail. If he will restore the peak, it is not so powerful, I am afraid I can't live in a few days.

After all, there is a danger of life in the mountains.

The sword is unparalleled for him, it is a thigh that has not yet grown.

According to the sword unparalleled now, I am afraid I can catch up with his strength after the way. It is definitely the top-level force of the Polyson Temple.

It is better to give the sword without a buddy with its gods.

At least these days, and he can also see that the sword is unparalleled, now gives the sword unparalleled some help, and you will get his asylum in the future, this sale is very cost-effective.


The pillar of the source is started to break, which not only let the white Junwang pick up, but the sword is unparalleled.

The column of this source is broken, this is a special operation!

For a time, he didn't dare to break through a bit.

What is the power of the power, and the rooted sword is unparalleled, and the column of the source begins with countless cracks and will collapse at any time.

The sword is unparalleled, and some trembling.

He seems to understand it, no wonder the power of all things, there is no source, which has always been in this column center.

Now the pillar of the source collapse, he may make it thoroughly master the power.

After thinking about this, the sword is unparalleled to increase the strength.

The blood crystal of the beast was killed in hand, and the top of the top of the blood was almost engulcized, and there was no waste.

Bomb! !

The post of the origin has a tremble, and the crack has expanded to the deep lack, and there is an unprecedented force.

The highlights of the road were exploded and broke through the only one.

I have been hiding in the distance in the end of the ultimate source to explore the head, and the eye hole shrinks into a little. Dark Road: "The sword is unparalleled, the source is frying, still so much?"

If you want to remind it late, after all, it is the source of this source. He has never heard of it, or it is still in the sword. Only there is such a powerful source in this universe.

He is very vague, not to mention the road, just find that there is nothing, you can see the fighting power of the sword, he is completely surprised.

Nine Tong Damai, killing the third-order Emperor, like killing pigs, simply leaving.

Nowadays, it will break through and will fight.

This has not arrived at the limit, once it is on the end of the road, I may be able to do it.

Some Taojun of the sky, it is directly three-level emperor.

The ultimate channel or Wanao flow and some powerful special life, will go straight to the fourth-order episode when they arrive.

Like the sword is unparalleled, I am afraid that I have a five-order epidermond after the way, even if I have not arrived at the fifth-order emperor, I am afraid it is also a fourth-order peak.


Boom, the huge sound, the column of the source is completely broken, the source space begins to expand with the surprising breath.

I used to have a room for a million miles, now completely spread, and directly broke through the range of 10 billion kilometers.

Countless huge local debris floats in their own space.

There is only one column.

The ultimate way, still standing in the center of the source space.

Bai Jun Wang felty looked at everything, leaking a huge shock in the eye hole, and said: "This is a space?"

In the previous million miles, the Sword Musou Space This source has also arrived in the entry state, and there has been no improvement too much. After all, it is not an emperor.

But now this scene makes the Bai Jun Wang think of space.

Such a flying space is the evolution of the road, which has been comparable to the five-level emperor's space.

And the pieces of the column of poles, each contains extremely terrible power.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is slowly floating.

Standing on the final column of the ultimate path, glanced a circle.

The bottom is also a clear understanding of the future path.

These debris can not be retained!

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